AN: Also another question below


Ancient One: Now that we are in a secured space, mind telling me what that is?

Tony: All-Black.

Ancient One: Is the color supposed to mean something?

Tony: Do you know of the Klyntar race maybe Symbiotes would be more common?

Ancient One: I thought that race was supposed to be annihilated.

Tony: I guess they were, I don't know for sure. I never got information about them in the first place. I figured they would not show up since this universe is not supposed to have them.

Ancient One: Well they were supposed to be. They were treated like a plague. All major powers in the universe were contacted to form a hunting party. Sorcerer's were also invited to secure the perimeter and make sure that none slipped through. So you're saying that this relic is supposed to be one of those Symbiotes?

Tony: Maybe, I am not too sure. But I sure as hell won't risk it using it with a chance that it is actually what I think it is.

Ancient One: You are particularly concerned with this symbiote, is it more dangerous than the other symbiotes.

Tony: Because it is. This is not just a Symbiote, it is THE SYMBIOTE. This thing's mission is to kill all life in the universe. It helps its hosts at the start but it will soon take over them. The only way I would be ȧssured enough to use it is if we can wipe out its consciousness.

Ancient One: You want me to push the consciousness away and destroy it?

AO: What makes you think we can succeed in wiping its soul.

Tony: You remember how it reacted to you. Symbiotes usually bond to the first body it finds but it did not merge with you. That is probably because it knows that it can't take over. This is not just any other common symbiote but I'm guessing the last time it got a host was a very long time ago. It should now be too weak to take over someone like you.

Ancient One: A reasonable inference. Do you have any plans after we wiped out its soul? Human bodies usually die and I have never encountered one myself to make a guess of what will happen.

Tony: Its body should remain. It is supposed to be tempered by some cosmic energies. Though I am not too sure what happened to it for it to reach its current state though.

Ancient One: Very well, then you will use the All-Black as what? a weapon?

Tony: I was just about to use it as a very cool looking sword. I mean the shapes it could take would certainly give my nanites a run for their money.

AO: And your new plan?

Tony:I remembered you mentioning that my cloning skill creates a copy of my soul. I was wondering if you can help me transfer one of souls inside it.

Ancient One: You want to take over the body of the Symbiote? I am not even sure that is a possible idea much less a good idea.

Ancient One: Then we should see if it will work then.


Ancient One used the Eye of Agamotto to check the future. She saw glimpses on what will happen. She laughed a bit at what she saw.

Ancient One: Well then, let's start

Tony: Wait, why did you laugh. What did you see when you checked the future?

Ancient One: Nothing that would adversely affect you. Just relax and focus all your energy into one clone.

Tony: Wait, all of it? I can make almost 2 hundred thousand clones since I figured out how to passively collect chakra (AN: Slow continuous collection). You want me to use all that energy for one clone?

Ancient One: Yes, that should be enough for now. Also make sure that the clone you create is the one you can have a shared consciousness and not just those self conscious clones. You need to give me feedback so that I can push you out in case complications happen.

(AN: In the Boruto anime, Naruto can consciously control/aware of all of his clones. Though the clones disperse when original sleeps)

Ancient One: Then go for now, we need to prepare for something like this.


Ancient One got to her personal library and checked to make sure of the procedures she would be doing. It was supposedly theoretical and untested magic but since she already saw how they succeeded, she only needed to make sure that she could handle accidents.

One wrong procedure and they could be seeing a very smart symbiote. Not just smart but also had access and controlled the world's technology tree.

She did not actually need to hurry to do this but she wanted Tony to leave Kamartaj. Since Tony reached the level of a master, he just either researched on the books or experimented with magic. This lead to the other masters and apprentices trying to improve themselves more due to their competitive spirits. It would usually be a good thing but she knew that some of those people would follow Kaecillius when he left. They would eventually attack others and she did not want them to cause more casualties than necessary in order to develop Strange.


Tony had his clone bring All-Black to the mirror dimension. He also sent a message to make sure to make the clone acted properly. He did not want to spook out All-Black in-case it still has some reserve energy to fight back.

Meanwhile, Tony focused all his energy trying to create his clone. He even ordered all his other clones in the other parts of the world to excuse themselves and disperse. He could just create them again tomorrow and send them back. He still asked them to excuse them selves for a week since he was not sure what could happen.

Tony: It is really convenient to use magic. I don't need to count in the travel time when I need to do things in a hurry.

That night.

They gathered in the mirror dimension.

Ancient One: So this is the clone that has all that chakra?

Tony: Yeah, I don't usually use this much focus when I create clones. Now I just feel weird.

AO: How so?

Tony: Well I feel like I have double vision? I can see you in two angles. I can still make them work on their own.

CTony: Like this.

Tony: But all the information he receives gets is processed in both my consciousness and his. It is also weird since whenever we look at each other.

Ancient One: Perfect. You should get used to that situation. Once this succeeds, that will be permanent. Are you ready?

Ancient One telekinetically pulled All-Black to float in front of her. She then focused all her energy and then pushed her hand to it.

She felt she pushed on something heavier than all the other times she did this. This was because symbiotes did not have clear body parts. They were a collection of "cells" and each of those "cells" had a part of its soul. She needed to separate each of them compared to humanoids who only had anchor points in their hearts and minds.

The sword form remained while All-Black was finally pushed out of its body. It looked like a black smoke similar that formed a dementor-like shape. It tried to attack Ancient One and then Tony but it could not go past a barrier Ancient One setup.

Tony: Okay, it's out, now what?

Ancient One: Relax, I just need to do this.

Tony saw the magic formation she created. It was a magic that can channel energy from another dimension. A flame appeared and burned All-Black's soul to nothing. Before it went, it screamed with what sounded like hatred to the three.

Tony: Nice flame. So looks like the sword form is still intact, do I go now?

Ancient One: No, let me. You should prepare yourself though.

The clone's body dispersed when Ancient One forced the soul out of it with another push.

Ancient One: "


You are not yet allowed to learn though.

Now is the last chance. Are you sure about this?


Tony: Yeah, just do it.

She created a funnel like formation that suċkėd the Clone's soul and pushed it inside the sword.

Tony: That's it? I though it would be a little more complicated.

Ancient One just smiled at his remark, she then conjured a bucket below the sword while commenting. "Be careful of what you say. Jinx happens in this universe. And this here would be it"

When Tony noticed the bucket, he suddenly felt something wrong and collapsed. The sword also melted down but the bucket the Ancient One conjured was just in time to catch the liquid form of the sword.


A few days later.

Mordo: Are you sure he would be alright?

AO: Of course, he just overused his body in one of his experiments. Though you should keep watch as he should be to weak when he wakes up.

Tony regained his consciousness while hearing this.

Tony: So, how long did I sleep?

Mordo: 2 days, I should go get you something to drink first.

When Tony saw that he left, he asked Ancient One. "So how long did I really go unconscious?"

Ancient One: Just a bit over a week, so ,how is you're new body?

Tony: Wait, let me check. Woah it still has a connection unlike what they usually did when I get knocked out. How is that even possible?

Ancient One: Anchor point, your clone's soul is bound to something that is relatively permanent so it would not need your constant awareness anymore to maintain it.

Tony: Wait, I think I got another set of memories from that my body. Why is all of it inside a bucket?

Ancient One: Oh that, I forgot to put your other body in some better container.

Tony: So can I see it now?

Ancient One pointed to a bucket on the table on the opposite side of the bed from where she is.

Tony picked it up and looked inside the bucket. Inside was a smooth blob that was the blackest thing he ever saw. It looked like a black hole that kept absorbing all the light passing through it.

Tony: My new body is a, slime?

Tony tried to focus his idea onto this black sludge to try to reform it back to a sword. The problem is the slime just raised the top layer a bit.

Ancient One: I suggest naming it something better, Grimer or Muk should be appropriate.

Tony: Hell no. I technically own Nintendo so I could do that but no way am I naming myself a Pokemon.

Ancient One: Well that is the only ideas I have. I would leave you to your thoughts. The Darkhold is in a house in this place called ...

After Ancient One told him the exact location of the book, she left him to rest and familiarize himself with the symbiote body.

End of chap


AN: Call for suggestions for the name if you want

I am thinking of calling the new body Goop

So that if he talks he can talk to Groot and they would be like

I am Groot

I am Goop



Then Thor would be trying to understand their conversation but he never remembered an elective on Goop back in Asgard so he is basically guessing what Goop said

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