Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 90 - Monster Anywhere!

I thought that Vicar's skill would be extraordinary but it seems my expectation was too high for him. It was just a cloak spell that could make the users and any people near him invisible. I expected that to be some cool skills, I guess I was wrong then. I do wonder why he wouldn't use that skill back then when we were surrounded by all of the undead skeletons 

We were lucky that we could escape the Murkshell with the cloak spell, we run deeper into the area where there were big trees to avoid the murkshell. Vicar has undone his cloak spell and we became visible again, even though he kills my expectation, I was still surprised that he can use the spell. I remember that he said he can't use any spell at all. 

"Fewh, glad that we could escape those things." Vicar was panting. 

"Do you care to explain something?" I said with some serious tone. 

"Explain what?" Vicar looks confused. 

"About the spell that you just used..." 

"Oh! This is a cloaking spell, one of the skills I learned from my mother." 

"I know what spell that was! I thought you said that you can't use any spell and why didn't you use it when we are surrounded by the undead skeletons..." 

"About that... Errrm... I'm sorry, it's just I don't want anyone to know I can use some spell or magic."

"I don't understand why would you don't want anyone to know about it but you should use it back then, you would not need to jump the cliff if you had used it," I said that angrily. 

"Look, man! There's a reason why I didn't use the cloak spell back then." 

"What's the reason? Tell me then..." 

"I could only use the cloak spell in the night as it required the moonlight and there's no use using it cause the undead skeletons could see it right through the cloak spell anyways." 

"The skeletons could see us? Shouldn't we be invisible to them?"

"Undead type is different from any monsters, the reason why it can see us even we were invisible was because the undead has a special trait call Life-seeker." 

"Life Seeker?" 

"Don't tell me that you didn't even know about it, well I can blame you cause you came from another world. Let me explain, Life Seeker allows the undead to see every living thing. As long as the heart's beating, they could see that person." 

This was the first time I heard that sort of thing, I guess we should never mess with the undead in this world. Now I know why Vicar didn't use that cloak spell of his, I think that I owe him an apology as I was getting angry towards him. I should ask him calmly and should be easily angry. There so much that different in the world compared to the fantasy anime that I watch. 

"I'm sorry about earlier." 

"It's fine... I should tell you about my skill too and the undead skeletons." 

"So where do we go now? Should we head back to the campfire..." 

"I think it's better that we not go back there, I do notice some shell near the campfire."

"Then we stay in this place until the morning comes?" 

"That's our only option unless you want to try to go back to the town, it's your called."

"Either one of the options you gave is safe, let me think for a while."

Staying here would be dangerous as we don't know what dangers might lurk between the trees. Trying to find the way back to the town in the night would be dangerous too. While I was still hesitating to choose which options should I take, we hear a sound nearby. 

It was a howling sound, it must be a pack of a wolf. Vicar looks around, he being cautious as the wolf might appear between the trees. I suggest he use the cloak spell again but he replied that he can't as it requires a lot of mana. He only can cast one per day as that was his limit. 

I check his stats and noticed that his MP was nearly gone as he had ten out of ninety left. I don't know why bad things always happen around me. I guess the god that created this world really bless me with bad luck. Vicar picks up a branch in the ground and uses it as a weapon. 

A wolf comes out from between the trees and it saw us. The wolf came to approach us slowly as it keeps its eye lock on us. Vicar didn't move an inch, I could see that Vicar was scared as there no place to run. Eli on the other hand did not react at all as she just clinging with Vicar. 

I think Vicar could handle this wolf as there was only one of it here. I also already check the wolf stats and it was a normal type of wolf. The only thing that I afraid of was if another wolf would appear, it's would be troublesome if that happens. 

"Vicar, do you think you could fight it?" 

"Maybe not, I don't have anything that could kill it... this branch doesn't look too sturdy and it might break with one hit."

"Should we run then?

"The wolf would catch us even if we run now..." 

Why does this always happen and our option will be only left with one, a dangerous option. But why do I have a feeling that we would survive this, I guess it because that always happens to me. 

Vicar in his battle stance while Eli was behind him, he was preparing for that wolf to attack him at any time now. The wolf then leaps forward, Vicar was about to hit the wolf at that moment but suddenly an arrow pierces the wolf head. 

The wolf falls to the ground because of that arrow. Vicar kicked the wolf, the wolf was indeed dead by that arrow. Where did the arrow come from? Are there any more monsters in this place?. Vicarlooksk around to see who the one that releases the arrow. 

Between the shadows of the trees, we saw something approaching us. It was silhouettes of a human being, Vicar shouted that if you're human rise your hand or Vicar will hit him with this branch. That thing rise his hand and walk towards us. 

With that,t we confirm that whoever that might be was a human cause he or she understand what Vicar saying. We finally can see who was this person that saved our lives, it was a man equipped with a bow. He has mustaches that really weird but it doesn't matter as he has our gratitude. 

"Thank you... Umm Sir?" 

"The name is Tane, no need to call me sir. Looking at you we might be at the same age, may I ask what are you doing here at nights?"

Vicar didn't know how to answer it as he tells me to think you replied that answer. I know that we couldn't say that we fall from the cliff as we tried to escape from the undead skeletons. He then might ask more about what happened. I then told Vicar to just make up some stories. 

Tane glare at us and it's seems that he notices something. We both thought that he found us suspicious or something like that as he been looking at Vicar all this time. He finally said something towards Vicar. 

"Oh! Sorry... You must be here for some personal reason, I should have realized it sooner cause there were only two of you." 

What does he mean by that? some personal reasons. It took me a few minutes to understand what he meant, obviously, he thinks that Vicar and Eli were a lover that wanted some privacy. Eli does look quite young, I wouldn't blame him for thinking that. On the other hand, Vicar still didn't understand it. 

"What do you mean? We are here..." He stutter when I told him what Tane meant for some personal reason. Vicar immediately denied the fact that he and Eli was a lover and came here to do some personal stuff, he said it loudly towards Tane. 

Tane just smiles and says, "That was normal to be embarrassed, there not many people want to do at the forest anyway."

"This girl and I didn't have any relationsh.i.p.s at all, we just here because..." Vicar stops as he didn't think any reason to say. 

"Because of some personal reason that you too embarrassed to mention right?" He smiles. 

"Vicar! Just play along with was in his thinking right now or you want to tell him the actual reason..." I said to Vicar. 

He agrees to what I was saying. Vicar didn't have that much of a choice either as he didn't want to tell what actually had happened, he had to play along in this current situation.

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