Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 135 - Tiriana's Thoughts

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It was around midnight that Saito opened his eyes. He looked at Tiriana who was still sleeping. He wrinkled his brows and whispered, "Tiriana… Wake up."

Tiriana though acted like she didn't hear him and just turned towards him while snuggling his arm. She placed his arm between her giant mounds. Saito used his other hand to maliciously pinch her nipple which instantly woke her up, "Waaah! Why did Sir Axel pinch me?"

Saito gave her a bright smile and said, "Would you have woken up without it?" Tiriana grumbled in a low voice, "At least try a few more times."

She looked down at her breasts which had been playing around for half of the day. Saito then spoke out, "Wear some clothes! Let's move out… it's a full moon tonight. We can walk around and talk…"

There was a trace of a smile on his face as he said that. He himself pulled out some clothes out of thin air as if it was magic. They were completely dark-colored clothes. He also had a pure black cloak that would be able to cover his whole body and his face as well. After wearing that cloak, only his emerald green eyes are visible.

It was unknown how it happened but there was a faint trace of purple color mixed with the Emerald green eyes. And his eyes had a darker shade of Emerald color making it Dark Emerald Green eyes.

They both of them snuck out by flying around 10 miles away before they landed. They started to walk on foot and enjoy the surroundings as well as nature.

Saito felt his nature magic was much stronger and he was very comfortable in this forest. All his elements seemed to be incredibly calm within his body.

He felt like his control was on another level while he was in this place. Perhaps this was the reason why Elf Queen was so strong in this forest.

After walking around for some time, they both lay down on the ground while staring at the bright moon in the sky.

Saito asks her with a gentle voice, "Tiriana… Are you really going to be happy with this relationship? You should know that this cannot be made public at all."

Before she replied to him, Saito further added, "I know that it's very strange for me to ask about this after the intimate time we had together. We were both in heat at that time. Right now, I want to know about your honest thoughts, Tiriana. Tell me, are you going to be happy?"

Tiriana took a moment to respond as she stared at the beautiful moon in the sky, "Sir Axel… I made a choice. I knew the consequences behind that choice and I still chose it. Regardless of what happens now, I shall continue to defend the elves from any threats."

"As for our relationship, I thought about it for these past few months. I considered that the reason I initially fell in love with you was probably something to do with Nature's Blessings. I believed that our ancestors had chosen to not mention this information and pass it down to their descendants. I strongly believed that there was a connection between an Elf Queen and the Nature's Champion which would make them attracted to each other." Tiriana continued to speak as Saito patiently listened to her.

This was something that Saito had himself thought of at one point. This was also why he found it even harder to accept the Elf Queen. He didn't want his feelings to be controlled by something so fickle as magic.

However, what surprised him was when Iris informed him that no such type of magic works on him. He wasn't sure about the Elf Queen though. He knew that she was surely affected by such a magic which was the reason for her infatuation.

Now that he was hearing it from her mouth, he had a bitter smile on his face as he stared at the darkness in the sky.

Tiriana though wasn't finished yet. She continued to speak while staring at the moon with a smile, "Even though I questioned these things for a long time. I also knew that if Sir Axel wasn't going to be near me all the time then the Charm would be rendered ineffective sooner or later. The charm which Sir Axel has seems to be similar to my own passive ability which is why I was sure that if these feelings were formed due to magic, they would surely fade away."

She held his hand while they both lay under a tree and watched the moon. She slowly uttered, "But, I don't even know how yet I kept on thinking about Sir Axel every day. I believe that this charm may have had a hand in making me start to feel about Sir Axel but my feelings have only gotten stronger since then. I… I had a lot of ecchi thoughts about Sir Axel. Those weren't something that charm magic can do. The charm magic can only make yourself seem extra-ordinarily charming to the opposite party. It cannot make someone fall in love with so deeply. It cannot make them unable to go to sleep at night while making them think only of you. Those were my own thoughts. This is my own choice."

She finally turned towards Saito and answered his question with a smile on her face, "As for your initial question, Sir Axel. I will be very happy. I knew that this relationship can't be made public however I still couldn't help but think of just becoming your secret mistress. I know that a lot of powerful and high-class humans have harems and secret mistresses. I will be your secret mistress. My demands aren't excessive at all… I know that I can never have the status of Lyra in your heart. I just hope that you will give me some of your love and visit me every now and then."

Saito remained silent after this. Her answer was a lot different from what he was expecting. She was also right in her own perspective. The passive charm Saito received due to the blessings of the Nature Goddess may have just been the trigger but it wasn't something that could make her fall in love with him.

Those feelings were her own. There was nothing fake or frivolous about them. Besides, nobody in the world ignores the charm of a person and just dates them for their actions.

People like them were extraordinarily rare or non-existent. The appearance was also a part of the charm. For a man, if he sees a beautiful woman, an instinctual thought would appear within him to have her as his girlfriend. Was it wrong to have these thoughts just because the woman possessed such a great charm?

No! This was simply the first impression of someone made through their appearance. If their attitude, their habits, their way of living, and their compatibility weren't up to the standard which he could accept. The man would simply give up. However, if she was indeed compatible with him then he would be the luckiest person.

Wasn't this how it happened between him and Tiriana. She found him attractive due to the charm of Nature Goddess. However, his actions were something he did himself. He was the one who converted her simple attraction to feelings of love.

As he finished thinking this, Saito didn't know but his heart felt very light. Tiriana's eyes dropped as she seemed to be waiting for his answer.

He released his hold over her hand which made her even more dejected. She felt that she had made a mistake by talking about this.

However, before she could say anything. She felt Saito's warm arms around her, pulling her closer to him. He placed her head on his chest.

As her ear was rather close to his heart's position. She could hear his heart beating rapidly. His hands rested on the back of her head as he closed his eyes and spoke, "You know, I was intimate with other women as well. They hold a place in my heart as well but sometimes, I can't help but curse myself. Curse me how I am just a lusty and greedy bastard who wants to keep you all to myself. No matter how hard I try to control my greed or desires, sometimes they end up getting the better of me. Perhaps that's one of the sins that humans can never suppress. However, it doesn't change the fact that I am very greedy."

His eyes showed a determined look as he continued, "Since I am greedy. I want you as well! I won't let you get away from me."

He showed a rare honest and possessive side of his own which Tiriana couldn't help but appreciate even more.

Even though he said those words in a greedy yet possessive tone, those words calmed her. She could feel a different type of joy as she snuggled with him. She snuggled deep into his embrace and whispered, "Mm-hmm~ I understand. I am not so greedy though.. I am willing to compromise."

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