Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 127 - Returning To The Palace

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They both left the residence and moved towards the training area. Saito frowned a little as he noticed that they were still training brutally.

He looked towards Sophie beside him and asked her, "What happened to them? Why are they training like this?"

Sophie answered him quickly, "It's because, in these five days, there were multiple beasts which approached this place. Joergen managed to defeat all of them very quickly. However, this happened in front of their eyes. They saw Joergen's strength and since then, they have been training very aggressively."

This was indeed out of expectations for Saito. It was indeed a good opportunity to show true strength to them and what they would need to fight against in the future.

Saito loudly spoke out, "Assemble everyone!" Every single Eternal Knight within the Execution Ground assembled in front of Saito.

Their movements were a lot better than before. He could see that their coordination was also good. Previously, they all seemed like a bunch of brats put together but now, they seemed to have a little of the professional military aura around them. He was rather happy with this result.

He looked at each one's face and noticed their injuries. He let out a sigh since no one was showing any signs of weakness. Saito brought his hand forward and spoke out, "Healing Aura."

A greenish and gentle aura covered everyone in the training ground. The injuries started to heal at an unreal speed but after all that they had witnessed, it didn't shock them that much.

Saito stepped forward and released a bit of his aura, "I noticed that all of you are training rather aggressively. I am delighted to see that you are training so seriously but do make sure to not kill or injure your comrade heavily. If he is injured heavily, he won't be able to train again. This is not the result I want. I want you all to develop collectively, not individually."

His aura made his words even more powerful and all the Eternal Knights nodded their heads. Saito then instructed them, "Do make sure to take enough rest. Without sufficient food and rest, your muscles would not be rebuilt and you would remain nearly on the same level as before."

"Also, don't just spar. Train with elements. I know it must be hard for you all but try to control them with your thought. Move the elements with your thoughts so that they are on your fingertips when you want them." He pointed his fingers in the sky and all the Eternal Knights noticed each of his four elements condensed above his fingers.

All of them nodded and replied with unison, "Roger!" Their voice was very loud but as he heard them, Saito couldn't help but smile.

He gave them a nod and then told them, "I also have to inform you that I and Sophie are going to the City for a few days. The teams can go and pick food whenever they want. There should be enough for all of you."

With that, he pulled Sophie in a tight embrace in front of all of them and started to fly in Zleka City's direction.

As Saito was flying towards the Zleka City with Sophie in his hands. There was an evil smirk on his face as one of his hands entered her top.

With his strength right now, he only needed one arm to hold her tightly. The other arm was free to do whatever he wanted. Since they weren't going to meet up with each other for a few days, he was planning on having some fun for the last time.

Since it was impossible to have sex in the air. Just some fondling was good enough. They were quite high in the sky so Sophie didn't need to hold back on her moans.

Her hands were also free and she opened up the buttons of his shirt and started to caress his chest with her smooth hands.

Saito kissed her while his hand squeezed her breasts. It was a great feeling. One which he couldn't get used to at all.

Due to his mischievous antics, their speed slowed down but it didn't affect them much. They just took a little longer to return back to Zleka City. Saito slowly descended down and left Sophie at her mansion.

Sophie adjusted her clothes so that they would look appropriate again. Her back faced Saito as he stared at those meaty and spongy buttocks.

He spoke in her ears, "After 3 days, I will appear here in this mansion. Make sure to tell Alferd that he will have to live with the babysitter for some time now."

He strongly squeezed her buttocks before hitting them. Sophie couldn't help but let out a pleasurable moan, "Ahhh…."

However, in the next second, Saito disappeared. He was on his way towards the palace to inform them about the information he had.

As he reached the palace, Saito was a bit relieved to see that the Palace was fine. It seemed that no fighting took place in the palace.

He didn't want to go through any trouble so he went around the palace and entered it through the open window of Rita's room.

Right now, all the guards were in her room, each of them stationed at their respective positions while Rita lay on the bed and slept peacefully.

Saito didn't want to wake her up and looked towards a specific position. He pointed in that direction and said, "Hey, you. I know you are there. You can come out. You should know my relationship with Rita. I am not going to harm you."

The guards indeed knew about their intimate relationship. Even though these guards would not obey the order of someone other than Princess and the King. Saito was different since he was Rita's lover. Even the king had tactfully approved of Saito, who were they to go against him? Saito indeed held some authority over them. Even though he couldn't order them to go on a mission or something, he could still order them some simple commands.

The man came out of the wall and kneeled in front of Saito, "What is it that you wish to know, Sir Axel?"

Saito calmly asked him, "I want to know, what happened in the palace these days? Was there a fight here?"

The man's face remained emotionless, he nodded his head and replied, "Sir Axel should already know about the matter of Teleportation Symbol. The interior of the Underground Prison is closely observed by 3 very Strong Experts in the Kingdom. Their power is only below the Emperor."

"5 days ago, 14 people suddenly appeared within the interior part of the Underground Prison. The experts monitoring the place had no idea how they appeared. What was even more astonishing was that they were able to break the walls of the prison even though their magic was sealed." As the man said this, Saito was very sure that the people of the Sea Dragon Clan did appear.

He then asked in a curious voice, "What happened next?" This was all within Saito's expectations after fighting against Lyle and Raul. What made him more curious was, if the fight did occur here then why couldn't he sense any damage to the palace at all.

The man hesitated before he spoke, "It is not clear what happened within the Underground Prison but it is said that the Three Experts held on long enough for the Emperor to arrive there. And after the Emperor arrived, it was suddenly over. The Emperor didn't show any mercy and massacred all the individuals who had appeared."

His words slightly terrified Saito. He knew full well just how powerful even a person with the Black Dragon Bloodline was. Even if all 14 were with the Black Dragon Bloodline, to massacre all of them so quickly that they couldn't even damage the palace. It seemed as though the reputation of the Emperor was reasonable.

He also had a slight interest towards the Three Top experts who were actually able to hold these 14 back long enough for the Emperor to arrive.

He then stared at the man and commanded him, "Alright, that's all I need to know. Now, I have another task for you. Take this letter to the Emperor. Remember, this is only for the eyes of the Emperor. It is information regarding these people who have captured the second prince and the third princess."

The man's eyes were completely serious as he heard Saito's words. He knew that there shouldn't be any reason for Saito to lie about this since he would have to be the one to take the blame.

He gave a half-bow and gracefully accepted the letter from Saito. He left the room with the same expression as before. Right now, he was headed towards the Emperor's personal chamber.

The reason Saito had handed him the letter was because it would be rude for him to just go and meet up with the Emperor. Since he was in the palace, he needed to give adequate respect to the Emperor.

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