Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 185 - To Defeat The Inquisitor (I)

Talking and do some random stuff, the time passed. The time that we awaited finally has come.

It's the time for us to attack the Inquisitor. I did check my talents and all of it were ready to be used.

"This time, the Inquisitor would be defeated!" Tehreas said.

Tehreas was couldn't wait for it anymore as well as Frudroir. But, looking at Vicar.

He didn't seem to match their level of intensity. Vicar just seems calm compared to the others.

I guess Tehreas really can't wait to get his revenge on the Inquisitor. Well, I understand why he feels that way right now.

Before we prepare to go to the place, Vicar asks me whether he thinks his idea was a good one.

"Would it be better if we use teleport to make a surprise attack on the Inquisitor, besides that way we could evade the undead army?" Vicar said.

I thought for a while as I do think that Vicar idea was a great one and could save us the hassle to fight the undead.

There were some parts of that idea that I didn't like if we were in trouble while fighting the Inquisitor and wanted to retreat.

The teleport could only be used on two people. That means that one of us will be left behind and that person would die.

Besides that, I don't think that Frudroir could be teleported with it my teleport. Just look at the size of that thing, Frudroir was just too massive.

It could work but I really doubt that will happen. With that, I told Vicar my opinion about his plan.

After listening to my opinion, Vicar the replied. "Really, you thought so. I think that the teleport could be used on Frudroir."

"Your idea wasn't bad at all but it still unsure if Frudroir could be teleported..." I said to Vicar.

"We could test it like you said my idea wasn't that bad and I do think we will not be in trouble as we have Frudroir on our side," Vicar said that to me.

"I still am not sure about that plan. It wasn't a bad idea indeed but it still wasn't that very good of an idea." I said that.

"It's a good idea ring, we might use some of the talents if we decide to go through the undead army, it also takes most of our time..." Vicar said that to me.

Well, he does have a point in that matter. Going through an undead army to reach the sanctuary will be a tough one.

We still don't know whether the undead in this world was powerful than Acres. I kind of regret that I didn't check their stats as I wouldn't think that we would fight them at all.

If I know all of this would happen, I will check their stats as well as their abilities. I should really think ahead of every

time as it would prevent me from making the same mistake once again.

After thinking it for a while about the Vicar plan, I then agree with Vicar decision on this matter as it would be the best way to invade that place.

"Thanks, ring, this plan of mine would work perfectly and we will manage to make a surprise attack towards the Inquisitor," Vicar said.

Vicar then a round of both Tehreas and Frudroir in one place to discuss his plan.

Both Tehreas and Frudroir listen carefully on Vicar plan. Tehreas agreed with Vicar plan to make a surprise attack but Frudroid on the other hand didn't agree.

"I'm a proud dragon and I wouldn't like that sort of thing! We should face our enemies at the front..." Frudroir, the dragon said when it heard about the plan.

"Really? You a proud dragon... Don't you remember that you also tried to do that with us before? Trying to do a hole under us hiding underneath the desert sand..." Tehreas said that.

Tehreas isn't wrong there with his statement as I remember that Frudroir did do that towards us.

Hearing that word from Tehreas, Frudroir then replied with a tone of dissatisfied with it.

"I was bind by the lords! It makes me do anything against my will just to make sure that I enable to kill the target." Frudroir said angrily.

With that, they both begin arguing with each other. They really didn't like being around one another from the way I look it.

I just knew that they would start arguing in a matter of time. We must stop this argument as it would do us no good.

Vicar also realizes what he needed to do now. He quickly intervened and told both of them to calm down for a moment.

"Could you both stop arguing! We're on the same side... We need to cooperate with each other." Vicar said that to both of them.

"Cooperate? I would never do that with an undead..." Frudroir, the dragon said with all of us.

"Me neither! Vicar and I would be enough to defeat the Inquisitor... You would be just a hindrance for us with your size!" Tehreas said that with Frudroir.

The argument became much worse as both of them were about to start fighting psychically and not verbally anymore.

Tehreas unsheathed his greatsword while Frudroir was about to do it desert breath once again.

We both know that Tehreas would die if he gets hit by Frudroir desert breath. Vicar quickly acts to stop this matter becoming much worse.

"Stop! It would be best if you guys weren't fighting at all... Both of you weren't each other enemies. You guys should work together not against each other." Vicar said that as he stands between them.

Both of them said that they had nothing in common and they didn't like each other company.

But Vicar denied it as he said that they have something similar to one another. That was that they both seeking revenge on the people that turn them to a monster.

Tehreas wanted to take an act of revenge on the Inquisitor while Frudroir wants its to revenge upon the lord that bind him.

"That's why you both should work together! We could make a great team and if you gonna fight, let it be until we defeated the Inquisitor and its lord." Vicar said to both of them.

After hearing that, they both stopped what they're about to do at that moment. It seems that they were beginning to realize that both of them were the same after all.

What Vicar had said just now does really do the job. I still don't think that it would make them like each other but I guess it would be sufficient enough to know that they will be in a good term until our enemies were defeated.

"You're right Vicar. I should be bothered with this petty thing as I should focus on the upcoming fight..." Tehreas said that.

"It's okay Tehreas... Let's resume our conversation about the plan, Frudroir it would be better if we make a surprise attack and I wanted your approval with this plan." Vicar said.

Frudroir thinks for a while as it doesn't like that idea very much but Frudroir had to agree as it wanted to kill the lord as quickly as possible.

With that, it was confirmed that we would gonna follow Vicar plan. Vicar then told both of them to be prepare as Vicar would use teleport right away.

He then activated teleport for Frudroir and to my surprise that it works. The teleport talent does manage to teleport Frudroir to the sanctuary as it no longer with us right now.

I wonder what the Inquisitor reaction when suddenly Frudroir appear in the sanctuary. I bet the Inquisitor would be really surprised by that.

Without wasting any more time, Vicar immediately teleported Tehreas as well and with that done. He teleported himself to the sanctuary.

When Vicar was there, the Inquisitor was already in the sanctuary and it seems that he been anticipating our arrival as they were a lot of undead inside the sanctuary.

The undead immediately surrounded both Tehreas and Vicar. We then notice something wasn't right.

Frudroir, the Ruin Desert Dragon wasn't in the sanctuary with us right now. I then think that Frudroir teleportation wasn't successful and was teleported somewhere else.

But that thought of mine soon perish as we all saw Frudroir was beside the Inquisitor.

"What are you doing, Frudroir! The inquisitor was beside you... Attack him!" Shouted Tehreas.

Instead, we heard the Inquisitor laugh as he said to all of us in here. "Foolish people! You both trust the dragon completely... You think it would be that easy to destroy the bind that my lord put on this dragon." The Inquisitor said.

Hearing that from the Inquisitor, we all realized that we been tricked by Frudroir and it leads us right into what the Inquisitor want us to be.

It's hard to believe that Vicar and I once again get deceive. We should have learned from the past lesson...

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