Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 7 - The Talents

I took a few minutes to read all of the talents that my system had given me.

-Sprint (Locked)-

>Allow users to gain a 70% movement speed for 20 minutes and remove any speed reduction effect on the user. After the talents have been activated, the user may use it again after 7 hours.

-Purify (Locked)-

>Allow users to gain immunity to any kind of spell for 6 minutes and removes any buff or debuff that been apply before using this talent. After the talents have been activated, the user may use it again after 14 hours.

-Heal (Locked)-

>Allow users and party members to instantly recover 15% of their health, gain a 3% movement speed for 20 seconds. After the talents have been activated, the user may use it again after 15 hours.

-Execute (Locked)-

>Allow users to kill enemies that have below 20% of health instantly. If the user uses this talent with an enemy that was not below 20% of health, it will just give 180 damage and 1.5 seconds of stun. After the talents have been activated, the user may use it again after 32 hours.

-Disrupt (Locked)-

>Allow users to disable any magic casting within a 10-meter radius from the user for 15 seconds. Increase user perception of any magic caster nearby by 30% for 8 minutes. After the talents have been activated, the user may use it again after 14 hours.

-Enrage (Locked)-

>Allow users to gain 60% of attack speed for 3 minutes and damage boost by 10% for 1 minute. After the talents have been activated, the user may use it again after 9 hours.

-Punish (Locked)-

>Allow users to deal 300 damage to an enemy instantly if the enemy manages to deal 5% of damage to the user, the affected enemy will also lose 26% of their attack damage for 3 minutes. After the talents have been activated, the user may use it again after 16 hours.

-Teleport (Locked)-

>Allow users to teleport to the last visited town or city instantly. One people will only use the teleportation; this talent can be used upon any party member. After the talents have been activated, the user may use it again after 24 hours.

-Magister (Locked)-

>Allow users to cast any spell without any cost of magic instantly. The users also gain 30% of armour increase when casting a more extended spell. After the talents have been activated, the user may use it again after 24 hours.

-Daze (Locked)-

>Allow users to stun all enemies within a 5-meter radius for 0.45 seconds. The user also will deal 40% more damage to the first two enemies. After the talents have been activated, the user may use it again after 18 hours.


-The talents effect and cooldown will have an increase if the users and the wearer have levelled up to a specific point.-

All the talents were pretty good, and the effect and the cooldown will be increase if I and my wearer level up. It made me think for a while, and I decided that I will skip this talent menu as it may be a bad option to choose now.

The talent will be useless if my wearer classes are different from what I had chosen. "So I guess I better know my wearer class first then I will head back to this talent menu again."

Next is the skill menu!

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