Reincarnated Devil King

Chapter 157: Youto

The creeping vines stick out from the swarm.

"Ah! What is this, no good, my magic power ... my magic power is being lost!" Shouted a magician who was attracted by Dahuazui, and his heart was almost smashed.

At the same time that everyone was fighting, Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes also saw the status of the magician. Many vines of different thicknesses climbed onto his body, sculpting his limbs into a "big" word, a singularly large flower, with his mouth open and sticking to his lower abdomen, as if drumming. What delicious drink is sucking. Then the magician slowly languished in a burst of sourness. It feels like even the whole person has to lose weight.

Everyone was shocked. Could it be that the monsters in this mud don't have eye-cropping crocodiles and eye-flowers ... everyone is pumping at the corners of their mouths, and an indescribable force comes from their stomachs. Or into magic or into a slash, severely driving back the monster flower around you.

But still after a while, you will hear a companion yelling and scolding. That was someone sucked by the demon flower again. The cooperation between vines and flowers is too tacit, and the most important thing is too much. In such an environment, it is difficult for magicians to fully issue a powerful magic. The combat power is basically based on the flesh ability. Strong melee profession.

"Don't panic, ordinary chopping is useless. Cutting the flowers directly with vindictiveness can greatly slow down their action and accuracy! Everyone clears a safe area, and a magician with ability can come to the center. We need to support each other. Let the advantages of the magician out! "Han Tingsen said as he shot through a large vine, and the fighting spirit attached to the gun exploded instantly inside the vine, making a large part of the vine They lost their fighting power and twisted down.

Han Tingsen's prestige is good, and his judgment is also very good. Everyone starts to do it immediately, but this cannot solve the problem at once, because there are too many vines. Some of the companions have been scattered for a long time because of the fighting. It is not easy to concentrate now, just like Cortana and Iger.

一 As soon as the main combat power of these two regiment-level players started to kill, they left the crowd for a long distance, so that they could better let go of their hands and feet. However, this may also be the main reason why their former corps had only a few elites.

After being bombarded by several different magics, Cortana found that the flame is a weapon to deal with this demon vine, but she is not good at the fire department and only loses small fireballs. Fortunately, her wind magic is very good, which makes her posture extremely flexible. She walks on the mud and is as comfortable as stepping on the stone brick. Occasionally she will wield a few wind blades and cut the main branch of the vine. The effect is also not bad.

Iger showed Niah what a crazy warrior was, Iger was seeing a red halo all over his body, and his body was still steaming with white smoke. The whole body is also bigger, and the clothes on the upper body have been violent. With a big smile on his face, he looked a little crazy, standing on the huge sword in the mud, and the mud splashed. A vacuum zone suddenly appeared around him. As soon as the vines approached this vacuum zone, they would be caught. Powerful sword air tear.

However, Iger does not seem to have much motivation and defense is greater than offense. If the vines bypass him, he will be aggressive. Niah is deeply doubtful whether this kind of fighting method will last.

Nia stood in the mud, Wei Ran remained motionless, and the vines swarmed up. Bom ~ Several small fireballs exploded all over Nia. The vines receded a few meters, and Xiao Hei dropped from the air. Riding around a flower's neck, he began to tear the petals with his bare hands, folded the flower branches, and came in handy.

He used to be a horse rider for Niah, and now he is also a rider. Obviously he is very happy. The vine is very afraid of the black dragon's breath. When the back of the demon flower feels that Xiao He is approaching, he naturally retreats. Xiao Hei rides on a headless vine, chasing other vines and flowers, and circling around Niah. From time to time, Xiao He opens his mouth to be a big fireball. The water on the ground is transpiration, and it will become a piece soon. Hard dry land.

"Blazing Fire!"

"Snake arrow!"

"Iron armor formation!"

"Bath of Light!"

汉 When Han Tingsen organized the team, the war situation reversed slightly, the remote logistics personnel were protected in the middle, and the soldiers built an iron barrel array on the periphery! The brigade went on like this.

It has been nearly half an hour since the beginning of the battle. The uninterrupted cast of magic and vigor, the mercenaries became increasingly tired, and there were several layers of vines lying on the ground, but there were still many vines standing at least. There is a thickness of nearly one kilometer to break through!

"Strike the wind blade!" Cortana threw out a large range of wind magic, and the wind blade swept across an area of ​​ten meters in an instant, and the vines poured into the mud for a while. This magic is not used. Less magic.

Cortana exhaled loudly, this is not only a question of magic, physical strength is also a big problem.

Suddenly Cortana felt slippery under her feet, an unknown premonition surged in, and an arm-like rattan quickly pierced out of the swamp, spiraling upwards along Cortana's right thigh.

Cortana wanted to jump away, it was too late, but the rattan was tightened, and then several vines appeared one after another, binding Cortana's other leg. A legal profession like her ~ ~ It was a tragedy when she got caught up close. She did n’t want to have a magic to cut off the vines, she would cut her feet, so hesitated, The vine lifted her upside down.

Cortana soon was put into a big glyph. At this time, Cortana was a little far away from the brigade, and her distant companions saw it, but it was impossible to save the near fire from far water. Can only watch Cortana struggling, struggling with magic robes were all around the neck, revealing underwear already covered with mud. The gigantic twin peaks bounced out at this moment, shaking fiercely.

Sonia saw Cotana hanged upside down in various poses, her eyes were bright, and she could not help but ignite the heat and secretly said, "I didn't expect that I could still encounter tentacle monsters here, and I would be too fun to play!"

尼亚 Nia gradually approached Kotana at the moment: "Keep going, Xiao Hei and I will go to rescue Kotana."

This made everyone suddenly stop, stopped the movements on his hands, almost disappeared. Fortunately, in time. Quickly continue to maintain the formation and break through. Because there is not much fighting and magic in the body. Most people still feel that their small lives matter. Cortana slowly opened up with the brigade.

Wherever Black points, Xiao Hei will go, and Xiao Hei will tear it wherever he goes. He will soon kill one. See Cortana.

此时 At this moment, her cedar shattered and her underwear fell off somewhere. His hands and feet were tied behind his back, and they were bent and tied together. Shows a wonderful C, which makes her twin peaks more prominent. Niah could clearly see the bright red on those two peaks.

在 Just when the picture of Nida was too beautiful, a huge flower mouth entered Niya's sight, and it did not cover up the beautiful scenery, even sucked up.

(The next words are terrific, that's all for now! Haha, because the author is going to flash people off work!)

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