Tony got some news he was waiting for. NASA was finally publicly launching a communications satellite equipped with three-axis stabilizers.

Once this launch becomes successful, private companies would start launching their own satellites.

The older generation satellites waste too much energy in maneuvers that they have shorter lifetimes when used alone alone. There had to be a large number of them around to be cost effective so only goverments owned satellites.

But with this launch, there will be plenty of industries that will be taking advantage of satellites. Things like GPS and satellite Television will be available for everyone. And Tony was going to be taking advantage of this.

Tony got in contact with Boeing, Lockheed. They have cooperative agreements with Stark Industries since US prefferred to use Stark Industries' weapons. The owners themselves went since it was Howard inviting them.

Howard introduced everyone to Tony's fake personas as the team that handled the microprocessor deal. They knew of it since that was not really a closely guarded secret at their security level.

A deal was struck when they heard the potential of the project. In the space transportation industry, it is usually the most reliable rockets with plenty of successful missions that are chosen.

Therer may be new tech that can save 25% more fuel available but they wll still never be chosen due to risks of the space missions failing.

The people involved for this meeting was different. They have enough enough resources to launch rockets independently. They could easily build up their mission records if they can't fabricate them.

They have money as well as the skills and technology ready. They were bound to succeed in controlling the space industry.

SpaceS company was started. This company operated like future SHIELD who has the world council controlling it. The difference this time is that this is a privately owned company. The oversight committee was just there to check that financial situation was accurate.

Tony was also going to be introducing reusable rockets. With JARVIS secretly controlling the rockets, Tony was confident that he could land the rockets within a meter accuracy.

But Tony was not going to be publicising that he had the technology anytime time soon. The rockets were supposed to be disposable and recycled materials are still materials.

Tony felt bad for ruining Elon Musk's future but so he decided to secretly train the kid.(AN: Elon is 1 yr younger than Tony). Tony was too lazy to manage these kinds of stuff. He needed someone to manage and grow the business.

Tony was sent by his parents to primary school to make friends. That would have never went well since he was way too smart for his age. With this, at least Tony can have someone that can sort of come up with some interesting new ideas.

Tony was training his Obadiah early. He also used some of Hydra's brain washing skills to make Elon a loyal friend. The company can be managed by JARVIS but for it to flourish, it will still need human's creativity.

Tony also create his own V8 engine for historical record.



Tony was having a hard time expanding his chakra after he reached 100,000 clone capacity. He was having a hard time recovering his chakra. His body can only absorb so much nutrients that he needs to eat for days to recover 1% of his chakra.

Since only Tony can eat, the clones were left to collect chakra from the environment. Even with all the clones trying to restore his chakra, their environment was starting to get affected.Tony felt the flora starting to be less vibrant so he decided to stop building up his chakra for now.


Tony detected some unusual activities in the upper atmosphere. Tony checked all possible sources he since this was not an event expected by JARVIS.

All of Tony's Hydra and the black market connections have no clue of the event even happening.

Wakanda has detected the event but they ignored the event. Their monitoring systems still had some kinks that they were working on so that was just treated as a bug. Without Tony checking up on JARVIS' secret subroutine, he would thought that they also had no record of the event.

The event is also not a stray asteroid. Tony finally got some satellite footage before the event. Tony needed to manually check all the records to even get some data. There was a ball exiting the atmosphere but that was too slow to be anything natural.

There is probably some alien exiting Earth and only Ego would fit the bill.

Tony: So Ego left Earth, time to find Mother Lord, Meredith Quill.

Tony got to work tracking down the mother of Star-Lord. He acted like a kid in order to ask her about information where they "had" Peter. With everyone treating her depression of her lover leaving and being as an insane person, she was glad that someone was genuinely listening to her. Eventually, Tony got all the information out of her.

It took all his clones to search the places they "had" Peter but Tony still wasted a lot of time. Eventually, he found out where Ego planted the seedling and took it to storage. The seedling is dormant until Peter meets up with Ego, he can do plenty of stuff with it.


Hope van Dyne was born.

They rarely left her but when they did, they said they were on business trips. Tony played along but he already knew that business trip is just a code for Ant-man and Wasp missions.

Tony also collected some more samples of Janet's DNA and some tissue samples with every interaction they had. He needed the samples before she gets trapped in the Quantum Realm.


A Scene during baby-sitting days

Tony: But mom, why can't I just leave this part to Jarvis(human) or one of the maids.

Maria: No, Janet entrusted little Hope here to you so you take care of her.

Tony: Fine, I'll just ask my clones to do it.

Tony created 5 shadow clones.

Tony: Ok guys here's the plan. One of you goes to gets the used diaper, another one wipes, one goes do the other stuff.

Tony: Ok, I'll leave it up to you guys then.

All Clones: Leave and we'll tell mom that you would grow up to be a playboy.

Tony: Why the hell are you blackmailing me for.

All Clones: You started it by asking us to do this.

Tony: But you're all me.

All Clones: Exactly, we are you so we also don't want to do this.

Tony: Fine, let's just get this over with.

All Tonys got in a circle and started selecting sticks.

Tony kneeled down as he saw that he got the shortest stick.

Clones: Good luck boss, also don't try to recreate more clones, we have already made sure that they won't cooperate with you.

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