Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 98 - Fighting This Pesky Rats

"I don't sure with this stick I could kill ten of them." Vicar shows the stick that he currently holding in his right hand, I could tell that the stick would be broken if he tried to hit the giant rat. 

Tane looks at the stick in Vicar's hand as he smiles. He then said, "Yeah, the stick will snap into two if you attack with it. You couldn't even handle one of the giant rats with that."

Tane put his hand in the pouch, he seems to be searching for something. He then pulled out a dagger and toss it towards Vicar. Vicar catches the dagger, he unsheathes the dagger from the sheath and realizes that this was a brand new dagger. 

"You give me this? Isn't this brand new..."

"I'm just lending you that, just give me back after we kill all of the giant rats," Tane said that while he seems to be still searching for something in his pouch. 

"Oh okay, thanks for lending this dagger for me. This is much better than the stick." 

Tane then pulled out something from his pouch, it seems to be a ring. When I look closely, it was a silver ring. If was not mistaken, the silver ring was usually a stats booster ring for an adventurer. If Tane had it that kind of ring, he surely was an adventurer. 

Normal people with a normal life wouldn't even buy it when I think about it for a while. I realize that maybe he bought that because he lives in the woods and it's kinda dangerous. Tane also already told us that when he searching for herbs, there might be a chance for a monster to appear. 

Still, I was surprised that he had that a stats booster ring. When he equip the ring, I check his stats and I could see that Tane agility, dexterity, and perception attributes increased. Each of that attribute been added ten more points making him stronger and quicker. 

No wonder he said that he would handle twenty of the giant rats alone. I somehow worry about Vicar all of the sudden, how could he fight under these circ.u.mstances. His stats were below average and he does not have any skill other than that cloak spell. 

Besides that with Eli clinging to him all the time, it would be impossible for him to move around freely. I then ask him whether he really could handle ten of the giant rats alone. Vicar then confidently said to me that he would be fine. I had to believe him as that's the only thing I could do, believe in him. 

Tane said something, "Vicar comes here!" 

Vicar realized that his name was being called by Tane, he then approaches him as he wonders why Tane was calling his name. 

"Mind me to tell you that my plan to fight this pesky giant rat."

I was not expecting that Tane had some sort of plan, where has he have the time to think about it. He must be a genius or something, Even I isn't able to think of a plan or even trying to think of it, I thought the plan was already set that was Tane killed twenty and Vicar killed the rest of it. 

"You have a plan? I thought we already had a plan or do you don't believe that I couldn't deal with ten of them myself." Vicar does have the same thinking like me, did he wanted to change the original plan. 

"No, I believe that you could handle ten of them perfectly fine. It's just I have some additional plans if we managed to do that. We could wipe them easily."

"Additional plan? I'm in... so could tell me about it then." 

"Nice, I know you would agree. What I suggesting is..." Tane then started to explain what the additional plan was. We both listen to it very carefully as we didn't want to miss out on the important detail of it. 

Tane suggests that he would stay on the back as Vicar act as our vanguard. He would tank all of the attacks and in the meantime, Tane would shoot the arrows towards the giant rats. If Vicar could kill as many of the giant rats as he could, it would be better. 

Vicar was doubting in this plan as he could be dead by acting as the vanguard. He also worried that the arrows will be shot into him instead of the giant rats. What worse will be that if the giant rats were able to bite him, he would be poison. 

But Tane convinces that it would be fine, he doesn't have to worry about Tane missing a shot as he said that he never misses one before. About the poison, he has some poison antidote potion and a healing potion. Both of the potions were high grade one. So the poison or the wound will easily be healed by it. 

Hearing that, Vicar somehow agreed to be the vanguard. I didn't know that this was a good idea or not as it could go wrong. I just hope that it would not, I tried to get rid of all of the possibilities that it might fail as I tried to think that it would work out fine. 

With all of the preparations complete, we all headed towards the place which had the giant rats. As the plan, Vicar quickly goes in front and act as the vanguard. The giant rats notice our presence and turned their gaze towards Vicar. 

All of them rushed to Vicar but we could see that Tane arrows hit the giant rats' head. It was an instant death for the giant rats. Tane was able to kill six of them, the reset that hasn't been killed yet surrounds Vicar and started to attack him. 

It was really tough as Vicar only had a dagger, he was bitten and slash much time just to protect Eli that doesn't do anything. Eli was a liability for Vicar as because of she, Vicar had gotten so many injuries. Even so, Vicar still standing up and tried to attack the rest of giant rats. 

He was able to kill two of them, the first one he killed was using the stick he holding in his right hand. He was able to impale the first giant rats in the eyes using the stick. He stabs the impaled giant rats using the dagger. The second was simply a pure of luck as Vicar managed to land a single decisive strike to it. 

In the meantime, Tane was able to kill most of the giant rats. It took almost eleven minutes to able to kill all of the giant rats in the place. I was surprised that Vicar still standing even after all the attacks he received. When the battle was over, he collapsed as began to felt the pain from his wound and poison. 

Tane then immediately rushed towards Vicar, he quickly takes out the antidote and the healing potion and made Vicar drink both of them in one go. The potions were indeed very effective, just in a second the wounds on Vicar body closed up. I also could see that Vicar began to relax a bit as the poison effect gradually gone with the help of the antidote. 

"Are you okay Vicar?" Tane asks as he was worried about him, he knows that because of his plan. He had to put Vicar in danger to able this plan work out. 

"I'm fine..." Vicar said it with a low voice. It seems that it still taking time to heal up Vicar, he taken a lot of damage so no wonder it would take much longer time to heal. 

"But still you was a tough man Vicar. If it was me, I think I couldn't handle it." Tane said that towards Vicar, I had the same thought as well. No man would be brave enough to act as a vanguard where you could died. 

"It's all depends if you believe or not." 

"I guess your are right Vicar, it's all about whether we believe or not." 

The potions heal up Vicar completely in a few minutes later. After that we climbed back the ladder as we was able to see the sunlight once again. Vicar close back the manhole cover, I'm glad that for once we were able to escape something without any problems. 

But now we had to think how we would be able to get past the main gate of this town. If the guardsmen saw Vicar face, it would bring problem to us all. Tane then ask Vicar what our plan next, Vicar said to think how to get into the town without the guardsmen notice him. 

We all was thinking of a plan until suddenly some unfamiliar voice called us out. We look at who was calling us here and how could the be any other person here. It's our bad luck as it was the person we wish to avoid at all cost.

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