Remember my dog that wasted the roll of toilet paper? I finally found out why she did that. She's training herself to hunt. My dog killed a rat around 2 weeks ago and decided to present it to me the moment I got out of the house.

I shouldn't have praised my dog as much because now it is actively hunting for prey. One day, my dog decided that we were not having enough protein and hunted down someone's chicken (don't know who raised the chicken and don't want to know).

Now, I don't let her roam the house as freely and keep her leashed. The fences were also fixed to make sure she can't go out hunting. Still, I don't think it's enough. After tasting blood, the way my dog stares at chicks and ducklings is just...

Meanwhile, my other dog(male) is just charging at cats. He doesn't do anything really to the cats. He just runs as fast as he could to scare the cats.

If a cat doesn't run away, my dog just jumps over the cat. Then, he'll create some distance between him and the cat before charging back again.


Anakin: "So, did you get enough voice samples?"

Tony: "Not really. It's probably sufficient though considering she's not even the official Sith apprentice. She'll probably just say, Yes Master and Sorry Master."

Ahsoka: "Not an official Sith apprentice? What does that mean?"

Anakin: "Remember the Sith's Rule of 2? Ventress isn't part of those 2. She's just a person trained by Count Dooku."

Ahsoka: "But I thought she's a Sith?"

Tony: "She is. It just... their Rule of Two made things complicated. She's probably going to be the new apprentice once Dooku becomes the Master so I guess she could be called a Sith youngling. "

Ahsoka: "A youngling? But she's so powerful."

Anakin: "That's nothing Snips. I hate to admit it but even I'm still going to lose if I fight the real Sith Apprentice. Count Dooku"

Anakin didn't want to admit this but he still told her because he noticed Ahsoka's arrogance. She might look humble but he knew she underestimated the Sith. He was like her after all.

Tony left the two on their own while he went towards JARVIS.

When he got close, he ordered JARVIS to release some nanites. He told JARVIS to take over the droids Ventress brought with her so that they could be taken back.

Ahsoka was frightened when she noticed the droids reassemble themselves and come back to life. She tried to draw her lightsaber but her master stopped her before got near a droid.

Anakin: "Calm down Snips. They're on our side now."

Ahsoka: "Our side? How? They haven't been reprogrammed yet."

Anakin pointed to the nanites and then pointed to Tony. He didn't really want to talk about the nanites because he forgot which information was allowed to be shared with his apprentice. He didn't want to talk too much and accidentally reveal that they could take over the enemy's droids.

Anakin: "Hey Tony. Aren't you supposed to do that later? I thought we were supposed to make contact with Dooku"

Tony: "It's already taken care of."

Tony pointed at the Ventress who was currently knocked out. Nanites started crawling on and moving her face. JARVIS was moving her face, practicing what to say to Dooku.

Anakin went to R2 to rest while also giving lectures to his apprentice.


It took some time but Dooku finally contacted Ventress. He asked about their Jabba's son as they needed him as a hostage

'Ventress' reported her failure. She told her about Skywalker and told Dooku that she would catch him. She told Dooku that the Jedis were going towards Tatooine but there was nothing to worry about as the Jedis were using a junk spaceship that wasn't even flying properly.

Dooku warned 'Ventress' and then ended the call.

Anakin: "Are you sure this is going to work? We're just going to tell them that we're using a crappy spaceship and not a mobile suit and expect things to be fine?"

Ahsoka: "Sorry Tony but Skyguy's right, this couldn't possibly work."

Tony: "I'm not expecting it would work. I just wanted to see if they went full retard. "

Then, Tony told them about the reason why they captured Ventress.

According to their research, Ventress was a Dathomirian just like Maul. They came from the same tribe and have the same 'mother', Mother Talzin.

The Jedis wanted to return Ventress to Mother Talzin as the Sith was another child who was lost by their tribe.

Ventress might have been given away instead of taken away but it didn't really matter to the Jedis. The only thing that mattered is that Mother Talzin acknowledged her as a member of their family and wanted her back. The Jedis wanted to use this chance to strike a deal with Mother Talzin and her Nightsisters.

Two Dathomirians have become Sith/ Sith Trainees. This may not be a huge number but these two already made up 33% of the total Sith known consisted of Jedi.

These Dathomirians has a tendency to produce Sith. The amount of Force-sensitives from Dathomir was large enough that the Jedis decided not to leave them alone anymore.

Mother Talzin didn't look like she was trying to antagonize the Jedis so the Jedis did not try to eradicate them as they did with the Sith. The Jedi were fine with them staying in Dathomir as long as they don't terrorize the galaxy.

The Jedis wanted to exchange Ventress with the permission to closely monitor Dathomir. Since those who became Sith had the same origin story where they were taken away from Dathomir, the Jedis thought it was best if no one could be taken away from that planet.

After hearing of this exchange, Ahsoka couldn't just sit still. She wanted to ask if the Jedi Council was really going to be letting Ventress go.

Tony: "As long as she stays there and doesn't cause more destruction, yeah. That said, we still need Dooku to abandon her."

Ahsoka: "Abandon her? How?"

Anakin: "That's not something you should know yet. You're still not used to this yet and might let something slip."

Ahsoka: "This again..."

Anakin reassured her that it wasn't just because of her age this time. He told her that he could only tell her about it after the Jedi Council allowed it. Ahsoka didn't try anymore after she heard that it was the Jedi Council's decision.


The Jedis left and proceeded to go to Tatooine.

On the way, Anakin contacted Palpatine and told him about Ventress. Anakin talked to Palpatine as this guy was supposed to be one of Anakin's go-to persons.

Anakin consulted to Palpatine about whether or not to switch with someone else. He told Palpatine that he was afraid of failing the mission and possibly cause the Republic to lose the war.

Palpatine convinces Anakin to stay on the mission, telling the boy that he was good enough. He told Anakin that he trusted the boy and that the boy should trust in himself.

After Palpatine finished talking with the Jedi, he went and contacted Dooku. He told Dooku to take it easy on Anakin.

Dooku was aware of Palpatine's plans to turn Anakin into a Sith. Dooku wasn't that reluctant to let the boy go after he won. He was just concerned that his preparation might not be enough as Tony is also involved.

Dooku had his people preparing droids that could stand against mobile suits. He was ȧssured of their performance but he knew better than to trust those machines.

Those prototypes might be able to fight against mobile suits but it would probably have a hard time as machines are predictable.

He told Palpatine of his plan, He didn't want to get blamed in case mobile suits do come.

Palpatine didn't mind and instead told Dooku to call for Ventress. He then told Dooku to use Ventress as a decoy in case things didn't go well.

Palpatine warned Dooku that he noticed the past-Jedi was training Ventress as his apprentice. Palpatine warned him not to do that and to abandon Ventress if needed. When it comes to potential, Anakin is much more superior to Ventress.

Palpatine wanted Dooku to think that Anakin was going to be Dooku's apprentice.


Tony: "Well, I guess they didn't go full retard. So, want to customize your suit before we go to Tatooine?"

Anakin went to the workshop in Tony's destroyer and started tinkering with his suit.

While Anakin was customizing his suit, Tony went to Ahsoka and told her that they were about to confront Dooku. He warned her that she would only be a burden if she fought now.

After saying this, Tony gave her a suit and had her play with Jabba's son. She prepared for Tatooine and then took a rest.


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