After challenging Pre Visla, Tony was left to prepare. He didn't bring much so there was no need for preparation. He went to Anakin to make sure he isn't being mistreated. Anakin looked like he was sleeping and Tony decided not to wake him up.

He went back to the tent he was ȧssigned to and had JARVIS update Obi-Wan. Bo-Katan went back to him and said that Pre Viszla is currently busy. They weren't able to contact him because a Jedi was currently in his office investigating Death Watch.

Tony knew that it would take a while for Pre Viszla to come back since he really was with the two. Unfortunately for him, Tony decided to use the situation to turn a few things onto his favor.

He went outside and announced to everyone about his challenge. He then talked about how the Jedis were supposed to be investigating. He diverted everyone's attention from the investigation, and onto the fact that the guy was too busy to even accept the challenge.

People started to get riled up because Tony was also using the Force to subtly influence the mood of the people. There were a lot of clones, that were cloaked, surrounding their whole camp. They each picked a target of their own, and then they started trying to brainwash them using the Force.

He pointed out how useless Viszla was for not confronting Satine directly. He then started nitpicking their situation. He pointed out how cowardly and pathetic some of their activities are. It is too far away from the image of the old Mandalorian warriors that they strive to be.

When their bloods were boiling, he pointed out how cowardly it is for their leader to not accept the challenge. He shouldn't be their leader if he wasn't even up to the challenge. The guy even used his government position to stall when he could have just accepted the challenge and schedule a fight for later.

They started complaining to the Bo-Katan that she needed to contact Viszla immediately. Again, she was answered by one of his ȧssistants. She was also impatient like the rest so she showed the ȧssistant what was happening. Death Watch is currently in turmoil. He has to come back immediately or risk his position as their leader.


Tony watched as the people in the camp looked like they were starting a coup. He was amazed by what was happening. The Force really helped him this time.

He didn't prepare for this and the whole situation was just an idea that popped up in his head. Some of his statements weren't even thought out, and Tony wasn't convinced by what he said. Even without doing things properly, things seemed to work out and these people looked like they were about to rebel. He would have claimed this was some kind of plot armor but then he remembered that Palpatine probably also did something like this.

After admiring the mess that he made, he went to Bo-Katan and started flirting with her. He wanted to show everyone that he was confident of winning. He also didn't know how much time he would have after the fight, so he used the time to get close to her


Back in Concordia's Governor's office.

He and Satine were having a conversation with Pre Viszla when a messenger reported something to the governor. They didn't know what was happening but it looked bad considering Viszla's reaction. Viszla tried to leave, stating that he had some personal emergency to attend to. Before Satine could even say something, Obi-Wan told Viszla to go to his matters.

They watched as Pre Visla left. When they were sure he was gone, Satine asked Obi-Wan what happened. They haven't even started with the investigation. The Jedi's may be patient but they rarely procrastinated. Something must have happened and Satine was the only one not aware of it.

Obi-Wan: "Satine. Is there a rule in the old Mandalorian tradition where you take over a certain person's position via virtue of combat?"

Satine: "There is. In fact, Death Watch tried to use this to take over my ... Please don't tell me that your Padawan did what I think he did?"

Obi-Wan: "He didn't."

Satine: "OBI-WAN?"

Obi-Wan: "It's true. For once, Anakin didn't do anything.

Satine: "But?"

Obi-Wan: "It's Tony, Master Windu's padawan, who did something."

Obi-Wan: "Calm down, Satine. I thought women don't like their faces to get all wrinkly. It such a shame to see such things on your beautiful face"

Satine: "Obi-Wan... [Sigh] Fine. What did your people do? "

Obi-Wan: "I haven't heard of the specifics. All I know is that Tony is taking over Death Watch right now. Pre Vizsla's emergency should also be related to this."

Satine: "Taking over Death Watch? Then why didn't Governor Viszla mention it? He's one of the people who are trying to eradicate Death Watch."

Obi-Wan: "This might be unbelievable for you, but if the results of their investigations are to be believed, Governor Visla is the leader of Death Watch."

Satine: "No. How could it possibly be? He has caught a lot of people who are part of Death Watch. "

Obi-Wan: "It's had to explain everything. It's better to go to their base and hear all of it ourselves. Tony and Anakin are on site. They said everything is under control and we only have to arrive for the cleanup."

Hearing the word clean up, Satine couldn't help but ȧssociate what happened with fighting. She started protesting again while Obi-Wan just kept silent. He knew that he couldn't stop the boys from doing something so he just watched while Satine kept complaining.


In Death Watch's camp

Because of Tony's stunt, the camp's atmosphere was unstable. Viszla had to return to the camp as soon as possible. When he returned, he immediately shouted for Tony.

Tony: "Finally. I thought you were going to chicken out. Pre Viszla, I challenge you. Do you accept, or do you want to do some sort of ritual first?"

Viszla: "Challenge? Who are you to challenge me? I don't even know who you are."

Tony was secretly delighted to hear this. Still, he had to put up a front. He shouted to everyone

Tony: "See this? I told you he would try to refuse. Do you really want this man to be your leader?"

Viszla: "You!!! Fine. You want to die, I'll grant you death."

The crowd backed off as the two wore their helmet.

Tony: "Anything restrictions you would like to add before we start? Just a reminder because I made a lot of modifications to my armor. I don't want to hear you complain about how unfair the fight is later. "

Tony didn't mind asking this because he knew Viszla would refuse. The guy wouldn't dare create restrictions when he is already accused of being a coward.

Viszla: "No. But you should consider adding a restriction. After all..."

Tony waited for the man's response when Viszla reached his hand back to his jetpack. The guy grabbed hold of the rectangular protrusion and pulled it. He held displayed a rectangular stick in his hand and then a black blade ignited from it.

Tony: [Ohh. Black lightsaber. Dibs]

Viszla: "This is the Darksaber. A lightsaber created by my ancestor. This was liberated from a Jedi Temple. This was used to unite all of Mandalore. Now, it is the symbol of the leader of Death Watch... ..."

Tony didn't know why Viszla started monologuing. Tony thought about attacking but the topic was kind of interesting. Viszla was talking about its history, so Tony listed for a bit. But when Viszla started a complete history lesson, Tony interrupted him. He then pulled out one of his lightsabers.

Tony: "Nice history lesson but look, I also got one. It's not that hard to get a lightsaber from a Jedi. Is that all? Or is there anything else you would like to show and tell?"

Vizsla: "It is easy to acquire a lightsaber. Using it is a different story"

Tony: "True. But I don't think I need a lightsaber to beat you."

Tony put back his lightsaber and then lifted his arms. He pointed his repulsors at Viszla and waited for the fight to start. Bo-Katan shot her blasters and the fight started.

Viszla jumped high up and used the Darksaber to slash down at Tony.

Tony dodged to the side. He grabbed Viszla's hand while the guy was in the middle of slashing. He used Viszla's arm, as well as some Aikido he learned from Shang Chi, to trip Viszla forward while also disarming him.

The move was designed for katanas and not lightsabers, but Tony was able to successfully execute it. He was able to unbalance Viszla and take the Darksaber from him. Tony presented it to the guy and then teased him about it.

Tony: "So... Do I get to rule Death Watch's now that I have the Darksaber? Or do I give it back to you and watch you play with it like a youngling?"

Viszla felt humiliated. He pulled out his blasters and started shooting at Tony.

Tony's first instinct was to deflect the shot with the Darksaber. He was just about to use it when his other consciousness took over his body and controlled it. The repulsers in Tony's suit activated and he started flying.

Tony: "You should use your blasters more. You shoot a lot better than use this. "

Tony flew low while dodging the blaster fire. It was a lot harder to do against a real person, but Tony's other consciousness helped in the fine control of his body.

Tony used Viszla for training. Through the Force, he practiced predicting all of Viszla's attacks. He would then use the results of precognition to reduce his movements.

He kept on dodging while trying to exert the least amount of effort necessary for each movement. He also kept on taunting Viszla so that the guy would continue attacking.

Feeling that Tony was playing with him, Viszla got angrier and angrier. He eventually stopped shooting and used something else.

The flame didn't work but it did give Viszla some cover. When the flames died out, Tony saw Viszla bowing down, with the pointy part of the jetpack pointing at him. The pointy part was a rocket. It launched and started following Tony.

Seeing the homing missile, Tony decided to stop playing for a bit. He pointed his repulsors at it and shot the missile down before it got near him.

Viszla used the explosion's smoke as cover and fired some grappling lines at Tony.

Tony was about to cut it using his lightsaber but opted not to. He let Viszla pull him down and then he cut the cable.

Tony prepared for close combat but he heard Viszla from above. The guy started shooting at Tony, this time mixing some shurikens with the blaster fire.

Tony kept dodging and not attacking. He was stalling until Obi-Wan and Satine arrived.


Obi-Wan and Satine landed a bit farther from the camp according to TOny's instructions. They proceeded to go to the camp where they witness Tony and Vislza fighting.

Satine's started worrying because from her perspective, Tony looked like he was dodging desperately. She wanted to show herself and stop the fight, but Obi-Wan stopped her

Obi-Wan has just fought with Tony. He knew that the guy wasn't at full power. Instead, he actually felt some pity for Visla. Tony was using the guy as a guineapig. He heard about Tony's experiments, he thought that Tony wanted to test his armor against the galaxy renowned Mandalorians.

Obi-Wan: "It's fine. He's just playing around. You should see him with the lightsaber.

Let's go to free Anakin first. Once he's safe, I'll send the signal and he should finish the fight. "

They sneaked around and went to one of the tents. They saw Anakin sleeping comfortably and woke him up.

Obi-Wan: "Good mordning Anakin. Had a nice nap?"

Anakin: "Huh? Master. Duchess. If you're here, that means that I've missed the party."

Obi-Wan laughed and pulled out the Anakin's lightsaber which Tony hid before he went to fight. He gave it to his Padawan and told him to go. Right before Anakin left, he also added a warning not to ignite his lightsaber too early.

Anakin took a peek between the door gaps and then he swung it open. Obi-Wan was alarmed but then he saw the scene outside.

Viszla was already kneeling right in front of Death Watch.

Obi-Wan: "Too bad, Anakin. I guess you're still late."


After Viszla's defeat, most of the Death Watch members acknowledged Tony as their leader. Some weren't completely convinced but they were outmatched by Tony, not to mention they were outnumbered. They couldn't do anything if they wanted to so they decided to keep quiet.

Tony's first command was to free the Jedi he captured but before he could give the command, Anakin already went out of his tent.

Bo-Katan and her Nite Owls aimed their wrist blasters at Anakin but Tony told them to stand down. She didn't follow the command and kept aiming at the Jedi.

Tony: "Fine. Shoot him if you want to. Just don't come to me when you get beaten. Oh. Just make sure not to kill each other. "

Everyone paused for a bit after hearing Tony's command. Then, Anakin went to approach him without his lightsaber drawn. Since the Jedi didn't appear hostile, some of the Death Watch members started suspecting that something fishy is happening. Everything became clear after Obi-Wan and Satine appeared.

Obi-Wan: "Are you done?"

Tony: "Almost. Bo-Katan, go talk to your sister."

Satine: "Bo? I knew you didn't approve of my stance. But Death Watch?"

Bo-Katan: "Tony, sir, do I really have to?"

Tony: "If you don't want to talk as a sister, then talk as Death Watch's vice leader. Go. It's an order."

While the two sisters talked, Obi-Wan went to the two boys. He was amazed at how the orderly everything is. Usually, when Anakin is involved in something, the situation turns into a fight with him in the middle of things.

After the pleasantries, Tony started talking to Obi-Wan about what to do with Death Watch.

He knew the Jedi council wouldn't like it but he wanted to keep Death Watch alive. If they just did normal Jedi protocol and have the group dissolved, these people were just going to form something similar. If he kept control over Death Watch, they could have the group do more productive things.


Seeing the Jedis and the sisters talking, a scenario started forming in Viszla's head. The scenario was about how House Kryze slowly took control over Mandalore.

First, they took control of the government and slowly converted them into pacifists. They slowly promoted this ideal until most clans became weak.

They knew some people would rebel. They would infiltrate the rebel group which happened to be Death Watch.

During her stay in the group, Bo-Katan noticed the Darksaber and started coveting it. The object was able to unite the clans of Mandalore after all. They wanted to use the weapon to do it again.

Bo-Katan challenged him for the position of the leader before. She discovered that she couldn't beat Viszla so she decided to ask for reinforcement.

Satine called for the appropriate person for the job, Obi-Wan. Not only was he proficient in fighting against lightsabers, but they also had a thing before. She knew that he would give her the Darksaber if she requested.

Things might have run differently but the effects are still the same. The hypothesis was further validated when Viszla saw Tony presenting the Darksaber to Obi-Wan.

Seeing everything, he started shivering from anger. This anger isn't from being betrayed, it was from being manipulated. He didn't mind being killed but he didn't want to die as a pawn.

The two sisters not even casting a glance at him during their conversation made him feel like they didn't even treat him as an important pawn.

Anger started to cloud his judgment. He used the blades hidden in his armor to get off the restraints placed on him.

After breaking free, he raised his weapons at the women. He used what remained of his ammunition to fire at them.


Tony, Anakin, and Obi-Wan noticed the anger radiating from Pre Visla. Obi-Wan and Tony went to block the shots aimed at the two women while Anakin confronted the guy.

Anakin tried to slice down the guy but Viszla used his jetpacks and started flying. He continued shooting at the group while talking.

Viszla: "You... I'll remember this. I'll make sure to make you pay for what you did."

Tony: "Revenge statement. Greeaat. Looks like I have to clean this up before this becomes a mess. I'm sorry Duchess, looks like this mission wouldn't be completed without some bloodshed."

Tony grabbed his other lightsaber and threw it at Viszla like a lightsaber boomerang.

The lightsaber flew towards Pre Visla. The guy tried to dodge but Tony manipulated the lightsaber to compensate.

Viszla's movements accelerated and Tony kept up.

Tony: "Sh*t. It's too much."

An accident happened while Tony tried to keep up. The lightsaber's trajectory shifted from an arm onto Viszla's neck.

Viszla's neck was separated from his body. The jetpack started moving out of control and crashed. The fuel in the jetpack exploded, destroying the body.

Everyone went to where the head landed. When they say the head, everyone was speechless.

It wasn't until a few moments later that Tony went to give his apologies to Satine.

Tony: "[Sigh]. I'm sorry, Duchess. I tried not to kill him but his movements made me miss my target. I have nothing to say except that I'm not as skilled with the lightsaber as I thought."

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