Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 77 - Back On Plan

I see how marriage in this world works likes now, it's not that different from my world. I had some questions about why Aliss didn't like Linceo as he was quite well looking from my perspective.

I then ask my owner the same question and she simply replied that she didn't like Linceo. Even though at the same time my owner also thinks that Linceo was a good looking man but she just doesn't love him. Aliss also said that she wanted to achieve her dream first before falling in love.

"Dream? Is this about you trying to be an adventurer."

"Yes but after that incident, I feel scared about becoming one."

If that happened to me, I'm one hundred percent sure that I would not have become an adventurer after that. It was quite a scary experience, I might just have become a farmer instead and live my life peacefully after experiencing that kind of event.

Looking at Aliss's face, I know that she was uncertain about her dream right now. 

"But you still wanted to be an adventurer right?"

"I'm not sure, I think I've lost all my courage to become one."

I don't know what to say to comfort Aliss, I know that horrifying incident happen in the forest because I was there too but we both have different experiences there. I had the bronze knight to accompany me while Aliss was all alone. The worst part was getting her body possessed by a Elder Banshee. 

"Hey Aliss... May I know the reason why you wanted to be an adventurer, is it solely because you want to be like your mother?"

Aliss smiled as she replied to my question, "Well, It's not solely because of my mother but there's also another reason…. I promised someone that I would become an adventurer but sadly I had forgotten about it all this year but somehow I'm slowly starting to recall it."

I became intrigued about the promise but I wasn't sure whether I should ask about it or not. After a quick debate with myself, I then proceed to ask about it as the conversation continued 

"Promise? to whom..."

"It was a promise to Vicar, we both made a promise when we were young." Aliss smiled as she stared at the blue sky.

"Hmm... could you explain the story if you don't mind."

"You already know that my mother died when I was very young and I was all alone in the house. I was six years old back then and my father brought me a playmate, it was Vicar. Vicar was ten at that time. At first, I hated Vicar but after a few months later it all changed, we became friends..."

"I don't mind if you wanted to tell me the full story but you could've at least told me how the promise happened."

"You're the one who asked me to explain the story, you should've just told me that you just wanted to listen in on the promise part only. The promise happened when we were both chasing each other and I tripped. I hit the ground and then I cried, there was Vicar standing and lending his hand to help me get up..." Aliss kept telling me the story.

How long will it take to get to the promise part, it's like listening to the whole story. But then again, I'm the one who asked for it. I will continue to listen to the whole story. It took about five minutes for Aliss to finally tell the part I wanted to hear the most.

"I told my dream to Vicar and he laughed at it, he says that an adventurer is lame as because he wanted to be a hero. I laughed back at him as there's no way that he will become a hero. But that was our dreams and we made a promise to each other that if one of us can't be like we wanted, either one of us needs to be one we dream to be."

I thought that the promise part would've been exciting but it was just bland. Aliss then stood up and said that we will be continuing our original plan for today. That was to find Vicar in the slums.

I almost forgot about it because of what happened in the morning. I agreed with Aliss that with the need to find Vicar as he will be involved in the huge problem soon. Aliss said that Vicar was the one that gave her the ring.

We then go to the slums like we planned yesterday but something unexpected happens. When we were at the outer slums area, we saw 10 guardsmen that worked for the Steenswiss Household in the outer slums as well.

It seems like they were looking for someone as they kept asking people around that place. It could only mean one thing, Sir Allen told his guards to find Vicar as it was the only possible conclusion to why the guardsmen were here. We both hoped that they won't find Vicar before us.

Aliss understood the situation as well and tries to avoid getting seen by the guardsmen. She knows that she was the one responsible for this matter, she was the one who got Vicar into this mess by saying Vicar's name in front of her father.

"Aliss! Follow my instructions... I know a way to get to the slums without using this route..."

"I thought this is the only way to get to the slums..." Aliss responded.

"This path is the easiest way to enter but there are others routes we can use. Vicar used these paths to get to his place once."

"Are the other paths to the slums dangerous?" She asked worryingly.

"Of course not, when did I say it was dangerous. It is just not the easiest way and takes more time to get to the slums by using that route."

"Okay, let's not waste any more time then. We need to reach Vicar first, I don't know what would happen if my fathers guardsmen finds him first." 

I do wonder what will happen if they find Vicar first, will Sir Allen punish him? For now, I just need to lead Aliss to the slums using the alternative path. The other way to get to the slums was to move back to the noble district, there should be a path that leads to the slums.

I told Aliss the direction to the slums and also told her to avoid any people along the way especially the one who knows my owner. They might notice that we are going to the slums and alert Sir Allen.

"Go to the right!"

"Is this the place? This is where the nobles throw their trash out... how does it connect to the slums anyway?"

"I bet you didn't know there was way into the slums through the trash area cause likelyhood the nobles don't go deep into the trash area... Just keep on going Aliss and you'll see."

Aliss then walked deeper in the trash area, she covers her nose due to that she didn't like the smell from the trash. I could see the disgusted face on Aliss when she saw a dead mouse lying on the ground but even with that, Aliss stomached it and proceeds to walk past all of the disgusting waste.

And there Aliss sees the way to the slums, the nobles never knew about it and the only people who knew were the people of the slums.

"So let us go to the slums?"

"Yes, let's go... we must hurry and find Vicar, or else he will encounter fathers guardsmen soon."

With my directions, I pointed out where Vicar is located within the slums. When we arrive in the dark alley, Vicar and his mother was not there. Instead, there were a few men and they were staring at Aliss. I got a bad feeling about these men.

"Are you sure this is the spot?"

"I'm sure...I guess they've moved from this place."

Suddenly one of the men that were staring at Aliss said something, "Young Laaaady? You are beeeeautiful... miiiind if I take you on a da-ddate..." It seems like that man was drunk. 

Aliss ignored that man as she was too busy thinking about the problem that she has caused. The man was persistance were he kept asking Aliss, again and again, he then lost his patience as he pins Aliss on the ground.

"Y-Yo-You daaare to ignooore m-mee... but n-nooo wooorrys, I'll make yeeer f-feel good..."

Aliss realized that something terrible was going to happen, she tried to fight back but the mans grip is much more powerful to get off. All she could do was scream for help.

I thought to myself I couldn't do anything and all I could do is to pray that someone will hear my scream and my prayer to help me. 

"Help! Help! Someone!"

"N-Nooo one will he-hear you, lady..."

I thought that no one heard hers scream but suddenly a rock was thrown and hit the man in the head, because of the pain the grips loosen and Aliss was able to free herself from that man. The man screamed in agony as his head starts to bleed.

Aliss turns her head to the direction where the rock was thrown from and there she sees a silhouette from the distance and she was suprised there he was the one that they were searching for.

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