AN: Ok, I thought the scheduler worked for Monday but I guess not. Hopefully the scheduler chapter tomorrow works.


Rogue: "Hello Mother"

Rogue watched as 'Mystique' stepped inside the room. 'Mystique' hasn't even finished 2 steps when Rogue noticed something was wrong. She didn't know what it was so she looked at 'Mystique' closely. She kept her eyes on 'her' and didn't even blink.

After seeing 'Mystique' walk a few more steps, she knew what was wrong. The way 'she' walked was wrong. It looked only a little bit familiar for her at most.

Mystique would go out and leave Rogue lots of times when she was a kid. For Rogue, Mystique wasn't with her as much as she wanted. Rogue knew her mother was out there helping others like her so she didn't complain. Instead, to compensate, she just enjoyed the times when she was with her.

She looked at her closely. She wanted to remember as much of her memories with Mystique as possible.

They may not share a lot of memories together but Rogue was always there when Mystique left and when she returned. She knew how Mystique walks.

The one in front of her isn't her mother. The 'Mystique' in front of her may look like Mystique but she knew this person wasn't her.

Rogue: "Stop right there."

Mystique: "Look. I know you're angry at me. But can we at least talk a little closer?"

Rogue: "You're not her. Who are you?"

'Mystique': "What are you talking about? Don't you recognize the person who raised you?"

Rogue: "I've been raised by a shapeshifter. I know better than to trust you based on how you look. Do you really think I wouldn't know you're not her?"

'Mystique': "What. are you talking about?"

Rogue: "Stop it. I know you're not her. You can't even walk like a woman properly, much less walk like her."

Tony was shocked. He thought he imitated Mystique as much as he could but apparently it wasn't enough.

He knew he wouldn't be able to get past the conversation stage but he expected to at least get close enough for an eye to eye conversation. He wasn't even able to make a few steps after stepping inside, much less get close enough.

He thought about how he could turn this around but none of the ideas could work immediately. He decided to give up. He looked back at the door.

Tony: "Hey, I thought she hated you? How come she knows I'm not you as soon as I walked in?"

Mystique walked from behind the door.

Mystique: "Hello, Marie. Or should I call you Rogue now?"

Mystique just got in the room when Rogue also stopped her.

Rogue: "Wait. How do I know you're really you?"

Mystique: "Do you really want me to answer that? He might be you're last chance for a relationship you know?"

Rogue: "What are you talking about?"

Tony: "Oh right."

Tony transformed back to himself. He then went and introduced himself. He made sure to emphasize that he wasn't originally a shapeshifter, to begin with.

Rogue: "What are you saying?"

Tony: "I'm saying. I can do this."

He then walked towards and grab her hands. He removed the gloves she had on and went to touch her skin.

When he made contact with her, Tony had his Symbiote bond with her.

After he did this, the Symbiote started bonding with some of Rogue's cells. He then used his Symbiotes as a scanner to look at her genetic structure.

There may be (approx) 3 Billion base pairs to sift through but Tony already had 'some' experience thanks to his research. He knew some basics of mutant genetics such as which ones can affect the powers and which ones aren't related to it. He ignored all the genes that he knew weren't related to mutant powers and started looking at them.

He copied those parts onto his body and started using Rogue's powers.


When Rogue got her hands held, she felt a little tingle. She didn't know what that tingle was. She thought it was what other people call a spark.

She ignored the spark thinking it was just because of Carol's powers.

She waited for Tony to faint but instead of feeling some energy go into her, Rogue felt the power inside her leave. She didn't know what was happening when she saw Tony start glowing.

She looked at him with shock.

Tony: "Does it look familiar?"

Rogue was speechless. She was staring at him, wondering if what she saw was real.

Rogue: "Are you..."

Mystique: "Yes. He is. (Whispers: I think).

He's actually part of the reason I left. I was looking for a way you could touch someone again. I wasn't able to find a solution but I was able to find someone you could touch."

Rogue: "Wha..."

Tony: "Hate to break the reunion but we gotta go."

He pulled her by the hand and then went towards the door. He acted like he was checking the corridor for people before moving.

He told the group to stop because he heard something and told them when to leave. He slowly guided them towards the X-Plane hangar.


On their way towards escaping, Rogue was spacing out. She knew they were escaping but she didn't know why. Mystique was supposed to be on her enemies' side. Not only was Mystique helping her escape, but she was also leaving with them.

She didn't know what was happening but then she felt something warm. She looked at the source and saw that Tony was still holding her hands.

She wasn't used to this and thought that she was hallucinating. The pulls and grips proved things were real.

She then looked at her limbs straight down to her hands. She wanted to check and see if they were truly her hands. She saw that it was but she still couldn't believe it.

She continued watching and was mesmerized by the warmth of hands.

She was so focused on the hands that held her that she didn't notice how easy they were escaping. Tony could have just walked her straight out of the building and she wouldn't have noticed.


When they got to the hangar, Mystique went towards a control panel. She pressed a few buŧŧons and the roof of the hangar started opening.

Rogue was startled by the sound of the machines moving.

She looked up and but then she was distracted again.

Tony pulled her into an embrace, bringing them close enough to feel each other's breathes.

She looked up at him and then saw his eyes look into hers.

He smiled at her and looked back to Mystique.

He waited as she approached and then also pulled her to his ċhėst.

Rogue looked at Mystique on the opposite side of Tony's ċhėst. Mystique saw Rogue's stare and just replied back with a seductive smile.

Rogue just saw that smile when she something hold her hɨps.

Tony: "Hold on tight ladies."

Mystique, while maintaining the eye contact with Rogue, hugged Tony by the neck.

Rogue didn't know why she felt annoyed but she was so she also hugged Tony. In addition to that, she also got close. Making sure that her rather bountiful ċhėst pressed onto Tony.

Tony hugged the two of them tighter and then proceeded to fly away.


Jean and one of Tony's clones inside the CCTV room.

They were watching from the start.

Jean: "Holding her hands already? You move fast if you want to huh?"

Tony: "..."


Jean: "Wow. I thought it was an exaggeration but she does look like she hasn't touched anyone before."


Jean: "Hey! Why does she get to do that? You've never done that to me?"

Tony: "Um... because you're so strong that you can't get in danger? You do remember that the Phoenix can wipe out a whole planet and its resting inside of you."

Jean: "No fair. I want to be a damsel in distress too."

Jean glared at Tony.

Tony: "What? You want me to arrange for you to get kidnapped?"


Jean: "Wow. She really is thirsty. I can't believe she's already throwing herself to you like that. What has it been, a few minutes?"

Tony: "I told you my plan would work."

Jean: "I still can't believe it's that easy."

Tony: "Come on. It's not that easy."

Jean: "Oh please. How long did it take for you to come up with that, five minutes? Just imagine what you could come up with given a lot of time.

Actually, you might even be doing it right now and we just don't know.

With what you came up with on the fly, I don't think anyone would notice if you were already serious and were actually a bad guy."

Tony: "Fine. You want me to play the bad guy? Then you're already screwed. I've got an AI which can go Skynet and destroy human civilization. I've got missiles all across the globe. I've got large satellites and spaceships out there ready to crash at cities and immediately wipe everyone out. I've even got part of the Phoenix inside of me, ready to eat our sun. I also got an alien cat who could eat every single person on the planet and would still want food for dinner. I even have a way to create a black hole if I want. And that's just the scary ones."

Jean: "Ok. Now I'm scared."

Tony: "Well? You started it."

Jean: "That's not what I meant. What if someone decided to do any of those things?"

Tony: "Relax. I've already prepared counter-measures for most of it. The only way people could get hurt is if some me from the future decides to screw around."

Jean: "Thank god time-travel is just fiction."

Tony: "No. Thank me. I know better than to mess with my own timeline."

Jean: "Umm..."


On their way back, Rogue kept enjoying the warmth of skin contact. She looked at Tony who was hugging her and then back at her adoptive mother.

Mystique noticed her stares. She replied with some face movements suggesting Rogue to get him already.

Rogue shook her head.

Mystique moved her lips, telling Rogue that 'If you won't, I will'. She also looked at Tony and did a lip bite.

Rogue knew Mystique wasn't her real mother so she wasn't disgusted by this. Still, she made an expression of disgust just to try to prevent Mystique from succeeding.

Mystique and Rogue continued this non-verbal conversation up until they reached Tony's place.

Tony has let the two of them go when Mystique went close to Tony. She looked at Rouge before kissing Tony.

Rouge, still not calm enough to think everything properly, went with her impulse and kissed Tony. She went for a deep kiss just to show Mystique that she wasn't going to let her have Tony.

Tony, seeing this opportunity, decided to take advantage of the situation. He hugged Rouge and placed her hands on certain spots of her body. He then pressed down at the pressure points, easing Rogue's tension while at the same time making her more sėnsɨtɨvė.

He then pulled on her legs so that she could straddle him. He proceeded to enter the house, making sure to pull Mystique along with them.

Rouge was already at the point that even without Mystique, Tony could still have his way with her. He still didn't let Mystique go because this way, the two would be able to bond with each other. After this, the two should be close enough that they wouldn't fight anymore. He totally didn't pull Mystique along so that he could have a mother-daughter threesome.

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