The next day

T'Chaka went into his room and talked. He left his guards outside since he wanted privacy for this conversation.

Tony: So you had that talk, can I go now?

T'Chaka: NO

Tony: What? Why? I though Bast should have cleared this up already

T'Chaka: He did, now you are a candidate for the next black panther.

Tony: NO, Nope, Nuh- uh, non(FR), iie(JP), aniyo(KR), hayi(Xhosa)

Tony started talking in all the language he knew. Well, all except Groot.

T'Chaka was dumbfounded with the response, being a black panther was an honor and no one ever refused the offer this vehemently.

Tony: Nope, I won't black panther.

T'Chaka: I guess you don't want to be the black panther. But you seem to forget that you are only going to be a candidate.

Tony: "Well if you say it like that.....



Still, NO I don't want to be the next black panther.


T'Chaka: I said it's just a candidate for example if ...

Tony immediately interrupted T'Chaka before he could even finish his sentence.

Tony: Stop, don't jinx it. I don't want to hear any of that.

T'Chaka: "Alright, but you would still be trained as a black panther. I don't know why you don't want to be the next black panther but for people of Wakanda to welcome you here as a citizen, it is most convenient for me to introduce you as a black panther candidate introduced by Bast.

You imposed yourself on me so you should just follow my arrangements for you. Being the king is already a handful so if you plan to stay here you should at least do something to reduce my burden. Me allowing you to stay here would increase my workload after all.


Tony: Man, can I back out right about now?

T'Chaka: Of course, but you won't be able to get any Vibranium when you leave like that.

Tony: When did I say I was here for that. Still, You are smart for a king.

T'Chaka: You get used to the politics after some time. And with someone like you who has access to almost anything and any technology around the world, the only thing that would interest you would be the Vibranium we have. But you flattering me still won't get you access to it.

Tony: Fine, I can train and work as a black panther candidate but I won't ever be inheriting the position.

T'Chaka: Good, now follow me


T'Chaka introduced Tony to the council. Since, they were aware of the ritual the Black Panther did, they did not object too much. Bast would have done something to T'Chaka in the ancestral realm otherwise.

They were against this at first since they were not going to let Tony be the next king, council member, or anyone with political power but T'Chaka already informed them of Tony's situation.

While they did not object, they still did not accept immediately, they sent warriors to test the kid's skills.


In one of the arenas

Tony: So how do we do this, I'm not exactly able to fight fully grown men and matching me up with one on my age would just be stupid.

One of the other tribe leaders: We were informed that you have some kind of suit when you met the king, you can use that but you are not allowed to fight flying. You can still use the propulsion to augment your movements though. Our warriors will also have their equipment so that they won't get hurt with if you ever get to land a hit on them.

Tony: That does not seem fair to them but who am I to turn down a free fight. So who's first.

A man from the border tribe walked in front. It only seemed proper that someone from their tribe goes first as they were the first line of defence of Wakanda.

Tony: So one from the border tribe huh.

Tony started wearing the gloves and boots. When he finally put them on, he got the arc reactor near his ċhėst as his armor started forming from his head to his body.

T'Chaka: Hoh, that is an interesting way to equip armor. Hey Okoye(AN: Sorry don't know who the previous leader of the Dora Milaje is) , remind me to get that on the current panther habit. That looks easier than my current equipping method.

No one was that surprise with Tony's armor. The technology was already completed in the lab. It is just that the current Black Panther did not bother modifying his current Panther Habit. Now that they saw an outsider with the same technology, they can't just let the outsider know that he has better tech.

Tony got to his stance.

Tony: Ready whenever you are

T'Chaka: Then you can both start.


Tony started by just standin there observing his opponent. His opponent thought that the Tony would charge in like any other kid. The guy even taunted Tony multiple times but the kid just wouldn't react properly

The observers however where secretly impressed with Tony. Kids usually where impatient to prove their strength but Tony was calm and observing his opponent. At least he wasn't a reckless kid.

Tony: Ok I'm going to start with this. Better get ready or you might get taken down in one hit.

Tony raised his hand to aim the repulser at his opponent. He waited for his opponent to raise his shield cloak but the guy just crossed his hand. Tony did not want to hurt him too much so he set the output to 5%.

The guy flew when he was hit by Tony's attack.

Tony looked aside to T'Chaka and ranted: "You got anyone else?"

T'Chaka: Get serious, it bȧrėly knocked him out.

Tony already noticed the man and even displayed his picture in the HUD. He acted like he did not notice. When the guy was going to hit him, Tony stepped back while pushing his opponent.

Tony: If this one doesn't take me seriously then I'll just knock him out with a stronger hit.

T'Chaka: Fine, (mob guy's name) you can use your equipment as well.

Tony got serious and started dodging the man's attacks. He was sure the man was still not giving it his all but that just let Tony know all his fighting habits. This went on for a while until Tony got bored.

When Tony knew that the guy would go for an attack. He suddenly jumped to the sky and landed behind the man. He then raised his hand to a gun position and said "BANG"

The man acknowledged that he lost. He knew that Tony could just release another on of those blast. If that hit him, then he would get knocked out cleanly this time. He was not prepared to withstand that blast.


Tony got to fighting them all. Though all the fights ended up with Tony winning, it all went down the same pattern. Tony observing a bit before counter attacking.

While Tony just finished his fight with his last opponent, T'Chaka suddenly pounced on him and landed a punch straight to the top of his head.

Tony: Oww, what was that for. I already won all the fights

T'Chaka: That was just it, you had won with skill. You had great battle skills,

Tony: Then why did you hit me?

T'Chaka: Because you don't have crap for battle instincts. You think too much in your fights. You are a fast learner and great in this fight sessions but if someone does a surprise attack that you have never experienced before, then you'll get killed.

Tony got nothing to reply. He did know that the real Tony Stark was also the same. Thanos suddenly countered Tony using the man's own sword. Tony was not prepared for that so it almost cost him his life.

He finally realised his problem. Having one of the smartest minds in the worlds does have its drawbacks. He just can't help but think during the fights. Overthinking things was a habit they both had.

Tony was silent for a while. He was thinking of how to solve this but he never even realised his problem.

Tony: So what should do?

T'Chaka as well as the other tribe leaders smiled, the kid finally stopped being so arrogant. They appreciated the kid actually being willing to learn. They all saw potential in Tony and he was still young. If the kid can't develop the battle instincts, then they would just pound it into the kid.

T'Chaka: Just train here for now. You will be sparring with the warriors until you drop down. Oh, and You won't be using your wearing that suit for those matches.

Tony: But that would just be like beating me up.

T'Chaka: That's the point. Battle instinct isn't developed with just fighting experience. It is developed through by your body learning from every fight.

T'Chaka was stretching while getting ready to prepare his punch.

Tony: Wait a second before beating me up, I just might have the solution.

T'Chaka: There is no other way, except maybe if you know what will happen to everything around you.

Tony started retreating while trying to talk down T'Chaka.

Tony: I am going to be working on that, but this is different wait a second.

Tony got his hands into position and focused.

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