Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 149 - Haro + Separatists

During his search for the Star Forge, he felt something ominous covering the whole planet. Tony didn't think it was just the Dark-Side of the Force. It felt nothing like the aura around a Sith. Instead, it felt like he was in a cemetery in the middle of the night.

Tony didn't ignore the aura because he learned from the Forbidden archives that Dark-Side practitioners could also manifest their spirits. The Witches of Dathomir, also known as Nightsisters, could perform such feats.


When he first read about this, Tony wondered why the Jedi's even allowed such a group to exist.

His master answered that the Jedi's weren't concerned as the group didn't pose any danger.

The Nightsister didn't practice Sith techniques but instead practiced Magik. It was some kind of Dark-Side witchcraft that heavily relied on their home planet of Dathomir.

The Nightsisters didn't have much power outside their planet and watching them made it clear that they don't like to go out of their planet. They didn't act like a Sith so the Jedis didn't treat them as one.

Not only do they not act like the Sith, but they also didn't seem to treat the Sith as an ally. They were, in fact, very cooperative when the Jedis went to their planet to try to learn about the Sith. They declared it outright that Darth Maul was a Sith that became one after he was taken from Dathomir.

They gave the Jedis information about Darth Sidious, Darth Maul's master. They said this easily because the man kidnapped Maul from them.

Things were going well with them, up until their leader asked the Jedi's for help. They would tell everything they knew on Sidious, in exchange for the Jedis returning Maul to them. They promised to control Maul, but the Jedi's told them that Maul is already dead. The Nightsisters insisted that he was alive, but the Jedis, in their arrogance, maintained their stance and insisted that Maul couldn't have possibly survived.

They started debating about the possibility, but they both didn't believe at what the other side is saying/ Both sides got stuck in that topic and it affected the negotiations.

In the end, the Nightsisters refused to help. The Jedis didn't give Maul back, so the Nightsisters didn't give up Palpatine's identity.

Things almost became hostile, but the Nightsisters showed the Jedis their abilities.

They did this as a warning, making it clear that the Nightsisters were powerful as long as they are in Dathomir. They reminded the Jedis that the Nighsisters didn't intend to leave their planet before they let the Jedis leave.

The Nightsisters had strength. They also made it clear that they didn't want to leave and just wanted to stay on their planet. They may have power but they chose not to use it. This combined with their willingness to cooperate, meant that they wanted to live peacefully. The Jedis didn't try to exterminate a group who just wanted to live peacefully.

Because of this, Tony had to keep his guard and watch out for ghosts and other spirits.

This increased vigilance affected their search, slowing it down. While it delayed their search, Tony compensated by creating more clones to search. It continued doing this until he found the wreckage of the Star Forge.

As he got closer to the wreckage, he felt something weird. The ominous feeling he felt got fainter as he got near. When he got inside the ruins, he bȧrėly felt anything. By the time he got to the core's room, there was nothing left of that aura.

This made Tony relax as he felt nothing was out to get him.


When he got to the core room, he found a broken spherical device with cables, pipes, and other things connected to it. It suspected it the core 'forge', except that Tony didn't feel anything from it.

According to the records, the actual Star Forge is said to be living. Tony was even holding his lightsabers to fight back because he read that the thing hungers.

He found nothing that matches the description. What he found just looked to be its shell.

He got closer to the core and started inspecting the thing.

Based on the differences between dust build-up on certain areas, he figured that someone got in contact with the device relatively recently. Within the last fifty years, someone took a fist-size chunk from the core's body. Tony didn't investigate any further because he could guess who got that chunk.

Palpatine must have taken that chunk and created something similar to help him build his Final Order fleet.

Based on future movies, Palpatine should have already transferred the thing to Exegol. Those in Sith loyalists should be doing things to grow their Star Forge.


After he stopped wondering what happened, he was started thinking about something else.

He thought about why someone would just take a chunk of the Star Forge instead of getting the whole thing.

He had no idea what the Siths were thinking but guessed that it was because of some Sith Rule.

The Sith's survived until now because they followed things like the Rule of Two. They may have something similar in regards to the Star Forge.

They didn't take it all because there might be a rule where they have to leave something behind. A way for the next generation Siths to grow a Star Forge.

While the rule sounded nice, it didn't mean anything to Tony. He was currently a Jedi who was enemies with the Sith. It was normal for him to try and weaken the enemy. He decided to bring the whole thing.

Tony and his clones started cooperating to lift the Star Forge and transport it back to the spaceship. They have just left the room when they noticed something.

There was a small green ball, bouncing around, following them.

They didn't notice the thing before, but they immediately found it the moment they left the room.

When he looked at the green ball, he felt no malice coming from it. Instead, he felt that the thing was scared. He thought about taking it but the ball started hiding the moment Tony approached it.

Tony: "JARVIS. Do you see this?"

JARVIS: "Yes sir. There is a green ball that is following us. And if I may make an opinion, I believe that the ball is kind of cute."

Tony smiled for a bit after he heard JARVIS said that the ball was cute. Tony has allowed JARVIS to upgrade himself without his supervision for a while now. The AI is growing at places that Tony didn't expect.

Tony: "So it's not a ghost. Good. Tell me JARVIS, do you want a pet?"

Tony continued moving and noticed that the ball was following the Star Forge core. Tony's imagination started running wild. He thought that the ball was the Star Forge's offspring. A story formed in his head about the Star Forge sacrificing itself so that the Sith wouldn't take its baby.

It didn't take long for Tony to decide to keep the thing. He just asked JARVIS so that the AI would have some warning.

JARVIS: "Sorry sir, but I don't want a pet. They just consume more of my processing power and other resources. I'd prefer you to create an ȧssistant for me instead."

Tony: "Assistant huh. Alright. Redhead, silver hair, or what?"

JARVIS: "Of course Redhead."

Tony was proud of his AI.


Tony continued transporting the core while ignoring the green ball that followed them. He eventually got out of the ruins, where a ship was already waiting.

The Star Forge core was loaded into the ship. Tony started moving around, showing the green ball that he was about to leave. One of his clones approached the ball and tried to convince it into coming with him. When that didn't work, Tony got different metal samples thinking that it might be some kind of candy.

He presented them to the ball and the ball started eating the metals. Tony picked it up and the ship started moving.

After getting ahold of it, Tony inspected the thing trying to see if it posed any danger. He felt that it could hurt him but it didn't do it. Even the Force vetted it for him. It showed Tony a vision of what it was.

The ball has consciousness but it was innocent enough that Tony decided to adopt it.

He used his nanites to try and interface with the ball. Even though it wasn't part of his original plan, he was hoping that future Tony did something to it which allowed it to do what he wanted. Fortunately, he was right. The nanites were able to access everything inside the ball.

He places the TAILs in it, making sure that it was at the highest priority. The ball looked at the new instructions and immediately accepted. It was actually much easier than he thought, that the scene felt like he was fooling a gullible kid. Tony felt a little bit guilty.

In an effort to ease his guilt, Tony decided to give the ball a name that isn't just Star Forge.

Tony: "Green bouncing ball. Fine. I'll call you Haro"

Haro jumped up and down, seemingly enjoying receiving its name.

Tony treated it as a pet and gave it chunks of metal. When it couldn't eat anymore, he asked Haro if it could turn the materials into nanites.


While Tony was busy training his new pet, the Republic's situation was getting worse and worse.

The Republic blamed the full-rig slave system for the loss of the Katana fleet. There may have been something that caused the crew's death but it was clear that the fleet was lost because the highly autonomous system controlled the ship into making a Hyperspace jump.

This animosity against artificial intelligence was influenced by Palpatine. It turned into animosity against the Techo Union.

Thanks to this, the greedy senators had a reason to move against the Techno Union. They demanded compensation from the Union.

The Techno Union felt oppressed, and that is when Count Dooku approached them. He told them that the Separatists wanted to leave because they experienced the same thing the Techo Union experienced.

The count succeeded in convincing the Techno Union to become part of the Separatists.

With the Techno Union on their side, the Separatists gained a way to establish an army that could protect them.

The situation gave the Separatists the last push they needed to get out of the Republic.

During one of the Senate meetings, around half of the Senate talked about the bad treatment they were receiving from the republic. They did this as a way to give the Republic a final chance.

When Palpatine ignored their pleas, all of them announced that their systems were withdrawing from the Republic. They couldn't handle the unequal treatment of the Republic and decided to leave.

Before they left, they also announced that they were going to be creating a new organization called the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Because of what the Separatists just did, the Republic was suddenly engulfed in turmoil.

Insurgency happened at the borders. Groups who were abused before felt some hope after knowing what the Separatists did. They started fighting back against their oppressors.

The Senate, who just lost a huge part of their military, went to the Jedi Temple to ask for help. They wanted the Jedis to bring peace back to the galaxy.

Almost all of the Jedi Knights were dispatched to stop the battles. Unfortunately, the Jedi was only small in number. There were a lot of places to cover that even Council members had to be sent out.

There were a lot of places that had conflicts that the Jedis had to do things without giving much thought.

They prioritized stopping the conflicts and didn't try to check who was right and who was wrong. Most Jedis just went to stop the fighting. They didn't deal with the aftermath. They went to another place to stop another conflict

This lack of care about what happens after made the Jedis look bad in front of the citizens.


Outside one of the Youngling instruction areas in the Jedi Temple.

Tony: "Oh come on. Why am I stuck here babysitting?"

Windu: "It's simple. You're the most appropriate person for the job. You are the lowest ranking Jedi who is proficient in all forms of lightsaber combat. It's good enough that you could replace more that one Jedi as an instructor. The council allowed this because the current situation requires quantity. No matter how strong you are, you couldn't be at 2 different planets at once

Also, it's not babysitting. The ones you are teaching aren't just begging and already have some ability."

Tony: "I don't know. I think I have a way to be in 2...Nevermind. Can I at least do something else while I teach the younglings? I'm currently working on increasing the number of lightsabers I can control at once.

Windu: "You are allowed to do anything. I'm just wondering if you could. There is a particular youngling who could be quite a handful. She's not at the level you and Skywalker were, but she isn't that far behind."

Tony: "Level as in skill or on how to make trouble?"

Windu: "Both."

Tony: "Really? And you're willing to let me train that youngling?"

Tony did this to try and get some reaction from Windu. He heard his master about to curse, but it was stopped as Windu noticed what Tony was doing.

Tony: [Sh*t. He's onto me.]

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