On the way to the trial.

Tony was currently looking out the windows of the transport ship he was on. Outside was the capital city of the Shi'ar Empire. He saw countless spaceships flying.

While there were a lot of spaceships, a large portion of the spaceships were identical. They had similar structures but with different paint designs. Tony immediately identified them as the part of Shi'ar Empire's forces. They should be the ones in charge of the area's security.

It looked like all of the Shi'ar's ground forces were deployed as the ships were everywhere. Some seemed to be inspecting selected areas, while others were just roaming around on-patrol, waiting for an incident to take place.

Tony: "Wow. Is there a festival? Or is your capital just overpopulated?

Oracle: "Of course it's not overpopulated. They are just here for the occasion"

Tony: "What's the occasion?"

Oracle just looked at him like he was stupid.

After his time in the library, he didn't seem as tense as he was when he arrived. Not only did he not show any reaction she usually saw, he also had the gall to make requests. Granted, his requests were nothing special. But, she still felt something was wrong. His requests were just easily granted.

Oracle: "I still can't believe they allowed your requests."

Tony: "Really? It's just the costume though. How do I look?"

Tony looked at his Darth Vader outfit. When he first wore the costume, he was amazed at the result. The suit looked exactly like his design. The buŧŧons and lights were also functioning. There was just one problem, the breathing.

Even though he added the SCUBA regulator in his design, the sound while he was 'breathing' was just wrong. He didn't know if it was just because he was inside the suit. He couldn't do anything about it at the moment though, so he just hoped things sounded better from the outside.

While Tony was worried about the sound of his breath, he wasn't as concerned about his requests being denied.

He was even confident that his request would be granted. After all, the Emperor D'ken just receive a report from his Death Commandos.

Black Cloak reported their mission as a success. The threat, Magneto, was eliminated. They have also captured some secondary targets. The target's friends and family are contianed.

Black Cloak's report gave D'ken more confidence. With them that he would get what he wants.

Since D'ken already has his 'stick' is ready, he just needed to prepare the 'carrot'. He had to look as good as he could be to his target. That way, when the trial is finished. He could 'help' his target obtains a more lenient punishment.


Tony was mentally reviewing his plan when Oracle approached him.

Oracle: "You should keep away from the windows. We are about to arrive. You should stop sightseeing and start to prepare for your defense."

Tony: "Relax. I'm already prepared."

Oracle: "You should stop being so confident. From here on out, one wrong move would mean death"

Tony: "Relax. Besides.

I find your lack of faith disturbing"

Tony expected some sort of reaction from Oracle. He waited a while but still got nothing. Since he failed to get any sort of reaction, he just took one last look on the outside, made sure to remember the view of his places of interest, and then got up to follow Oracle.


Streets of the capital city.

Just as Shi'ar's police finished inspecting their respective areas they were ȧssigned to, blue-colored portals appeared. Shadow looking entities exited the portals. The shadows moved onto the streets. The portals closed up right after the shadows got out that it would be hard to notice it unless you were looking.

The shadows that came out of the portal moved fast. They went to the sides of the streets. When they got near the shadow of an object, the things started to melt. They mixed themselves into the natural shadows.

The police that just passed by were alarmed by the sensors that detected movements. They looked to where the alarms originated and only found random objects with particularly dark shadows.

The ship's scanners scanned the objects but found them to be just some random raw materials such as ingots of copper. Since the objects weren't just some piece of garbage but something useful, tractor beams came out of the ships and targeted the objects.

After scanning the objects and determining them to have no problems or points of suspicion of any sort. Some of the less disciplined police officers decided to 'personally manage' the objects. They grabbed the things not noticing that as soon as they made contact with the materials, the shadows cast by the object just became lighter.

Hall of Imperium Tribunals

Gladiator: "Ladies and Gentlemen.

You are here today to witness history.

We are here for the most important of decisions.

The Earther, Darth Vader, is here to stand and face his accusers.

He is here to pay for his crimes.

He is here to answer for his acts of genocide"


With that introduction, Tony walked into the center stage.

He saw the current leader of the Shi'ar, D'ken, sitting in the very front. Right beside him was a seemingly important female.

Tony recognized the woman. She was in the recent records added in the Empire's history.

The lady beside D'ken is his sister, Lilandra. As the Emperor's sister, she is a princess of the Shi'ar Empire. She isn't a lazy princess though as she is the current Grand Admiral of the Imperial Guard.

Tony didn't remember her because she is the Grand Admiral of the Imperial Guards. He remembered her because of her identity.

Lilandra is the next in line to the throne. If something ever happened to her brother before the next Majestor was selected, she would have full control of the Shi'ar Empire.

Though she is the next in line, she still has someone who threatens that position. The person is her older sister, Deathbird.

Deathbird was actually the firstborn. If she was here, she would have become the Majestrix of the Empire and not their brother.

Unfortunately, due to atavism, she experienced fits of uncontrollable rage. One time, the rage was too intense that she killed her mother. She was exiled after that event. Also, the event lead to her becoming known as Deathbird.

Tony wanted to know more about this Deathbird but the records didn't show where Deathbird was exiled at.

Tony was thinking of having Lilandra take control of the Shi'ar Empire. This is because even though she had the Empire's most powerful legion under her command, she didn't get drunk with power. She didn't use the people under her to overthrow the current king

Other than her temperament, Tony also picked her for her experience. The truth was, Lilandra is the actual person managing the empire. She manages the day to day life of the Empire, while her brother, the current leader, was busy trying to obtain power.

Lilandra was just more important for the Shi'ar that her brother. The empire had grown prosperous due to her setting up deals with not only planets and small groups, but also set up deals that involved other empires.


On the way, Tony also felt like he saw a certain person. He didn't know the identity of the person, but he knew of the person's species. With the man's oversized bald head and his blue robes, the person is definitely one of the Watchers.

Tony didn't know why he was here, but he could guess. Since the Watcher's Informant is gone (RIP Stan Lee), they should be here to do the job themselves.

Tony ignored the guy. He knew that other than some basic response, these guys wouldn't be of any help. These Watchers swore to a pact of non-interference.

While there is a Watcher that could be of help to him, he didn't know if this was the guy since Tony never met hum.

Tony also didn't need the help. Having a Watcher help him meant something must have gone terribly wrong. Tony didn't want to waste such a thing on this occasion.

Tony continued on his way.

When Tony got to his position, he heard Oracle telepathically give him some last-minute advice. It was mostly reminders to be calm. The opposition would try to taunt him. She suggested to just ignore it unless. That or fight with him if Tony is confident about winning.

TOny thanked Oracle for her last-minute reminder. He appreciated that she still tried her best on her job.

Oracle went away from Tony and onto Lilandra's side.

After Oracle left, Gladiator approached Tony and then talked.

"My name is Kallark.

You can address me as Gladiator

Praetor of the Imperial Guard

Today, you will be judged.


Tony wanted to give a comeback but before he could even start talking, Gladiator already started the trial.

The projectors started playing the video of the Phoenix approaching a sun. It then started circling.

A few moments later, the sun went KABOOM.

After the explosion, the scene shifted to a video from the surface of the D'Bari Planet. It showed how the sun go nova. I

The scene ended and the place was silent. The spectators were still overwhelmed with what happened. It was one thing to hear about the event. But seeing the whole event occurring was another thing. the scene even showed shots of the local residents slowly being melted.

Gladiator: "You have been shown irrefutable evidence of the event taking place. What do you say?"

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