Howard completed recreating the super soldier serum. Thanks to the current Steve providing his blood samples, it was developed faster.

The production still delayed the overall progress. As what was agreed upon in the bet, he had to prepare a full set to be used for Tony.

"Hey Tony, here is the serum. Let me double check the Vita-Ray chambers first before you inject it. Just to make sure you didn't mess things up."

Tony just looked at his father weirdly. Howard did not understand the look so he asked what's the problem.

T:"Nothing, it's just that, I am not planning to use the serum right now. I do have a Vita-Ray chamber prepared if you want to see it though"

Howard: "What!! Why did you waste my time making some for you then? Can't you see how much of a hassle it is to produce the serum? I could have just given you the manufacturing process and you could have made some yourself. And that is ȧssuming you still don't know how to manufacture the damn thing."

Howard was right, since he was working in their laboratory at home recently, Tony already learned everything he could about the serum. Still, it was nice to get something from his father. It is almost Christmas anyway and Tony missed getting a present ever since he stopped getting them from his parents when he went to college.

Tony : "Well I want to use it to test some things first. Want to see?"

H:" Yeah, but make sure to include Vita-Rays. The serum can work without it but things will hurt. A lot."

Howard wanted to see what his son was planning so he followed. They went to Tony's lab where he saw a hand inside machine. Howard asked " That's not the hand of someone I know, is it?"

T:"Nope, purely synthesized hand. It's based on my cells so it should be able to simulate what will happen to me."

Tony had a hard time producing the hand. He could have created a clone of himself easier than making the hand alone. He collected samples of his body since he was young so he could develop growth hormones to accelerate the body's growth.

But his father would probably freak out of he saw the clone. Shadow clones can be treated as a mutation but actual cloning is supposed to be unethical after all.

Howard:"Well that's useless, I know the serum works so unless you have different Vita-Rays I know what will happen."

Tony was whipping out another device while agreeing. "That was always the plan, I want to try how the serum works with other types of input like gamma instead of vita rays."

Howard was surprised, he was familiar with the device his son took out. It looked like a Gamma Cannon he created but smaller. "You really do have access to anything huh?"

Tony:"Not actually anything, but I do have access to almost everything in SHIELD. So if you follow me this way."

Tony led him to an observation area. As Howard walked inside, a tranquilizer dart hit him from somewhere. Tony immediately caught his father as he fell. "Sorry dad, I'll explain everything to you later."

Tony dragged his father to a bed and JARVIS started monitoring vital signs. He then let his symbiote bond with his father. He memorized the body structure to make sure he got things right.

He was going to ulitilize his symbiote to mimic his father's body. He would then use magic to correct the image since the mimic would have been completely black.

This was Plan B, Tony would have impersonated his father in the event. He already knew that replacement bodies would work as long as he the target is going to die. He was going to be replacing his father.

Plan C was supposed to be using Life Model Decoys. Androids designed to look like humans. But Tony still had problems with the control systems. He can't fit enough processors in the head alone. He did not want machines in the body in case unexpected events happen that lead to its exposure.


Tony's mother was already informed of the situation. She is already replaced with a fake body. He told her this but not his father because he is still afraid of her.


That night, the Tony went to go out. HYDRA is already aware of the travel and Winter Soldier was deployed.

Tony was driving in the woods when he noticed a man riding a motorbike appeared and started following him. Tony knew who was riding it. Still, he was going to give the man a hard time and tried to do things like brake check. The bike easily avoided his car so Tony's next move was to increase his speed.

It turned into a grand theft auto for a bit. But without equipping the car with proper defenses, Winter Soldier was able to rip out a tire from the car ending the chase.


Tony went out of the car acting angry. He already detected that there were cameras observing so he made sure to give a show.

He used the suitcase he was holding to smash the face of Winter Soldier. It was caught midair and Tony was punched to his knees. His neck was held and was choked. It was actually useless since the symbiote could handle the pressure. But he played along for the story.

After "Howard" was killed, Maria's decoy, who was unconcious in the passenger seat, was also killed.

Tony thought silently: "What the hell, she clearly was not aware and you still killed her? Sorry Steve. I won't kill Bucky, but after I'm done, he'd probably won't have the energy to keep on living either. "


When Winter soldier finally left, JARVIS hijacked the camera feed. He then posed on the camera, and left a message for the future. But only he could extract it, others would just see it as white noise


After the event, Tony arranged for his parents to take a vacation around the world. He could set up a cruise or flights to literally anywhere so they could go anywhere they want.

His parents refused, they were too old for that and just wanted a rest from all this. So he let them say goodbye to the Carters and then left in Wakanda. He applied some magic to make them blend in.

They were easily accepted in the country thanks to T'Chaka. Tony ȧssisted them with some missions that saved plenty of Wakandan lives. They were happy to be returning the favor.

When the two learned of Tony's status in Wakanda, they were surprised. Their son, a playboy, was actually respected warrior in a tribe. They were happy that he actually helped people, even if he kept it from them.


Maria was happy that she had some new friends to talk to. She was particularly close to the queen since she also has a son. Though their ages were a bit far apart, they had something in common and that became the start of their connection.

Sadly, they still died after a year. They passed away on their sleep, at the same time. It definitely raised a suspicion since they seemed healthy before.


That night, Tony recieved another letter from god.

"Sorry about your parents but that was not us. You can rest ȧssured though, they died content and in peace.

Also, Congratulations on changing the fate of your parents. But I'm not sure if that was the correct decision. You have successfully gained Death's attention.

Can't say anything more about her.

But I can tell you this, she has a stalker. Enjoy


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