Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 69 - Back To Town

I never felt so happy to be back, I think it's been a week we been in Dalgueil Forest. But at the same time, I do realized something. My adventure with the bronze knight has came to an end as he already bring back Aliss.

The cart finally stop as we arrived at our destination, we then came out from the cart. The bronze knight told Aliss that she should see her father at once as he might be worried alot.

"Could you accompany me Sir Lars? I'm afraid to meet my father as I disobey his order..." Aliss said that as I could see her fear.

"I'm sorry, I need to go to the guild and report what had happen in the forest... Besides you already have someone with you." The bronze knight point his finger towards me.

Aliss seems to be still hestitant about it. Seeing her like this, the knight couldn't stand it. "Fine! I tag along with you until you meet your father."

The knight sure was a nice guy after all. We then headed to the Aliss house or his father manor. It took just a few minutes to get there and as soon we arrived infront of the manor gate.

The guardsmen look at us in suprised and one of them start shouting, "The young lady finally back! Tell the Sir Allen immediately..." Hearing that, an another guardsman started running into the manor.

The one who guard the gate smile towards us and open the gate of the manor immediately. He then thanks the bronze knight for bringing the young lady back and told us that Sir Allen afraid that the knight would not make it as their were rumors that the forest had strong monster.

The bronze knight laugh hearing that word, I think I could tell why the knight laugh as it ain't just a rumors. He almost dead fighting those monster and then I recall about a monster that we hadn't defeated, the giant wasp.

"But of course, just a simple monster couldn't ever beat one of the 12 holy warriors.." The guardsman said. The knight did say he wasn't one of the 12 but the guardsman thought the knight just being humble. "Again with those jokes, everyone knows that you one of them... no one can rival your power."

I know now why the knight really dislike the subject about 12 holy warriors, everyone seems to think that he was the one but the knight wasn't atcually one. He was indeed powerful but again I have seen monster that could overpowerd him. Because the 12 holy warriors did defeat the first demon lord and that's mean their are much more stronger.

I then realized that my assumption about the bronze knight not being one of the 12 holy warriors might be wrong. He didn't battle some lowly forest monster, he defeated Carcharoth the reaper and an Elder Banshee the one who received the first demon lord blessings. I had my doubts as for the knight and also realized that I known little about him.

While I was busy thinking about the knight, I didn't realized that we already in the manor. There I saw Aliss father, Sir Allen cried when he saw his daughter. He immediately hug Aliss as I could tell from his face that he was indeed worry about Aliss.

"Are you okay? Aliss" Sir Allen tear came out from his eyes. Aliss also hug her father tightly as she apologized for her action.

"I'm sorry father, I've should listen to you... I know now that I'm not cut to be an adventerur, I didn't want to die."

"No Aliss, it's my fault... I should had realized the reason you want to be an adventurer, you don't want to get marry right?"

Aliss still cried as she said, "It's true that I did want to escape from the marriage, I also wanted to be an adventurer like mother... but I know that I can't be like mother..."

I doesn't know how long this will go on, I was indeed happy for Aliss and her father but this take way to long. After a few minutes of crying and apology, they finally stop as Sir Allen apologized to the knight for making him waiting. He then told one of his guardsman to bring the reward for rescuing Aliss.

The bronze knight quickly refuse the reward before the reward even there, "Sir Allen, I didn't want reward, I help all those in need."

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