Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 112 - Kidnapping

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One of the men continued to stare in the door's direction and found that nobody was standing near the door. He let out a relieved sigh, "Looks like the door was not properly closed. Maybe wind opened it."

The other three were not in any mood to think of the reason. Besides, it was their mansion. They didn't really think that someone had infiltrated it.

They continued to stare at the beauty once again who was crying. She spoke out in a pitiful voice, "You four have already done it with me. Let me leave now. I want to return back. I won't ask for an extra charge."

One of the men continued to stare at her body lustfully and said, "It is useless to cry. We are going to leave today and return back to our city. You should prepare to serve us every day wholeheartedly."

The other three men had huge grins on their faces as they stared at the crying beauty in front of them. They continued to stare at her naked body, "I can't imagine that we were able to capture such a high-grade beauty in this city. Though we can't act since the Flower Moon Brothel does have some power in this city. As long as we return back, even the Flower Moon Brothel would have no choice but to give up on you."

His words slowly made Elise start feeling cold within her heart. She knew that what they said was right. The Flower Moon Brothel wouldn't be able to ask them to return her back if they moved to another city. Their whole power was within this city. The other cities only had business deals with them. There was not much power they help in those cities.

As Saito stared at the woman who had probably been forced to have sex with them. He didn't feel much pity for her. This was just the way how this world was. The ones with power were right and the ones without power were wrong.

Since the woman had come to this residence due to being greedy for money. She was now paying for being greedy. There was nothing he felt as he stared at her.

He wouldn't intervene just because she had been raped and was about to be taken along with these lusty men, after all, he didn't know her. If he didn't know her, helping her wasn't something he would think of.

However, at this time, he needed this woman. Since he needed her, he decided to intervene. He didn't pull out his Nightfall Sword, these lusty men were unworthy to be killed by his noble sword.

He instead pointed his wrist at the fat man in the middle. A dark web shot out from his wrist as it suddenly divided into four web strings and pierced through the hearts of these four men.

They suddenly coughed up blood at the same time. This startled Elise who didn't understand why the four of them suddenly coughed up blood at the same time.

She was even more surprised when she saw a man appearing in thin air. It was like he was always here but she never noticed him.

Saito stared at her with a cold look and spoke, "How long will you keep lying there? Get up and wear some clothes."

She pitifully looked at him and spoke, "My… My clothes were torn apart by these brutes." Saito did look around and noticed the fabric ripped to shreds.

Elise felt rather strange as she was being stared at by those cold eyes. She had seen men looking at her without concealing their perverted desires, their dark desires, loving expressions but never a cold look.

It internally shuddered as she felt his gaze linger on her body. It made her feel as if she was just a piece of flesh to him. A large piece of flesh. It made her extremely uncomfortable and she couldn't suppress this feeling at all.

Saito noticed that she was uncomfortable. He turned his gaze and moved within the room to find some clothes for her. All the clothes here were of men. Saito let out a sigh before he pulled out the clothes from the closet and threw it towards her.

"Wear them. Even though these are men's clothes. They should be able to cover your body completely." He said that while staring at the four bodies in the room.

Elise was kind of surprised to see him giving her clothes. In the state she was in, a normal man would surely take advantage of her. However, this man was telling her to cover her body.

She held great pride in her ability to charm men. However, now she had seen that this man seemed completely immune to her charms.

She started to put on clothes, not at all worried that Saito was in the same room. Saito though didn't seem to be concentrating on her. He was covering the bodies one by one with his dark web and hung them in the room.

As she finished wearing the clothes. They were rather loose for her body. She leaned forward and spoke out, "Thank you sir for saving me from these men. I will surely reward you handsomely."

Her words caused Saito to start chuckling. It was a dark and cold chuckle that made her shudder. She felt as if something was wrong. Like she had made a huge mistake.

Saito looked at her with an amused smile, "Miss Elise… The situation isn't how you think it is. It's not that I saved you from these men. I killed them and I am going to kidnap you now."

Suddenly, Elise took in a deep breath as she was about to scream loudly. Saito though didn't give her a chance at all and sealed her mouth with his dark web.

It prevented any of her sounds from being released. She used her hands to tear it off but was it easy to tear off the Dark Web? It was almost impossible with the strength she had.

Saito causally used more of his dark web and tied her body while attaching her with a thin yet strong web string.

At this moment, she couldn't even struggle and continued to stare at Saito who jumped out of the large window before flying forwards.

The web string remained in his hand and Elise was forced to follow him in the sky. As she realized that she was flying in the sky, she was immediately frightened and wanted nothing more than get her feet down on the ground.

It made her stop struggling since she feared that the string would snap and she would be thrown on the ground.

They easily crossed the wall without arousing any suspicion. Saito took her to the place where he had set up the 20 residences in a circle.

As Saito placed her on the ground, he called out in a slightly loud voice, "All of you, come out."

All 100 women came out of their residences and curiously gazed at Saito who was standing next to a good-looking woman with the great figure in some loose clothing.

Many of the women who had hurt their pride when they had seen Sophie felt relieved. Her beauty was on the same level as them all so they couldn't help but feel slightly better knowing that they were at least better than average.

Elena stepped forward with an emotionless expression, "Your orders, young master."

Saito had told them to call him a young master in front of a stranger. He stared at the woman on the ground and explained, "This woman's name is Elise. She will be teaching you seduction techniques and how to charm men this month. I won't be visiting you in this whole month so take care of yourself. Learn from her as she teaches you the techniques however make sure that she doesn't run away."

As he said that, the dark web tightly binding her suddenly loosened and she stood upon the ground. She angrily stared at Saito and said, "You… Do you want me to teach them my seduction methods? Just who are you? How can you demand that from me? Don't you know how important they are for people like me?"

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