AN: Info dump chap so there is a TLDR at the bottom.



On the glowing icons are the following. A blinking cross-hair, baby spider, shield, and a signal bar but no bars.

On the dull icons are. A 3D mark, heart icon, a red circle, and what looks like the Google incognito icon. There was also a battery icon with 1/4 battery.

He then noticed the signal icon suddenly having 3 bars.


AN: please just go with the flow for the UI having icons and pointers.


Tony opened the signal icon. It showed a different interface with Captain America's shield logo.

The time travel outfits were designed with communication units. He closed it since this was not that important yet.

He then started fiddling with the other options.

The blinking crosshair showed a radar with a blinking icon on the lower part of the screen. There is also a small legend to show how many kilometers per grid line.

This was the tracker he left for Zola.

The radar had a map option but GPS technology was not even developed and is still in the planning stage.

Shied icon was next. This was more of a V shaped shield than the circle one of captain.

The shield interface had a full body diagram as well as a body 1/4 the size of the first one. The smaller one was all blue. The other full body was different since only the head was lighting up blue. Other parts were still blinking red.

He hovered over the red parts. It showed a message saying "Not enough materials"

He figured that the amount he had right now might be enough for a baby but was severely lacking for an ȧduŀt.


The heart icon's content contained all kinds of data.

The most obvious is the heart beat graph.

There were plenty of graphs but there a a very prominent icon in the middle. It was a measure buŧŧon.

There was a warning that the measurement would take some time. Tony was currently asleep so he did not mind doing the measurements.

Tony left it and started checking everything else.


Red circle was a record function.

There were things like notepads, calendar, as well as a todo list.

There was also a camera icon.

Basically, any kind of record function was here.

It also had alarms and a daily planner.

He guessed that he might not remember some items later so he needed to build a list until he gets his AI up and running

He noticed the lack of an actual Artificial Intelligence when he sent trackers out before.

Tony did not mind since he needed to experience most things himself. He did not want waste too much energy finding bugs while setting up J.A.R.V.I.S.

The equipment management was basically run by a very advanced smartphone OS rather than a portable AI ȧssistant.



Was not yet clickable

There was also a warning that said :

"will only unlock when you are old enough my young padawan". as well as a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Tony was pissed and almost shouted but just ranted in his mind: "Dafuq did the future me do. Is this some shitty joke.



Tony was pissed with his future self that he decided to leave for a while.


Howard POV

He was talking with Steve when they suddenly saw Tony waking up all grumpy.

Howard: Look who is up. And looks like he doesn't want to leave SHIELD.

Tony was still angry with his future self to even listen to his father right now.


Steve POV

He was currently laughing right now.

The picture of grumpy baby Tony was just that different from the old Tony.

The billionaire playboy philanthropist that eventually became the hero. Was just a whiny little kid.

He then heard Howard talking about trying to bring Tony to work all the time.

Steve got alarmed. He knew that Howard was a bit skeptical with SHIELD as well but was not as aware as he was of the Hydra problem.

Steve was going to start talking about what he can probably warn Howard about in SHIELD, but just as he was about to talk he noticed that they were already near the Stark Mansion. He decided to talk with Howard later since he was going to be invited for dinner just like always.


Tony was carried home when he noticed an HP bar on his peripheral vision.

He checked the heart menu and turns out it was monitoring his vitals as well as a nutritional chart. Turns out the nanobots could also analyse his blood samples.

Baby spider was next but a prompt window asking " Are You Alone? "



There he was blasted with plenty of blueprints of 3D manufacturing machines

There was a 3D printer with what seems to be metal ingot as their filament. There were also other variants that could work with multiple materials at the same time.

There was also CNC machines designed to reduce a slab of metal to what is needed. The

There was also circuit board printers with different signs. 7nm, 10nm, up to 1mm

Medical syringe manufaturing plants

Metal bending machine. Centrifuge, spectrometers

All kinds of machines that used to produce items or analyze them was here.

All kinds of Generally available machines were present. But that was it, General purpose machines. Nothing too advanced like the stabilizers used in Wakanda to transport raw vibranium safely.

There was another problem however. Most of the advanced stuff was still not accessible. The ones accessible were better than current latest generation machines but was not much different in terms of technology.

Stark Industries did have most of the machines listed here but the quality was different. There items here that could do what 20 of the current machines in Stark industries could do.

Tony could use his nanites to create these machines but there was a problem. There was an energy rating along with the materials list attached to each blueprint.

The materials list was not only about the materials but also the sizes each block of a material should be. There was also a waste materials info.

The energy requirements was also not to be taken lightly since he has yet to measure how much energy full battery can store.

(AN: I am working with a theory of nanites only being capable of combining with one another and destroying materials depending on the material.

They might be able to combine to make weapons and beams but each nanite would not be able to use a grain of sand each to make a glass. Otherwise MCU should have Tony repairing the spaceship, creating nutrition from themselves, as well as recycling oxygen from CO2 directly when they were lost in space since MCU had Tony pass out while the arc reactor was still growing strong.)



3 bars means can communicate with someone clearly(Captain America) so just ignore for now

Shield: Full body baby armor. head protection for man body

Cross-hair - tracking and maps but not accurate (GPS just being funded and not even started yet)

heart icon - health icon and body development manager (HP bar)

red circle - recording and planner (basic smartphone functions but more advanced)

Google incognito icon: Child mode still on so not yet available

3D - basic tools blueprints for 3d printer ,CNC, circuit board those kinds of stuff.

Problem is using nanites to build them would waste energy that he current had small amounts of

battery icon with 1/4 battery.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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