Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 11 - Swallowing The Great Demon King

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He heard an important information from Iris [Master, I have analyzed the magic being used on these Lizardmen. The Great Demon King standing in front of you is responsible for making these Lizardmen berserk.]

Saito smirked at those words and thought 'Great news! Now I know what I have to do!'

Saito had recovered about 40% of his magic, he wasn't going to stop now. He was confident in dealing with this Great Demon King right now, and if things went south, he would just run away along with Lyra and Reus, asking the wolves to follow him.

He shot web from his wrists and attempted to seal his movements but the Great Demon King suddenly used a purple black colored magic burst around his body to cut off all the webs.

Saito though just needed a second before he was suddenly right in front of the Great Demon King, punching it in the gut. Now, this Great Demon King's body wasn't as hard as that of the dragon, he felt the punch all right.

However, just as Saito was about to continue his combo, he was stopped by another burst of Purple Black magic released from the Great Demon's body.

It formed a concentrated sphere of magic which was held by the Great Demon King, he threw it at Saito who remained extremely cautious of this magic. He tilted his head and dodged it easily.

The Great Demon King smirked when he saw Saito dodging his attack. Saito was confused by this, he wondered 'Just why is this guy smirking when I clearly dodged his attack.'

Suddenly, he received the answer to that question. The huge wooden dragon was destroyed in seconds after it struck the ball of Purple Black Magic.

Saito gulped the saliva down his throat as he saw the Great Demon King making about 100's of these strong Purple Black energy balls.

Saito knew he couldn't afford to dodge them, any one of them could hit the dome where Lyra and Reus were seated. He suddenly closed his eyes and when he opened them, they were eyes of someone who was determined to attempt something crazy.

Even the Great Demon King was surprised when he noticed the magic aura uniformly depositing in Saito's body. He had no idea of what Saito was currently planning.

Saito thought 'Tell me Iris, can I kick these magic balls at this Demon King without them exploding on my face?'

Iris immediately responded [You would need to hit the center of the magic balls and not kick it too fast or slow. Just the right amount! I would assist you in managing your power, master would have to take care of the position where you hit.]

Saito internally chuckled at those words 'Very well…'

All those 100 Purple Black Balls rushed at him at their full speed. Saito started his counter-attack as well, he hit the center of the balls at the optimum strength and sent them back at the Great Demon King.

This wasn't what he expected at all. There have been others who had tried to do the same but never achieved it. It was because it was impossible to manage the power and position at the same time.

Saito was lucky to have Iris who was capable of managing his power. The Great Demon King didn't think that he would have to take up his own attacks, he didn't set up a defense against these strong energy balls which backfired for him.

Saito continued to hit the energy balls back at the Great Demon King. After the 100 energy balls were finished, the demon king didn't have any strength left to even stand.

It had injuries all over its body. Saito though smirked at it and said, "You were pretty smug just a moment ago, weren't you? I wonder what changed now."

He seemed to have fun teasing the Great Demon King who was trying to stand up. Even though it was trying hard, Saito didn't care at this point.

"Don't kill me! I am Great Demon King Amon; I can help you out in many ways. I can give you information about the Demon Lord Kolvazoth."

Saito slowly went near him and said, "Unfortunately, I am not interested at the moment. You wanted to know my name, didn't you? I think you should have known about it from your fellow demon king who failed to kill me. My name is Axel!"

The Great Demon King's eyes snapped open as it found it hard to believe that this hero was still alive. It was impossible since the Great Demon King Zoldron never lied, it had reported to the Demon Lord that Hero Axel was dead so how could he be here!

"Don't believe me? Well not that it matters." He said this as he internally spoke the name of the skill 'Swallow!'

Suddenly, a huge hand grabbed hold of the Great Demon King and Saito absorbed him in his body. He heard Iris speaking up [Master, do you wish to add his magic to your own as well?]

Saito thought for a moment before he replied back in his thoughts 'Yes, do it.' Iris responded back [Very well, it may take an hour before it perfectly fuses with you. You have no reason to worry, you wouldn't feel the change until after an hour.]

Saito nodded his head and turned around to take a look at the Lizardmen. They seemed to have stopped moving, in fact, they were just standing there with a confused look on their faces.

Saito called out for his pet, "Joergen, stop now! Don't worry, they are no longer our enemies." Joergen stopped beating the shit out of the Lizardmen who were approaching the wooden dome set up by Saito.

All the Lizardmen instead turned towards the dragon's corpse that was just lying on the ground. One of the lizardmen which seemed to be wearing a blue colored cloth stepped forwards and asked, "What happened? Why is the king lying over there? Why are we here?"

Saito shrugged at those words, "You were tricked by a Great Demon King into making you berserk and attack the human kingdom. It probably had its own motives of attacking the human kingdom that I don't know and don't care."

Lizardman looked around and didn't find any body around there, "Where is he now? I can't see anything which resembles a Great Demon King."

Saito thought in his own head 'I don't think they are gonna be convinced if I tell them that I killed the Great Demon King and swallowed it. Well, I have a better plan I guess…'

Saito started to speak with a very convincing tone, "He fled the area after he realized that he couldn't win against me. I couldn't stop him from running away."

The lizardman nodded its head and whispered, "I see… And who killed our king?" Saito gulped down a mouthful of saliva because he knew that there was a high probability to anger them all.

He tried to go in a diplomatic way, "Both of them attacked me so I had no choice other than to strike back. Your king died in the middle of the battle!"

All the lizardmen broke out in chaos as they glared at Saito. They were hatefully staring at Saito and talking in a language which was incomprehensible to Saito.

The lizardman who could talk to Saito stepped forwards and bowed, "I understand. You shall be our new king then."

Saito thought as he raised his eyebrows 'Now this is surprising. I wonder why?' He asked them this question, "Why am I your new king?"

The lizardman immediately replied back, "Our king had said that if someone managed to kill him other than a Demon Lord or Demon King then we should swear our loyalties to him.. That was an order given to every single one of the Lizardman under him."

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