Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 1 - Prologue

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Commoners and Nobles. In modern times, there was little difference between the two of them. Money and property were huge and important factors that would decide if someone was going to be in the Upper Class of society.

If someone lacked even one of them, he wouldn't be able to remain in the Upper Class of the Society for much longer. The large aristocrat houses which had been present since ancient times were the ones who had both Money and Property.

They had also integrated into modern society by opening all sorts of companies to earn money. The powers they held could even suppress the power of a minister.

One of these Aristocrat Houses was Yamada Clan. It has been passed down since 1000 years ago, during the times of the Warring Era.

Yamada Saito was sitting within the hospital ward as he waited for the doctor. He was around 16 years old right now. Besides him were his elder siblings. Yamada Takeshi and Yamada Rataka, his eldest brother and his second eldest brother. They were 21 and 18 years old, respectively.

Soon enough, a man got out of the room, which was labeled as ICU. All three of them had anxious looks as they stared at the man. However, it was for different reasons.

The doctor appeared, and Yamada Saito moved towards him while asking him with a concerned expression, "Doctor, how is our father's condition?"

The doctor shook his head and spoke out in a disappointed voice, "Young master, I am incredibly dejected that I was not able to save your father with my skill."

For some moments, Saito's expression remained blank. Yamada Rataka, his second eldest brother, stepped forward as he spoke, "What!? Father is dead? Are you sure you have tried your best? We can give you any amount you want. Just try your best."

The doctor seemed incredibly gloomy since he had, indeed, tried his best. However, by the time he had reached the hospital, it was far too late, "This doctor apologizes to the young masters and hopes that you can forgive me for my low skills."

Yamada Rataka seemed like he was outraged. He stepped up and wanted to punch the doctor, "You… It's all because you are so useless!"

It looked like he couldn't take his father's death and wanted to throw his feelings of dissatisfaction.

Suddenly, Saito moved in front of him and said, "Elder brother, it's not worth it. The doctors are humans as well… We should prepare for the funeral and pray for his soul to be well in the heavens."

Rataka seemed very emotional right now, but he was incredibly close to Saito. He would never hurt his little brother and controlled himself, "Alright, little brother. But… still… For a father to be dead… What should we do?"

Saito let out a soft whisper, "I don't know… First, we should return back home and prepare for the funeral. The other matters can wait."

Suddenly, the doctor seemed to remember something and pulled out a key from his pockets, "Young masters… before I started the operation. This was something that Master handed to me and should be given to someone among the Young Master if something happened to him in operation. He said that it was something related to a will."

Yamada Takeshi, the eldest brother who was quiet for all this time, suddenly stepped forward and spoke, "What did you say? Will? Give it to me."

Though Rataka was a little dissatisfied while watching his big brother only opening his mouth when the will was mention, he chose to stay silent.

As for Saito, it was hard to know what he was thinking. He didn't seem to care about this key at all. He just wanted to take his father's body, prepare a funeral, and bury him. The rest of the matters could wait.


5 days later, the funeral occurred. Only Yamada Saito and Yamada Rataka were present. Yamada Takeshi couldn't be seen anywhere.

The last time Saito had heard of Takeshi was 2 days ago. He seemed to be very angry and was talking to a lawyer.

Though Saito felt that the lawyer was very shady and had warned Takeshi about him when he came to know about it. Takeshi though brushed off his warnings and said that he could take care of him.

Understanding that his eldest brother wasn't going to listen to him. He decided to give up on convincing him. After the funeral, Saito returned back to his house while preparing his things since he needed to leave for the university.

His university was in another city. He stayed in a hotel in that city. He was going to turn 16 within a month, but there was no glow on his face. Just an utter melancholy which made him unable to sleep peacefully.


3 days later, he received the news that his second eldest brother had died in an accident. There was no shock on his face when he heard that news. A disappointed sigh escaped from his mouth as he threw his phone on the bed.

His phone started ringing again. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone else after this news and was about to reject the call but stopped himself when he noticed that it was his Eldest Brother Takeshi's call.

It was rare for Takeshi to call him. Saito though picked up the phone call and spoke, "Hello, Elder Brother Takeshi…"

Takeshi spoke in a surprisingly soft voice, "Little brother, where are you? I just heard that Rataka is dead… are you fine? Come meet up with me in the back side of the Starlight Hotel."

Saito stayed silent for a few moments before he replied, "Alright big brother. Though it will take some time since I have to stop by a place. It should take around 3 hours before I can reach that place."

There was a long pause from Takeshi before he said, "Alright. Make sure to take care of yourself."

Saito threw the phone on the bed once again after he cut off the call. He exhaled with a tired look 'Since when have you started calling me a little brother…'

He moved towards his car in the parking. He started the car and gave it just a little acceleration before he applied brakes. After moving mere centimeters, the car suddenly stopped.

Saito raised his eyebrows as he thought 'So the brakes are fine. Which means that he hasn't done anything to the car…'

With a sad expression, he started moving.


After around 3 hours, he reached the location Takeshi told him about. Takeshi sent him the exact location where he had to reach, and as Saito followed his words, he reached a shed which was some distance away from the Starlight Hotel. The area was quite silent, which gave him an eerie feeling since it was also nighttime.

Saito got out of his car and let out a shout, "Big brother Takeshi! Where are you?"

Soon, he heard some footsteps and noticed some men walking towards him in Black Suits. They number around 10, and each one carried a pistol with them.

Saito let out a sigh as he said, "So, he sent you all to deal with me?" Nobody said a word about this… They all had neutral expressions as they raised their guns and pointed them towards Saito.

There was no trace of surprise on Saito's face. He pulled out his hand from Car's window. He quickly pointed it towards one of the men and pulled the trigger.

The man instantly died, and Saito rolled out of that position in the next second. After rolling out of the way, he pointed it towards the nearest guy from his location and pulled the trigger, also killing him in an instant.

Saito suddenly rolled behind his car. It was fortunate that his car was bullet proof so their bullets couldn't pass through the car.

Even though the Black Suited Men were shocked that Saito had managed to kill two of their men in such a short time and had actually managed to hide behind the car.

However, it didn't last long and they regained their composure. They couldn't see through the car's windows, but they were sure that he was still on the other side of the car. The leader of the team signaled them to go from both sides.

The men did as they were told. They went around the car from both sides. They were very careful now that they realized whom they were dealing with.

Two men were coming from the left side while the two were coming from the right. They both nodded towards each other before they jumped towards the place where Saito had to be.

They were surprised to see that he wasn't there. It was like he had disappeared. But they instantly released that thought from their head since they hadn't seen him run away.

It meant that he was still nearby. They both moved towards the center of the car. The car window opened when the men coming from the left-right sides spoke out, "Hey! Duck! He is in the car!"

It was too late for the people coming from the left side. As soon as they heard it and turned around, they looked to see Saito laid down in the air with a small smile, "Yo!"

He fired his gun once again and killed one of the two men coming from the left side. The other pointed the gun towards him, and Saito noticed the slope of his gun. He brought his left hand near his face.

As soon as the man fired the gun, the bullet went within his left arm. It was good that he had some muscles or else it would have gone past his arm and went through his brain, instantly killing him.

Though his act did make his left arm useless. Saito painfully grunted as he said, "Damn… The pain is unlike anything I thought. Ah…"

He still raised his right arm and pointed at the man who shot the bullet. Soon enough, the man also dropped dead. The two men approaching Saito from the right were a little nervous as they saw two of their comrades dying before 5 breaths of time.

Saito couldn't move his left arm any more because of the pain. He slowly opened the door and made no further movements. The men coming from the right gulped down a mouthful of saliva as they concentrated on the car's open door and waited for him to come.

They didn't notice the car shaking a little, but they thought that this was because Saito was coming out of the car. They could not react when Saito pulled the trigger once again, killing another one of them instantly.

The last one who was left turned around to see from where the gun was shot and saw that the window near to their position had opened up and Saito was sitting at the back seat with a cold smile.

Before he could raise his gun, Saito shot him and they were finished. After killing 6 out of 10 men who had come to kill him. Saito got out of the car with a smile and said, "I had 6 bullets and I killed 6 men. Pretty efficient, don't you think?"

All four men who were left raised kept their hands on the gun. Their hands were trembling as if they couldn't wait to shoot him. The leader spoke out, "You should surrender now. Our client wants to have a talk with you."

Saito nodded his head and replied, "Alright, I surrender. Take me to him." The leader turned to one of his subordinates and gave him a look.

The man understood what his leader wanted him to do and lowered the angle of his gun. He pulled the trigger and the bullet passed through one of the Saito's lungs.

Saito placed his hand on the ride side of his chest as the blood started to gush out of his body. Some blood also appeared near the corner of his mouth as his breathing became rather difficult.

He had to take quick and deep breaths since one of his lungs had been shot. The leader of the group spoke out, "Alright, now that his lung has been shot. Even he won't be able to do anything funny. Let's take him to young master Takeshi."

However, it didn't seem like it would be necessary as a car entered the area and a guy with a good build left the car. He had a rather handsome appearance and his clothes were all branded.

He threw a small packet of money towards the leader and spoke, "Catch! This is the promised money and the compensation for the loss of your men. Now, get out of this area."

After checking out the contents, the leader seemed to nod his head and left the area. After they left the area, Takeshi stared at Saito, "I am surprised that you managed to kill 6 out of 10 though you were too foolish to come here."

Saito wanted to chuckle but the pain he felt in his chest forced him to cough out some blood. He uttered with a calm look, "… I guess you are very happy big brother. You are finally going to be successful in killing me."

"Hahaha… True. I have wanted to do this since that day two years ago. The day you were declared as the next head of the Yamada Family." Takeshi revealed a ruthless smile to Saito as he stared at him.

Saito though maintained a calm composure despite the pain, "Well, you can only blame yourself for being too weak. You were older than me. You were much stronger than me yet lost against me. How can Father let the position of the head fall to a weak and idiot like you?"

"Weak and idiot? I am also a genius. You are just a bit more intelligent and stronger than me when I was of your age." Takeshi responded as he was getting a little angrier the more they talked.

"A little bit? If the gap between us was as insignificant, then father would have chosen you as the head." Saito let out a sigh as if he was disappointed in his own big brother.

"I know that Father probably named around 70-80% of the property to me. That is why you want to kill elder brother Rataka and me since you will be the only one who would be left to inherit the Yamada family." As Saito spoke this, Takeshi showed a fearless grin and said, "No… He didn't name 70-80%. He gave all the property to you. His will stated that it was going to be your choice how much property we could have."

"heh… So, that's why you were so hasty in killing elder brother Rataka and me." Saito's face showed that he was surprised.

Takeshi was smiling ear to ear as he saw his brother cough out blood once again, "Looks like you are on your last legs. After killing you… I will finally inherit all the property of the Yamada Family… Hahaha…"

Saito still didn't appear to be worried as he casually said, "Of course that's what will happen, big brother. Though it's a pity…"

He was looking at his big brother with a gaze of compassion. Takeshi hated it when someone looked at him with such a gaze. It was like he was being shown mercy… like everything he had done was useless.

"What's a pity? Oh right, because you won't enjoy the benefits since you are going to die." He responded back quickly with a large grin.

Saito shook his head and spoke, "Naah… Its' just that I already signed a contract with the Little Champions Orphanage to donate all the property I inherited from Father's will. Since Father had passed on all the property to me. From tomorrow, all the Yamada Family property will be confiscated by the Little Champion Orphanage."

Takeshi's eyes widened as his body visibly shook. Even though Saito was the one who had been shot. But Takeshi's face was so pale that it was easy to make a mistake.

Before Takeshi could say anything, Saito added, "This orphanage is for the little children who are being trained by the government to take part in the Olympics. If you are thinking of using money to pressure the court in annulling the agreement I signed, then it wouldn't work since the money and property will be of the government soon enough anyway. That's why it's a pity that you will live on like a beggar from now on."

There was a cold smirk on Saito's face as he looked at Takeshi, who fell down on his knees. His entire world was overturned, and there was nothing he could do now.

Takeshi hatefully stared at Saito. Saito had a cold smile on his face as he spoke, "I never had any interest in the property. I simply wanted to complete my studies and take up a job in some company. Have a wife and live happily. But what made me truly mad was that you killed Elder Brother Rataka just for this bit of property and money. I was also bored of those little attacks you made against me. I really wanted to die… Die after watching your face as I destroy everything you desperately wanted."

Takeshi couldn't hold his hands any further and pointed his gun at Saito and angrily shouted, "I WILL KILL YOU!" Soon enough, he started to shoot like crazy.

Even though Saito was dead just by one bullet. He still continued to shoot the rest of the 5 bullets just to quench the anger in his heart.

He couldn't believe that this scheme had let him kill his hateful little brother but lose everything else.

He won the fight but lost the war!

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