Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 150 - Deputy Clan Head

As he sent the stream of magic for 3-4 seconds. A giant shockwave was heard from one side of a small region which wasn't guarded by anyone.

A middle-aged man who looked around 30 years of human life had just jumped to create such a shockwave. The trees behind him were all uprooted due to the shockwave. His appearance was very similar to how Brody looked except, he looked rather mature.

He had an angry face as he continued to rush towards Brody's location without stopping at all. He didn't keep his power under control at all and kept flaring up his power.

Even though Saito was far away from him, he stopped because of the huge power he was sensing. There was a frown on his face as he thought 'Who is this person? Someone with so much power much either be Deputy Clan Head or Clan Head. How come that Brody guy was able to request for reinforcements so soon?'

He was rather confused about this and further thought 'I am sure that I crushed his spine. Even with the great regeneration speed of the Golden Dragon Bloodline, to heal it would have taken more than half of the day.'

The more he thought, his face changed to a grim look because this wasn't what he expected 'I thought this would buy me a day or two but with the way things are going on, my plans will be crushed due to this miscalculation! It would be hard for Crimson to order them all to leave the Dragon Valley just after proclaiming himself as King. Damn! I need to do something fast or else the Clan Head or the Deputy Clan Head will arrive at the Dragon Valley in just half a day!'


The mature-looking man reached the location where he found Brody laying down on the ground. He observed his condition and noticed that Brody's left hand was sliced off. It was a rather clean cut. The man was sure that it must have been done with a sharp sword.

However, he was surprised that there was someone who could cut off Brody's hand. Even if the Normal Physique wasn't compared to the physique when they used their Bloodline's Skill, they were still far stronger than any ordinary person.

To slice it so cleanly meant that the person's strength, as well as sword, wasn't ordinary. With a fierce look, he asked Brody who was groaning in pain, "Brody, why are you in such a pathetic state? Who did this to you?"

Though he looked calm, his voice couldn't hide just how angry he currently was. Brody weakly started to speak, "Fath-, I mean Deputy Clan Head. I sensed… I sensed an aura within my region and went to encounter the person with that magic power."

"I didn't use my Golden Dragon's Skills right from the start since his aura was much weaker than mine. I thought I could take him on… but… but, he turned out to be too fast for me! His sword was rather weird as well. He sliced me before I could even think of using a move. Just when I was about to use the skill, he threw me down and crushed my spine…"

The middle-aged man looked rather shocked that something like that had happened. He stepped forward and the ground underneath his feet was crushed, "Who was that!? How dare he do this!? Does he not know the meaning of death!?"

He was so angry that he felt like destroying everything in front of his eyes. Brody coughed out blood and groaned painfully before he started speaking again, "hah… Hah… He… He told me to give you a message. He said that you have to release those 2 hostages or else he would destroy the formation and spread the location of the clan!"

At this moment, the middle-aged man was shocked and almost couldn't move at all. His body trembled a bit as he asked, "You… You are sure he said that!?"

Brody didn't reply to this question. There was no need to reply. The middle-aged man was just unwilling to accept the fact that someone breached the Illusion Formation and they had absolutely no idea about that person.

With a determined and fierce look, he asked, "In which direction did he go?" Brody coughed out blood once again… He weakly pointed to the direction in which Saito had gone and said, "I… I… I saw a red flash in that direction!"

The man turned in that direction. His black pupils turned purple as he thought in his mind 'Purple Dragon's Eyes!'

Instantly, the man was able to extend the range with which he could see through his eyes. Numerous trees were in the way but he continued to extend his range and soon had ferocious look on his face as he said, "Found you!"

He seemed delighted as he crouched down a little before jumping in that direction at his full strength.

Saito was running forwards with quick speed. His eyes widened a little as he sensed someone with strong magic coming towards him.

He suddenly changed his direction and narrowed his eyes as he narrowly dodged an attack. He didn't think that this person would catch up with him so quickly.

He was surprised because he had been running using the Dark Red Lightning. His speed was very fast, so how could this person catch up with him so quickly?

He soon found the reason as he stared at the body of the man. The color of his eyes was light purple. Saito noticed the power of the Dragon's Bloodline which was even stronger than his own.

This meant only one thing. This man was either the Deputy Clan Head or the Clan Head. With a neutral tone, Saito spoke, "I am honestly surprised. You caught up with me rather quickly. Even though I wasn't running with all I had but still, this skill you used is pretty powerful."

The man stared at him with a ferocious grin, "So, you are the guy who wanted to send me a message through my son. Well-well, aren't you happy? I received the message!"

Saito continued to observe his body language in turn this man suddenly attacked. He replied with the same neutral tone, "Certainly, I am delighted to know that you received the message. After all, if you didn't receive it then my plans just wouldn't move forward. Which would be rather bad…?"

"You are a human, aren't you? You want me to release those two hostages. But I should tell you, I have already killed the two of them." The man spoke with his grin becoming larger and larger.

Saito's eyes sharpened a bit as he replied, "Really? That's good! I guess the Sea Dragon Clan is prepared to go against the whole world. I admire your courage and overconfidence. It looks like you are prepared to fight a war."

The man shook his head and started to speak, "No… Even the Sea Dragon Clan won't be able to take on the whole world. However, it would be a different matter if I kill you right now."

With an unemotional tone, Saito replied, "Surely, you jest. Though I can't defeat you as I am now, getting out of here is not an issue."

"Oh really?" Suddenly, he moved forwards with quick speed and was in front of Saito. There was no trace of fear on Saito's face as Saito jumped over him.

He wasn't too fast nor too slow. It was just enough. The reason he didn't need to place too much effort in his jump was that the man was charging at him with a rather quick speed.

Since the man was charging at a quick speed, he needed some time before he could turn around. After Saito jumped in the air, he used the Wind Magic underneath his feet to push himself high in the air.

With a victorious expression on his face, he looked down at the man who had crashed into a tree due to his high speed.

He seemed to have a sour look as he raised his head to stare at Saito's victorious look. Gritting his teeth, he picked up a large rock near his body and crushed it with pure strength to create numerous small stones.

Saito's eyes widened a little because he understood what he was going to do next. The man pulled back his hand before throwing those small stones at Saito.

The small stones were rushed towards Saito with great speed and it was impossible to dodge all of them. The only thing he could do was deal with all of them at once.

The Hell Flames exploded out of his body as he thought in his head 'Cover!' The Hell Flames completely covered Saito's body from all directions and disintegrated any stones that encountered it.

As Saito looked down, he was astonished to see that the man seemed to be coming towards him with an astounding speed. It appears the small stones were only meant to keep Saito in place long enough for him to jump.

With a cold smirk, Saito thought in his head 'Interesting…'

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