Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 138 - Initiate Life 2

During Tony's free time, he was busy organizing the intel and other information his clones gathered. Mapping out the vicinity, knowing the major powers, and getting a feel for the actual level of technology.

He did this because he discovered that he wasn't as familiar with the universe as the MCU

He wanted to gain some level of control for himself because he had little of it.


On the financial side, things were starting to gain some traction.

He had a hard time during the first few bounties due to the insufficient firepower but thanks to multiple clones acting as a distraction, he was able to get near the targets and ȧssassinate them.

He chose ȧssassination instead of a head-on confrontation as he needed to preserve as much of the target's belongings as possible.

While he was able to earn some money, targets started to dwindle and he couldn't stay on one planet. He checked his inventory and analyzed the situation, ȧssuming to earn as much as possible in a short amount of time.

Instead of wasting his earnings maintaining the spaceships and buying fuel, he decided to sell the ships and use public transport instead.

The travel time was long but selling a spaceship was able to fund his travels to hundreds of faraway star systems. It was more cost-effective and he also didn't have to admit that settled on some crappy spaceships.

The Intelligence network was slowly taking shape thanks to this rapid expansion.

The Scimitar was still used to get a clone into high-security planets but for the most part, it ended up being a moving bank instead. It was the most suitable choice after all as it couldn't be tracked by most people.

Tony used any extra income he got to slowly replace all the parts in the Scimitar. It was a lot more expensive way to secure the ship but it was the only way he could do while his clones were infiltrating the ship's manufacturer to learn more about it.


It wasn't through some proper emotional management but Tony was occupied with other things to notice.

After the ideological studies were completed, the two's training started getting more hectic.

Meditation, Force Studies, Meditation, Various Topics, Meditation, Lunch, Meditation, Physical Development, Meditation

It was still mostly mediation but this time, they were allowed to study other things. The topics varied based on the instructor but most of them revolved around the history and culture of different civilizations. There, Tony discovered about the Mandalorian as well as their special metal, Beskar.

Able to withstand blaster bolts as well as deflect lightsaber strikes, it sounded an awful lot like MCU's Vibranium. Tony started investigating about it and had the Scimitar sneak a few clones into the planet. He was interested in the metal and wanted to get some sample to compare it to Vibranium as well as to use the metal to create an armor specific for this place.


Other than Beskar, the other notable addition to their curriculum is the studying about the Force. This wasn't like meditation, and they were finally able to use Force Powers.

The two studied all the basic skills such as the Art of Movement, Breath Control, Force Speed, and Force Augmented healing. They were taught all the basic skills that could help them live longer as well as survive dangerous situations.

The lessons were supposed to take a long time but the two's inclination towards the Force helped them all the skills taught to them rather easily. The two's understanding was even faster than normal as the two started a competition against each other. Their dėsɨrė to win over the other made them focus on the techniques harder. Their progress in the various Force powers were getting to the point where the Jedi Master allowed them to proceed to the next training. They didn't want the two to continue their progress because this would likely cause them to feel arrogant when they meet the other Initiates their age.

The next part of their training is learning about lightsaber.

They were introduced to the first six forms of combat, Forms I - Vi.

Form I was the most basic combat form, basing their movement on traditional martial arts. They used basic sword-fighting movements, most of which Tony already learned from his time training with Shang-Chi.

Form II was the combat form developed for lightsaber to lightsaber combat. Jedi Master Dooku would have taught them about this but he has left the Jedi Order.

Form III was more focused on defense.

Form IV was a more aggressive form of combat, focusing on speed. Yoda instructed them on this as he was the most proficient in the council. Master Yoda was jumping around and doing all kinds of acrobatics that both Tony and Anakin were concerned the he overexerted himself when he panted after the demonstration.

Form V was another aggressive form, this time focusing on power and counters. Anakin had a particular affinity for this, managing to learn it faster than Tony without the help of his clones.

Form VI was the amalgamation of all the other forms. While it did not have the various weaknesses of all the other forms, it also wasn't superior to any other form. It instead of focusing on the forms itself, it was more relaxed and easier to master. The lack of superiority was compensated by its openness to other things. The user could mix the movements with Force-based attacks, which could pose a deadly threat when used by a skilled practitioner.


For the next couple of years, the two boys studied all six forms. After they reached a general mastery over each form, they were then instructed to focus on a form for themselves. Anakin focused on Form V while Tony hadn't settled for any.

After learning the six forms of lightsaber combat, Tony used his clones to populate multiple deserted planets in the Outer Rim. There, the clones practiced all kinds of forms. Thanks to his clones transferring their experiences to the other clones as well as the main body, he didn't need to dedicate himself to a single form. He could master them all simultaneously.

After mastering each form, Tony started mixing them up. They then tested them with each other, competing until the last man is standing.

While the clones didn't have lightsabers to use, they were able to fashion metal rods for practice. The effects weren't similar but getting hit by a metal rod still caused pain that could make them shatter. With this, they started fighting one another. The clones unconsciously grouped into factions which had gang wars among themselves.


Tony's proficiency in all six forms, as well as their erratic combinations, alarmed the Jedi Council. It is similar to the seventh form of combat that was primarily used by the Sith.

The Jedi sent Tony to the only master of the Seventh Form, Mace Windu.

Windu: "Stark. Do you know why you're here?"

Tony: "No."

Windu: "No?"

Tony: "Oh right, sorry. No, Master Windu."

Windu looked at Tony as if he said something wrong, but the boy didn't have any reaction proving that he didn't know what he did wrong.

Windu started explaining how Tony's form resembled the Seventh Form of lightsaber combat. He then spouted how Tony's form resembled the seventh but lacked the state of mind that was supposed to accompany it.

Tony: "Master Windu, I still don't understand why you're telling me all this."

Windu: "I'm telling you this so because you are going to be my apprentice"

Tony: "You're what?"

Windu: "Stark, I take you as my Padawan."

Tony: "Motherf*cker"

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