The bronze knight notices something about the banshee as it was different from the usual banshee and he told me about it. This banshee has horn-like most of the demon, and her size is quite big from others.

I don't know if it was different from the rest as I never have seen banshee in my life, I only saw an art about them when I was still a human. I then procced to check his stats as I could find something about her.

[Elder Banshee] Level 63

HP: 31,000

MP: 80,000


Str- 0/100

Dx- 0/100

Ag- 0/100


Int- 89/100

Perception- 71/100

Charisma- 6/100


Magic- 89/100

Resistance- 44/100

The banshee stats are quite high especially her magic stats. The other thing that I notice is she is identifiy as an Elder Banshee. I don't know if it's a normal thing for a banshee but I think the title Elder is something that we must aware of.

I told the bronze knight regarding her type and stats but when the knight hears I say that she is an elder banshee. The knight was quite shocked at it as he seems to finally solved something.

"Listen, an Elder Banshee is a rare entity and they are very dangerous. To think that we encounter one here, we must be very lucky." The bronze knight said that to me as he raised his shield.

"It seems like you know who am I. I'm indeed an Elder Banshee or also known as Undead Phantom and the one who been blessed by the first demon lord." She then opens her mouth and screams towards us.

I don't know why she does that but the knight quickly dodged it. But when I look behind I know why the bronze knight dodged that, most of the tree behind us were broken apart by the scream.

"Few, It was a close one... Just to think that you have a malevolent scream that could kill me." Before the knight could say any other things, the scream kept coming out from the Elder Banshee.

The bronze knight quickly dodged the next one but because there is no delay on the scream wave, the knight was hit by the scream and was blown away by it. When the scream wave hit the knight, the elder banshee laugh.

"Are you okay?" I asked the knight as he was lying on the ground. He sustained minor injuries as his armor protected him but because of that, the bronze knight armor has holes in it.

"I'm fine... I thought that it would not hurt this much if I get hit by one." The knight stands back on his two feet as he finally starts to use his magic in this battle.

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