Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 31 - Ripper's Crypt (I)

The knight then grabs the adventurer's body and examine it. We find that he has been dead for quite some time. The bones have mostly decayed, leaving only a few some remaining flesh.

We hear a bunch of voices coming from the adventurer's skull. The adventurer's skull speaks in a demonic voice. "Who dares disturb my rest? The curse of the crypt has not been lifted, and I will feast on your flesh!" Suddenly, the adventurer's head bust open and his skull comes popping out.

The skull floating in the air and about to attack us, the knight quickly grab a rusty sword off the dead adventurer's body and prepare to fight. The knight swing at the skull, but it easily deflects the knight blade.

The skull laughs at us. "I'm not the only one here. There are many more who have made this place their crypt.

I told the knight to run as that skull is dangerous, we quickly run away but the adventurer's skull chases us. The knight feels his grasp on his back and turns around to face him but another adventurer's skull appears in front of us.

"You have no hope of escaping our gaze," it says.

After the skull finish what he says, we hear a bunch of whispers coming from all around us. We look and see hundreds of skeletons standing up. They begin to advance towards us. The knight saw the other adventurer's nearby have been moved to stand.

"We are in serious trouble, I don't know we will survive this or not," I say that to the knight as I thought that this will be the end of us.

The knight smile and says, "I know you might this I am weak because you see that I been defeated by the unknown wasp but this skeleton gonna be a piece of cake."

"Magic Light!" The knight cast a small ball of light into the air, and it illuminates the entire crypt. I can clearly see the hundreds of skeletons that are advancing towards us. The knight points his left hand towards the skeletons, and one by one of them begins to burst into flame.

The skull seems to be surprised by the knight's abilities, "You've destroyed my army. How did you do that so easily?"

"I used some simple light magic." The knight says it spontaneously.

"Impossible, I've made sure that anyone on place can't use light magic." The skull narrowed his eyes and it seems like he realizes something. "Only the 12 holy warriors can dispel my magic, you are one of them!"

"Maybe? But the reason why your army is defeated is that they are only skeletons." The knight bluff. I also somehow started to think that he is one of them but the thought of it quickly disappears after I remember that he loses to the wasp.

The skull laughs at the knight. "Try to bluff me? I'll make you suffer for that." He says as the bones surround him go to him and forming his body. We notice that the adventurer's bones have begun to grow back together to create the skull body. We see his arms, legs, and ahead.

The skull raises his hand and says "Executioner Reaver!"

The skull begins to form something that made of pure energy. It's not quite formed, but we can already see that it's a scythe. After the skulls finish forming his weapon, he says, "Brave adventurer! I am Carcharoth, The Undead Ripper. Hahaha! Now you will know the pain I felt when you destroyed my army!"

Carcharoth attacks the knight using his scythe but the knight able to easily deflect all of its attacks with his shield.

"This will not be a cinch compared to what else I've faced!" The knights say that and then swing the rusty sword at the Carcharoth, but he easily dodges it.

"Is this all you've got? I expected more from you!" Carcharoth laughs at the knight.

When the knight about to attack, he looks at his rusty sword and notice that it has begun to turn into dust. "What the?!"

The skull begins to laugh at the knight again, "Ha ha ha hahaha! You're weak! I've said this before, and I'll say it again. You had no chance against me."

The skulls about to attack the knight with his scythe. The knight quickly grabs his shield and hold it in front of him, but Carcharoth quickly grabs it and throws it to the ground. Carcharoth then begins to choke the knight with his hands. "What a resilient knight."

The skulls stop choking the knight and he says, "I will give you an offer to join my undead army? How about that.."

"I don't like being dead so...well. I have to decline that offer!" The knight saw this as a chance and fire a beam of light straight into Carcharoth's chest. He lets out a scream of pain.

Suddenly, the skulls begin to glow. It then disappears and its place is a demon. He begins to laugh insanely.

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