Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 202 - The Final Fight

"You know ring, I had a plan that I wanted to discuss with you." 

"What's this about?" 

"You heard what they had said right, I think to infiltrate Urulk house." 

"Are you crazy Vicar? We just got out of there and yet you wanted to go in back. You do know that you're putting yourself at a huge risk by going there. The whole people there might already be alert and possibly be looking for you." 

"I realize the risk but this was our only chance to meet the Inquisitor, or learn a way to get out from this place." 

"As I said, your plan was crazy. Even if you managed to meet the inquisitor, I doubt that he will tell us anything without a fight. And with your condition right now, there's no way you could win."

I don't understand why Vicar wanted to do all of this stuff, doesn't he realize that he himself wasn't strong enough to beat the inquisitor. Even if I combine my power with him, there's no chance we're going to win against the Inquisitor. 

"Ring let just do this… No matter what we do, the result will be dead. Either with fighting or staying here for a long time." 

"Are you really serious about this Vicar?" 

"I am, it's time we settle this once and for all." 

"May I ask you why you started to think this way?"

"To be honest, I had enough of this world… It's because we are constantly running away from all of the trouble, it's time for us to face it straight ahead even if it costs my life." 

When Vicar said it that way, I realized that since we arrived at this place. No matter where we go, we always escape and never have that resolve to finish the enemies off. I always say that we should retreat and face off against the enemy later but eventually, we never fight it again. 

Maybe Vicar was right if we don't fight… We would never be able to escape from this world that was created by the grimoire. 

I think I know the reason why I don't want Vicar to die, I will be all alone in this world. That's what I fear the most. Losing my friend in this world… 

"Okay then, I will follow you but let's wait a day… Make sure my skill is recharge, prepare everything we need before we go into the village once again." 

"Sure, it would be stupid of me if I'm going without any preparations." 

With that we both agreed and waited for a day in this area, Vicar checked his dagger while I saw if there's another secret feature that I had yet discovered. 

I then remember the Mode that I had activated when I was with the Bronze Knight. How did the Mode activate? If I could somehow use that Mode once again, for sure it would be a great help for Vicar in the fight. 

But there's a consequence of using that Mode, I would be reset once again and I'm back to Level 1. It was a risk that I'm willing to take if that means I could make sure Vicar wins and is able to survive. 

What did I do that time to activate that Mode? I can't seem to remember it at all…

It gives me a headache when I think about that, I just couldn't figure it out. As it was something that happened as a surprise while I didn't expect a new feature to pop out in my system. 

I guess I will put this matter aside first, better to help Vicar with his preparation. 

And so I thought we would… 




~Insanely Huge Time Skip!~

How I regretted my decision for not figuring out the way to unlock the Immortal Mode. I was so naive to think that we even had a chance on beating the Inquisitor of this place. 

We thought that all of the Inquisitors had the same power and because of that, we had lost this battle. Vicar was lying on the ground, unable to move as both of his legs were cut off by the Inquisitor. 

"Foolish human! You thought you had a chance of defeating me…" The Inquisitor laughed as he approached Vicar, "You should have taken my offer to give me your humanity yet you refuse to, because of that you had to suffer a painful death." 

I can't do anything at all, I had used up all of my talents and skills. If only I had reserved the healing talents, it could restore Vicar's leg back and all of the injuries that he had right now. 

And of course, the teleport talents that I had, we're too dumb to use it as a surprise attack. But it ended up as a failure as well. I should have saved one teleport left for this kind of situation. 

The Inquisitor grabbed Vicar's neck and lifted him up, Vicar dagger dropped to the ground. He hasn't had any strength left to retaliate at all. It seems like this was indeed the end for Vicar and me. 


Vicar suddenly said a few words but his voice was so tiny that it's was hard for me to hear. 

"You win… I will die-" Vicar coughs up a lot of blood.

"Do you want to be for mercy? Like I told you human, your chance at it was already long gone." 

"I know that… but would you tell me-" Vicar was having trouble breathing yet he still continued what he wanted to say, "Do you indeed have the power to send someone back to Acres?" 

"Hahahaha! Who do you think I am, I'm the Inquisitor… Because I'm feeling a little generous, how about I show it to you then." 

The Inquisitor snaps his finger and then there it's, a portal opens up behind the Inquisitor… Vicar was right, the Inquisitor was indeed the key for us to get out of this grimoire. 

But it was useless, even if we know that right now. There's no way for us to return back to Acres with Vicar condition right now. We could just see it in front of our eyes… as our hope crumbles. 

Still, I had yet to understand the reason why Vicar asked the Inquisitor about it. Even if the Inquisitor does that, there's no way that we could get out of here at all. Vicar had lost it leg and I couldn't use the teleport talents. He couldn't even crawl his way to the portal as the Inquisitor was lifting him right at the moment. 

"Why're you smiling!" The Inquisitor said… 

Vicar, completely ignoring what the Inquisitor said, keep on the smile on his face. 

"Only me that will be going to be dead, you will not ring." Vicar looked at me as he said that. 

I don't understand what he was going to do... "What're you talking about, Vicar?" 

"You're going to survive and get out of this world, and I'm sorry…" 

"Sorry for what!? And what nonsense are you talking about right now." 

"You once said that you wanted to change your history from being a demon lord ring to a ring that was used by a hero. You believe that I could be the hero yet I had failed… that's why I'm apologizing to you." 

"No! You have done everything you can, it was my fault for not being able to help you. Legends say that I'm the powerful ring but it was all wrong! I can't even help you right now!" 

The legends about me were indeed fake, if I was powerful like they say I would. The Inquisitor will not be a problem as we could defeat it easily. All of this was because of me… 

"Stop smiling, human!" 


The Inquisitor penetrates Vicar's body using his blade-like hand. Vicar's blood began to come out slowly as the inquisitor pulled his hand back. The Inquisitor then tosses Vicar to the ground. 

"I already said! Stop smiling…" 

"Listen ring, you're not to blame. You should choose a better master for yourself and become the greatest hero ring as you wanted. It's not me that will be the hero… but at least I'm your friend right?" 

"We're friends and there's no one else I want besides you to be my master… Didn't we make promises that we will make out of here alive together!" 

"We did but I'm afraid that I couldn't do that anymore, I'm losing my consciousness and I fear that I will soon die… So before that happens, there's one last thing I need to do." 

"You will not die and even if you're dying, we'll be-" 


[User Disconnected]

Before I could even say a word to him, with all of his might. Vicar pulled me out from his fingers and threw me straight to the portal that the Inquisitor opened up. 

"Vicar! No-" No matter how hard I scream, Vicar couldn't hear what I was saying anymore as I was already disconnected from him.

All I could do was watch him being stabbed to death by the Inquisitor… As the scene disappeared after I had gone through the portal. 

Is this my fault? 

Vicar didn't deserve that-

I was the one that forced him to become a hero… If I didn't do that, he would probably be with his sister Aliss. 

It was all me… I'm going to avenge you, I will find someone powerful enough to come into this world and kill these Inquisitors off. 

I swear as I'm the Atheas Ring… 





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