Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 140 - Trick Way To Go Outside

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In the end, it all depended on the person how he used the magic.

As Saito continued to run fast, he suddenly stopped running as he sensed a weak magic signature.

Even though Iris hadn't spoken anything, he felt like he was going in the right direction. His magic sense had been enhanced a lot after the Golden Dragon's Bloodline and the purification from the Spring Water. It perhaps even exceeded the range of Iris.

Suddenly, when he was around 50 miles away from that Magic Signature. He heard Iris speaking up.

[Master, continue to move towards the same direction and you shall encounter the Illusion Formation after 20 miles.]

[19 miles…]

Soon enough, it seemed as if a countdown had started while he continued to run with an excited expression.

After Iris' count reached 0. Saito suddenly stopped and spoke out in his head 'How far is this Illusion Formation from me right now?'

[It is within Master's arm's distance. Master only needs to stretch his hand and you would be able to pass through this Illusion.]

'Would someone be alerted if I passed through this Illusion Formation?' He wondered about this question.

'The System is unable to answer due to low information. However, there is a 70% chance that the person who created this Illusion Formation would indeed be alerted if it is breached.'

Saito let out a sigh when he heard that. He himself started to think 'Looks like I need to be clever about it or people on the other side of the illusion will be completely ready for me and ambush me.'

He looked down on the ground and started to think 'Wait… How have their even created this formation? The person must have placed some sort of energy crystal on ground and connected them all together with his magic.'

There was a smirk on his face as he thought 'Then that means, it should still be here… The Energy crystal!'

He closed his eyes and used his magic to sense under the ground. There was indeed the presence of a strong magic under the ground. And it wasn't just here, he could feel that the next energy crystal was around 1 mile away in both directions.

He didn't move from his location and pulled them out of the ground using his Nature Magic. The wood appeared out of the ground while holding the Energy Crystal.

Saito stared at the Energy Crystal and noticed that it was a lot different than the ones he had stored. They were completely blue in color. The colorwas quite similar to that of the sky. A bright sky-blue color.

He snapped his finger just once and suddenly 2 Energy Crystals were released from the ground with branches of wood.

Saito furrowed his eyebrows and started to think of what he should do. He spent the next 10 minutes on thinking about his next move. Should he open this part of the Illusion Formation? Should he destroy the magic connecting them thus rendering it useless?

Soon, he shook his head because there was a better idea. He thought of suppressing the magic within the Illusion Formation with his own magic. This way, the person who created this formation wouldn't detect anything as his magic was simply suppressed not destroyed.

After the passage of time, his magic would disappear and the Illusion Formation would be active again. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the three crystals.

He sent a stream of magic within them and expertly controlled it to suppress the faint magic within the three crystals. His eyes widened when he saw a large pathway opened up in front of his eyes.

It extended from the crystal that was a mile far away from his left to the crystal that was a mile far away towards his right.

The interior was around the same as how it could be viewed from the outside. So, if someone did manage to get past the Illusion formation, they would not have the slightest idea that they had entered the territory of Sea Dragon Race while the Sea Dragon Race would be immediately informed of the intruder and would come to deal with him.

He walked in the formation before it closed again. After he was inside the formation, he could sense even more clearly.

He sensed around 500 people. He furrowed his brows and increased his range even further because he couldn't sense those Sea Dragons' Life Force at all. His frown deepened as he still couldn't sense them.

Saito could feel numerous magic signatures around 30 miles away. He couldn't show off his magic so he decided to walk till there.

He wasn't sure if the clan had set up men to sense anyone who appeared around their settlement or not. It was better to be safe than sorry.

As he continued to walk towards that settlement. He was also incredibly careful about his surroundings.

He was able to avoid any beasts and continued towards the settlement. As he finally reached the place, he was a bit surprised to see the settlement.

It was a village similar to that of the Trost Village. However, there was an air of nobility within this village. He sensed that there was no person looking out for intruders.

It seemed that they had an enormous trust in their Illusion Formation. Even if it was breached, they would be alerted about that person's location and they could easily deal with him.

They certainly didn't expect anyone to use a method like Saito who simply suppressed the magic power connecting the Crystals with his own It wouldn't destroy the magic power within the crystals so the person who created this Illusion Formation wouldn't be notified and in time, everything would return back to normal.

Saito had already covered himself in a black cloak so that his appearance wouldn't be seen. If someone from the Sea Dragon Clan spoke up against him since he had never been seen then it would be a disaster.

Wearing a cloak would lower the suspicions drawn on him by a lot. The first thing he had to do was find out who was the Clan Head. He also had to gauge just how strong this Clan head was and if he could deal with him alone or not.

Saito decided to live in the village for 3-4 days to gather information. He didn't use the Nature Magic to build his own house, instead, he had to go inside the forest, use the axe, and cut some trees. After doing that, he had to bring it to the carpenter in the village who would give you the price depending on the size of house you wanted.

Since all the people had Dragon's Blood within their veins. Even the commoners were stronger than the common humans. Their stamina and strength weren't something that normal humans could contend against.

Which was why, it took just 3 days for the carpenter to make the house for Saito with all the wood that had been gathered. It was not too shabby for a house to have been made in a hurry.

The currency in this village was also gold coins. Though the Gold Coins were just the lowest unit of currency, Saito had it in shades. He handed the Gold Coins while going inside the house and take rest.

For these days, he had to sleep on the ground and act like a normal member of the Sea Dragon Clan.

As he was living here, he was astonished to see that these people were very serious about this village. They were slowly and slowly developing the village. And, this brought a terrifying thought to emerge in Saito's head 'Wait a second… What if these people aren't just here for the Orb of Destruction? What if they also want to set up a settlement and not return back to the Ocean? If that's so, then I understand why the Clan Head of this Sea Dragon Clan is trying to contact one of the Demon Lords to destroy the other.'

Even though he finished thinking this, he didn't think that this was all that the Clan Head had planned. It was too simple and even the Demon Lord could see through it. There must be something else he was missing right now…

He had been in the village for 4 days now but he had never seen the Clan Head and Deputy Clan Head. Nobody in the village seemed to talk about them so he couldn't eavesdrop on their conversation.

However, he still gained a lot of information while staying here. These Sea Dragon Clan members were all incredibly arrogant in their bloodlines.

Each person seemed to hold immense respect for the 

Every person with the Black Dragon's Bloodline was treated decently. They had a good house and were respected by the common members of the Royal Clan.

However, the ones who were truly respected were the people with the Golden Dragon's Bloodline. Nobody dared to mess with them after all, just one of them could fight against 7-8 people with Black Dragon's Bloodline. Who would want to anger such an expert?


A/N: Vote for my other novel please: A Demon's Journey

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