Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 56 - Atheas Mode

"Stand up knight! You must dodge the scream or else..." The bronze knight tried to stand back up but he cannot as already suffer a lot of damage by the elder banshee malevolent scream.

I check my passive skill whether it can be used now or still on cooldown, I really hope they are not or else the bronze knight will die by the scream. I quickly open up my skill menu to see.


-Accessing Skill Menu-

-Load Complete-

>Terna (Unlocked) >Skill Level 1/Blessings (On Cooldown)

>Acrest (Unlocked) >Skill Level 1/ Mark of Crest (On Cooldown)

Damnit! They both still on cooldown, it's been a few days since we use it to battle against the wasp and yet they are still on cooldown. I don't bother to see the talents' skill as I know that would surely still be on cooldown too.

"I can't do anything! Even though I'm the legendary Atheas Ring that people feared back then..." I feel so useless now as I will witness the bronze knight death. I could hear the elder banshee scream and in a few seconds, it will hit the knight.

In that few seconds, I wonder why the Atheas Ring is so powerful back then and the only reason that I could think off is that the ring holds no power at all as it just an accessory for the demon lord, the actual power come from the demon lord itself and not the ring.

"There is no way that this ring has any special abilities left or any hidden mode." Suddenly my system opens up a new menu as I forgot to close my menu when accessing the skill.

-Access Mode-

-Loading Mode-

>Atheas Immortal Mode > (Unlockable)

=Entering this mode will...

>Atheas ....>

=Entering .....

While I was in this new menu, the knight was already hit by the scream and it leaves me no time to read the description or anything else at all. The only thing that I could see is the Atheas Immortal Mode that is unlockable. I quickly say unlock the immortal mode as it has the word immortal in it.

>Atheas Immortal Mode (Unlock)

-Resetting All...


-Linking Complete

-Close Menu

-Restoring Vision

When I had my vision restore the knight was already on the ground, I thought as I was too late and maybe the skill didn't work at all as it stated that it resetting all. But to my surprise that the bronze knight suddenly coughs up blood and still conscious.

"Are you okay Knight?" I ask him and this time he replied to me that he feels fine and he was confused that he was still alive and should be dead by that scream already.

"Thanks for using your skill... I don't know what skill you use but I feel like my energy been to restore or something." He tried to stand up from the ground and this time he was able to stand up.

The elder banshee was surprised that the bronze knight was still alive and she uses her malevolent scream once again but this time the knight wasn't blown away by the scream as he was able to just withstand it.

"It hurts...but why am I still alive." The knight was also confused with this situation.

I check the bronze knight stats and see something unusual about it and I figure out what the Atheas Immortal Mode was.

[Bronze Knight] Level 79

HP: 1/10,000

MP: 0/7,000

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