Lars looks at me, "Nope, I'm not one of the 12. To be honest I don't even believe they even exist anymore."

I then tell him that almost all the entire people in the city believe that Lars is one of the 12 holy warriors. The knight seems to think for a bit before answering, "Well I know that some people believed it, but I am really not one of the 12."

As he continues to look at me, "I already tried to convince the people that I was not one of the 12 but no one seems to believe it just because I always helping them and able to beat some dangerous monster."

Before I could speak up to Lars, the carriage that we are in gets very bumpy, almost causing Lars to fall off the plywood that he is sitting on, but somehow he manages to stay on.

The carriage rides become smooth again, I ask him why he does not believe that the 12 holy warriors still exist.

The knight looks at me and begins to tell his reason, "Because there are no more holy warriors! Because they're all dead a long time ago, just that the 12 holy warriors exist when the world was still threatened by the demon lord and also the fact that their epic battle was 80 thousand years ago, I can't believe that they will survive that long."

After he explained his reasons, I think to myself that it's sad that they already died from old age. Lars's reason seems to be right as they probably didn't live that long. I then ask the knight that how could he become so strong.

He begins to laugh at your question and say something in between these two languages that sounded pretty retarded, "Because of my daily training of course!!"

The way he said it sounded like he thought it was obvious. "Yeah but I am curious how you get so strong... do you receive blessings from the god?"

The knights stop laughing and turns serious as he gives me an answer that will most likely disappoint me, "No there isn't. Just daily training, we didn't need a blessing from God to be strong. Humans have the abilities and will be able to increase them, if not in magic then in swordsmanship.

We continue our conversation and I ask a lot about this world as I am still new in this world. I seem to enjoy this conversation. I feel like I already know many things about this world just from talking to the bronze knight. I am really glad that I met him.

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