Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 110 - Weapon And Magic Training

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Her teachings made them start thinking for themselves. They understood that once they were assigned a mission and if something unexpected happened, they wouldn't be able to react and would have to wait for orders.

This was something that Saito was unwilling to see. He didn't want them to be brainless soldiers. They were the first ones to die. He wanted them to have the ability to think in different situations and make the optimum decision.

They realized that Saito was willing to let them do almost anything as long as they didn't go against him or his orders. As long as it was acceptable, he would allow them to do it.

After that week, it was the magic training week. The morning exercise remained for all of them. However, the first half of the weapon training had now changed to magic training. Saito knew that he couldn't teach them everything about magic in a short period of time.

He could though teach them until they could manipulate magic with their will. They wouldn't be able to use great destructive skills but Saito didn't need them to use them yet.

Being able to strengthen their bodies with magic would already assist them greatly. Besides, knowing how to manipulate magic to use weak skills wasn't too bad.

He had divided the second part of the day. For half the time, the men would physically train. And for the other half, they would spar with each other using their weapons while using magic.

As for the women, Saito trained them for 3 hours to throw their daggers. It was to train their accuracy. Few women were good with their accuracy. They could only train for innumerable hours before getting better at throwing the daggers.

For the next three hours, they sparred against each other. Within the women group, Elena had managed to show her talent as they sparred using magic. She had been the strongest among the women because of her special magic and Allyssia was right behind her.

Within the men, there was a change in the rankings of the strongest. Michael, who had seemed invincible with his Sword Qi had been beaten by someone. That person's name was Bradley Gray. He was quite a strong individual and had managed to beat Michael because his own magic was also special and contained unusually strong properties.

Saito of course investigated this and asked Iris. But Iris said that whatever Bloodline it was, it was incredibly powerful. It was at the same level as Iris' Bloodline however it seemed that there were special requirements to unlock this.

As such, they had no idea what this bloodline was or how to unlock it. Saito could only give up helplessly though he was still happy since it would still help Bradley become powerful.

Sophie would just rest within the residence which Saito had to build for the two of them using his Nature magic. The walls were incredibly thick so they didn't have any fear of her moans leaking out now.

They had engaged in wild sex almost every day. After returning to their residence at night, Sophie would pleasure him using all the techniques she knew.

She was successful because Saito's mood would be generally better after spending the night with her.


In this nearly one month, he had taught them all they needed to know. The rest was just to continue the training and push forward towards their own respective futures. He had to leave now since Rita would probably be mad if he took more than a month before returning to her. Even if it was more than one day.

He decided to visit the new Trost Village. There remained no expression change on his face as he looked at the development of the New Trost Village.

The people here were divided into two groups. One would grow the crops and attend to them as Saito had ordered while the order focused on the construction of the residences.

It slowed down the construction of the residences but it was greatly beneficial if the future growth of Trost Village was kept in mind.

The seeds that Saito had given them were of the crops that didn't require too much time before they could be harvested. Their growth speed was incredibly fast. Just under 4 months. After harvesting these crops, the village would keep half of them as supplies for the next 4 months and sell the other half by going to other villages.

The city would give them better prices but it would be better if the Trost Village didn't grab too much attention. He knew that there were multiple spies within the cities… Most of them were completely loyal to the Royal Family.

They would definitely inform the Emperor if suddenly some poor village had started to send out half of its quarterly crops.

The residents of the village also realized that Joergen wasn't as terrifying as they initially believed. Other than running away from the village and going against Saito's orders, they could do anything they wanted.

Many young children had once gone near Joergen and were surprised that he didn't make a move to eat them. They touched his back and felt that it was extremely comfortable.

As he didn't attack and even licked a few young children. The people were relieved since that meant this new ruler was probably not a bad ruler.

For now, he hadn't done anything too bad to them other than restricting their freedom. The people were already used to living within the village so this was nothing to them. Besides, now they weren't being suppressed by the bandits and could do whatever they wanted.

Due to the presence of Joergen, nobody dared to make trouble for anyone else. Joergen also protected them all by fighting against a magical beast who would enter the territory of the New Trost Village.

The battle was great and Joergen won in the end. Obviously, this made the people start looking at Joergen as if he was a Guardian Beast. They felt as if the heavens pitied them and send them protection. This was why Joergen and Saito had come to save them.

Saito didn't care much about what they thought. He wanted results. It was better for the people to have a good impression of himself and Joergen.

In this month, Saito tried to not think about Naomi too much. That woman probably had her own ideas and ambitions. But Saito knew that as long as she lived, Elf Kingdom would never be safe. It was fortunate that he left Nexus and other Shadow Lightning Wolves to remain within the Elf Kingdom. He still had a mental connection with them. And if something happened, they could instantly contact him.

Saito asked to meet up with Captain Akazawa and told him to come along with himself. There was no reason to refuse his order so Captain Akazawa followed him.

He remained quiet as he walked with Saito towards the Execution Ground. The scene that he witnessed in front of his eyes shocked him to his core.

There were around 500 people assembled within the ground. They were all sparring against each other with their weapons, they were even using the magic. This was something that was rarely done in the army. To spar against each other while using magic as well.

Saito clapped a few times and shouted loudly, "Stop! Assemble here now!" All the Eternal Knights instantly stopped sparring and assembled in front of the two of them.

As these soldiers gathered in front of the two of them. Saito looked at Captain Akazawa and spoke out, "From this day onwards, you will teach them military etiquette and army tactics. After teaching these, you and your family can run away if you want."

Captain Akazawa was surprised to hear him say that. He though shook his head and replied, "I agree to teach them but I guess I will stay and help out these villagers. I and my family is unexpectedly fond of them. Besides, at the rate, the village is developing and with your ambition, I am sure it is going to become a large city for sure.. Staying here would be the best."

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