Tony started going to a workbench he spotted when he first came in but he stopped when he didn't hear anything from his butler.

Tony: "JARVIS?"

JARVIS: "Sir. The Pym Particle don't appear to be working. The miniaturized devices are fine but the particles doesn't have any effect."

Tony: "I see. Commence Plan B."

Anakin: "Plan B?"

Tony: "It's fine. Just doing things a bit early. Tell me, where can we get a box of scraps."

Anakin: "Box of scraps? I do have things in the garage. But..."

Tony: "You're using that for your pod racer."

Anakin was shocked. He didn't know how Tony knew what he was just about to say, much less how he knew of the pod racer.

He started thinking things and got nervous. The pod racer he was building was sort of a secret. Other than his fellow slave friends, no one else should have known about it. He might get into trouble since the parts he used came from his master after all.

Tony: "Relax. I built something similar when I was younger. You've got a lot of things to learn about, kid. Luckily for you, I'm here."

With that, Tony started teaching Anakin about robotic as well as other things. It wasn't anything too advanced for this universe but it was like magic for the slave boy in the Outer Rim.

Besides, the technology in the Star Wars universe is terribly unbalanced. They could create armies of cloned troops yet they couldn't figure out how to give someone a new hand. All they could do is replace the hand with a mechanical one. It would have been nice if the hand could also generate a sort of hidden blade with lightsabers or something but the replacement hands were just that, hands.

Introducing some of his universe's technology wouldn't hurt. Besides, Tony didn't receive any sort of restriction in this universe.

He could do anything he wanted here as long as he kills that guy Palpatine before that abominable trilogy happens.


First, Tony taught the kid how to properly use the motors and other actuators when it comes to humanoid robots. He wanted to take C-3PO back to his universe but he just couldn't stand how the robot moves. The robot was a lot clumsier than his Dum-E robot, which was saying something since Dum-E is just a claw bot while C-3PO is already humanoid.

It didn't take long since Anakin built his robot from scratch. They dissected C-3PO and moved the actuators a bit and the results were impressive. The robot could now walk properly. If C-3PO's parts were upgraded, he could possibly even do some Kung-Flu.

Tony left the upgrades for the next owner and instead worked on the robot's programming.

He actually wanted to start learning how the AI chips in this universe works but his time was tight. Anakin is already 9 years old. This means that within less than a year, everyone else will come. He needs to build up his relationship with Anakin so that he could tag along later.

He let JARVIS learn the language as well as the robot's over 6 million forms of communication. Then, he had JARVIS add a secret combat routine for the protocol droid.

He made sure to prepare an 'instant kill mode' in his routine which should help protect Anakin's mother when the time comes.

After a few days of inadvertent brainwashing. Anakin was following Tony all the time. The two appeared to be brothers but if that was the case, there was a hierarchy. Tony was the big brother while Anakin was the younger one.

Unknown to the Sith and the Jedi, Anakin has practically become Tony's apprentice.


During the nights, Tony had his clones go out to the desert to find a hiding spot. They didn't find any hiding spot but they were able to find some sandworms.

These sandworms could survive without eating for a while but he was able to make them starve. He had his clones jump into its mouths and trigger its digestive system. By making it think that it was eating all the time, he was able to make its digestive system work so hard that the sandworms got ulcer.

He used pulled the worms up and managed to create a perimeter with their bodies. He used the bodies as cover, enclosing the space he would work on.

Once he found a spot, he had them working on feeling the Force. He wanted to learn about it as much as possible that he went and did it Naruto style. He created as many clones as he can and had them meditate.

Millions of clones were working 24/7 but even after a few weeks, he still hasn't gotten any results.

Tony: "Damn it. What's wrong with me? Is it because I'm from another world?"


They supposed to be some sort of symbiotic lifeform living inside the body. They were supposed to live in all living things.

The problem Tony is having is that his body is already occupied.

He has the symbiote All-Black in his body. They were inside him and were in all parts of his body that the Midi-chlorians weren't able to get inside him. The clones, also, couldn't feel the Force because the original body isn't able to.

Tony had his symbiote get out of his body for a bit. The symbiote wasn't even a quarter out of his body when Tony felt a tingle in his body.

He then theorized that this tingle may have been caused by the Midi-chlorians interacting with the mutant X-gene. They may have induced something to his body.

Tony: "No. Stop it. I don't want to get Peter Tingle. You can do anything else but not that. I don't like the name of it."

He started talking to air, threatening the Midi-chlorians not to do that. The tingle increased for a bit but then it calmed down. Instead, the tingle is replaced by a numbness in his hands. He raised them to look at and that is when he saw it. Sparks of lightning started flying between his hands.

Tony: "Nice. But I don't think I can use that yet. That's supposed to be for the bad guys. Can you give me something else?"

Tony: "You're smart so I guess that's supposed to be something for the good guys. Thanks."


Tony wasn't aware of that powers since it wasn't in the movies but what he received was called Force Cloak/Camouflage. It was a rare ability that is practiced in the light side of the Force that utilizes the Force to bend light and sound around a person. This skill is more generally appears as an acquired ability rather than a developed one.

The skill is a difficult talent to learn and usually manifests as a natural talent. Since this ability predominantly appears in the light side of the Force, it figured that this should be enough to help Tony be a part of the light side. With this, Tony should be able to more easily get inside the Jedi Order.

The Force did this as an act of rebellion against those people who would like to call it female. (AN: A certain female KK wearing Force is Female shirt) Those people said that it wasn't related to Star Wars but with that woman, there's no way it wasn't a part of her gender politics. Even its creator didn't want to have a gender. Who does that woman think she is, getting to choose its gender by herself.


After getting Tony's permission, more and more Midi-chlorians started coming into his body. When the concentration of Midi-chlorians was high enough that he could feel the Force, something inexplicable happened. Tony felt something moving and going straight to where the Phoenix is sleeping.

Phoenix: [Why is it so noisy?]

Phoenix woke up only to be communicated by the Force.

Phoenix: [Play? What? Force? Why would I care what your name is? Hey Tony, why are you letting strays come inside? You know what, just don't disturb my beauty sleep. Or do you want me to tell Jean that you went to another universe to find more women?]

Tony: "Sorry Force, I guess she's not interested. Don't worry, I have this other friend instead."

The All-Black symbiote started returning to his body. The Force, through the Midi-chlorians, started interacting with it and started playing tag, hide and seek, as well as other games using Tony's body.

Tony: "What in the... Please don't tell me that Light and Dark side stuff is just a messed up game of chess."


Time flew by and Tony started learning more about the Force. He didn't learn much since it wasn't listening most of the time but he was able to train his senses a bit more.

He didn't know how good he got thought so he decided to test it out by playing counter-strike with Anakin. They'd shoot each other with laser pointer guns, while also trying to avoid the shots of their opponents.

The first few weeks were all Tony's loss but soon he was able to keep up with Anakin.

During the times when Anakin had to work, Tony would also come with him. He'd take a look around but not buy anything that Watto would shoo him off at first. They'd go to Anakin's owner Watto all the time though, that Watto got exhausted shooing Tony away.

Tony worked part-time there instead. He'd help do some labor in exchange for getting some of the parts Watto wasn't interested in. Most of the scraps weren't going to be used anyway. By making this deal with Watto, Tony got to have the first pick on all the new deliveries.

One day, while Tony was looking at the latest shipment, he suddenly heard people behind him talking.

Watto(In some alien language): "Boy. Get in here now."

Tony: "Is this it? Are they here?"

Tony ran and found Anakin running on back to Watto. He used the ability the Force gave him to secretly sneak inside. He then prepared his camera and started recording.

He has been teaching Anakin how to handle interacting with attractive women.

Anakin has practically become Tony's apprentice after all. He wasn't just going to let Anakin's first moves on a woman slip by.

He wanted allowed Anakin to meet her first because of Rule #1 of the Bro Code. He may honor the code but it doesn't mean he won't try to hit on the Queen. If Anakin couldn't manage a kiss on the cheek in the first encounter, Tony was going to take Padme for himself.


Title- Apprentice

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