While the three were having some 'fun time'

On some secret military facility

A petty officer was running through the halls and barged right into a meeting room. He went towards a certain bearded white-haired general, Thaddeus Ross.

The soldier did all the military protocol and then started telling him his report.

"Sir. The birds have just made visuals. The Weapons Plus facility appears to have been attacked. We're sending troops to search for survivors but there's a high probability of not finding anyone."

Ross: "What? Why?"

"The wreckage sir. It's...not good"

Ross: "What? Explain to me, soldier."

"Sir. The bodies on site. They were all...decapitated. It was only base on the images taken from the planes but the analyst said that it is highly likely that there weren't any survivors.

There's nothing which could possibly be the heads near the bodies. If the attackers deliberately decapitated people, there wouldn't be anyone left alive. "

Ross stood up. He pointed at the television and ordered.

Ross: "Show me the feed of the people on site. I want to see what's happening there. RIGHT NOW"



General Ross is currently in charge of the Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project. It was an old military project, who's aim is to recreate the Super Soldier Serum used on Steve Rogers.

Weapon's Plus Program, just like the Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project, is a subprogram of the US military's Infantry Weapons Development program.

These two programs didn't mix together because they doing things in fundamentally the opposite directions.

Weapons Plus aims to transform living weapons into soldiers. They were lead by Stryker, who knows about the existence of mutants. They know that there are already weapons they could use that is why they focus more on cloning, power development, as well as brain-washing techniques. They were focusing on ways to control someone completely as that is the only thing they need with all the mutants in the world.

Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project, on the other hand, aims to transform the soldiers into living weapons. They know about Captain America, and want to recreate the serum which created him. They want to recreate the serum because while Captain America is a good man, he isn't a good soldier. He may take orders without question but when things feel wrong for him, Captain America usually goes and does what he thinks is good and not what is ordered. With the super-soldier serum, they could instead give it to a man who has proved that he will follow his commands instead.

The two were competing with each other but they actually didn't know each other until recently.

Previously, they were highly classified programs that only someone in charge of the Infantry Weapons Development program would know. But things changes when SHIELD's power went above that program.

With the two programs doing highly illegal stuff like human experimentation, the head of the Infantry Weapons Development program immediately notified the heads of the programs of the existence of each other.

It was so that when SHIELD decided to come for them, the two could share resources with each other. Specifically, the way to hide information from others.

The two were experts at hiding their crimes so it was more likely that they could keep each other's secrets in case something bad happens to one of them.

The two heads agreed to cooperate with each other. They started setting up protocols that were supposed to be how they could share information and warn each other so that they would hide themselves.

The only problem with their agreement is that Weapon's Plus program is still in the middle of changing headquarters. Things were a little bit off when it came to their communications. JARVIS was also aware of the link between the two so when the strike happened, Gen. Ross' men were informed that Stryker was in a hurry to leave and communications might be erratic.

That is why when General Ross' men lost contact with the Weapons Plus program, they just thought that the other side just encounter some problems related to moving.

It wasn't until after a day has passed, that people started to panic due to the lack of communications.

One day was already a long time without communications so they immediately informed General Ross of the situation. He tried to see the GPS footage but the resolution wasn't good enough to see the whole situation. That is when he sent some planes to check up on the area.


After some soldiers finished running all over the place.

They were able to send the feed of some cameras on-site, onto a brand new CRT TV.

Ross watched closely, the feed of the footage, starting from the soldiers getting off of the helicopters.

When they got off, they saw the wreckage of what was once called the Weapon's plus facility.

The went floor by floor, seeing rows of decapitated bodies.


The men weren't able to handle the carnage left by Skynet and had to vomit.


Ross: "Check for bullet casings as well as other clues. Try to determine who did this."

{Sir. The shells appear to be from AK. Judging by the amount of shells in here, I can only ȧssume they're from the Russians. They're the only ones who would be willing to use these amount of bullets.}

Ross: "Damn it. You there! Do we any intel on the Russians?"

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