Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 101 - Forming Groups

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He wasn't planning to give them benefits from the start. What he needed to do was temper their mentality and change it first. These things were more important than changing their physique.

He would rather have a weak loyal soldier than a strong yet disloyal follower. He had to turn them into soldiers. Someone who was able to take orders without thinking.

Soon enough, the entire place was filled with people within the age group of 15-25. There were around 400 men and 100 women. They really had pathetic appearances.

He noticed something peculiar from these villagers. Unlike the elders of the village, these people had a hollow look in their eyes. Especially the women. It seemed as if they had been utterly broken right now.

This brought a smile on Saito's face. A ruthless kind of smile. He knew that these people were going to be easier to control.

After every single one of the people had been assembled at the centre of the village. Saito loudly started to speak, "All men and women are to make separate groups at this instant."

The women and men emotionlessly separated without even taking a glance at the guys standing next to them initially.

After the women separated themselves from the men. Saito next ordered all of them, "Create groups of five with those near your age."

It took them half an hour to be divided into groups of give. All the men and women were now standing together with their groups. They created a bit of distance between the other groups and made a semi-circle around Saito.

In total, there were around 100 groups. These were all that Saito needed.

All of them looked incredibly scrawny and weak. There was not a single healthy person among them. Saito gave them a satisfied look as he gazed at the groups, he spoke to them all, "Follow me."


As the villagers followed him. They reached the Execution Ground which was created by Saito in the early morning.

They were astonished to see the group of bandits each tied to a wooden pole. Their complexion looked very unhealthy. They looked like they hadn't eaten anything this morning which was completely true.

Saito pointed at them and said, "These are all the bandits who ruled over you all." He turned his head around to look at the expressions of the men and the women.

He wasn't surprised to see their faces covered in fear as they gazed at the bandits even though they were completely tied.

These bandits had ruled over them for so long. They had sown a deep seed of fear within their minds which wouldn't let them look at their faces.

There was no hint of hatred in their eyes. Just fear. This was what Saito wanted to eliminate. He knew that even if he freed the villagers, he wouldn't be able to free their mind with that. He had to get read of their weak mentality.

He stared at the newly formed groups and ordered them all, "All 100 groups are to go and form a line in front of the 100 bandits from the left. The youngest in the group shall be the first and the eldest will be at the last."

They didn't move from their positions. The fear deeply rooted in their bones froze them. Saito knew that they needed a strong push of fear. A great amount of deadly aura appeared which pressed them all into kneeling. His calm yet deadly cold voice said, "Get going before some of you disappear from existence."

Nobody could move under his pressure but they atleast tried to look up and stare at the bandits into their eyes.

The bandits seemed confused at what Saito was planning to do. He hadn't covered their eyes and ears after all. They were shitting themselves when they saw Saito's aura. Many of them pissed themselves in their clothes.

This was the terror they were feeling right now because unlike those villagers. They knew that whatever Saito was planning won't be pretty for them.

It didn't take longer than 15 minutes for them to obey his order. The next thing Saito ordered them to do was, "Hit them on their chest until their ribs are destroyed. One person will be allowed to hit them for only 10 minutes. After that, it will be the next person's turn. After hitting them for 10 minutes. The person shall move towards the 101st Bandit tied and go over to hit them for 10 minutes before returning back and getting in the back of your group. This will continue until the two bandits assigned to each group has their ribs destroyed. After their ribs, target their arm bones and leg bones. That shall be what you will do for the rest of the day."

The first person from each group walked forwards in front of the bandit. They trembled at the sight of the bandits in front of them. All strength seemed to leave their body.

However, they heard a loud oppressing shout which overpowered their fear, "START NOW!" Without thinking, they threw out the first punch and hit him on his chest. Since the Bandit's mouth was sealed, he couldn't let out a sound.

But each bandit was surprised since they didn't feel any pain even though they were hit on their chest. They looked at these villagers and realized that there was no strength in their feeble bodies. There was just no way they would be able to harm them with such feeble bodies.

They felt like laughing now. They stared at Saito as if to say. Your attempt to torture us has completely collapsed because of these weaklings.

Saito though continued to stand there with a calm expression. He had obviously expected this. However, with time and persistence, even the stones could be destroyed by a man's punch.

After the youngest villager of each group had punched the bandits. They closed their eyes in fear of a fierce retaliation. However, when they opened their eyes again, they looked that the bandits were still tied to that pole. There was simply no change.

Their fear lessened as they realized that the bandits really couldn't fight back. They started to throw out one punch after another. Their hesitation was gradually getting decreasing.

The people from their group watching them from afar were surprised to see how the punches of the youngest among them seemed to be increasing in intensity.

They were shocked to see that he was able to supress his own fear so much and act in front of these bandits. Their morale was raised and they were able to glance at the bandits with a lot less fear.

Other than a few bandits. Nobody felt any real pain from being continuously punched on their chest.

10 minutes soon came to pass. Saito loudly shouted out, "NEXT!" It gave them all a sudden scare as the first person from each group looked around wondering what to do.

One of them remembered Saito's instruction. He started to walk towards the next bandit who was tied far away from him. All the other villagers followed him and stepped in front of their respective bandits.

Their movements were very awkward since it was the first time, they were doing something as a group. It took them a lot of time to figure out the second bandit they were assigned to.

They repeated what they had been asked to do and soon 10 minutes were up. Saito once again loudly shouted, "NEXT!"

The villagers started to move once again. The second youngest person from each group started to move towards the second bandit assigned to their team.

Their movements were slightly better than the person before them since they could trace back from where they were coming from. The youngest person from each group re-joined his team by standing at the back.

The ones who were facing the most problem with mentality were the women's group. Some of the bandit's group were actually looking at the women with lecherous gaze.

Saito thought nothing of it. He didn't interfere and continued to let it all play out.. He knew that this was important for them to look past this.

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