Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 156 - Plan To Ambush

Suddenly, he experienced a cold aura and felt as if a knife was hanging around his throat. He understood that he had asked something that should not be asked.

With a gentle voice that didn't have a trace of compassion and was instead filled with killing intent, "I believe I told you before to not poke into my matters… Now leave!"

The Clan Head was completely silent after hearing her words. He knew well enough that this woman could easily destroy his entire clan with no effort at all.

She was the one who had designed the Illusion Formation. There was another formation placed together with the Illusion Formation which would explode the whole area if she wished.

This was meant to control the Clan head and the Deputy Clan head. Even though they were extremely unwilling, they couldn't go against her at all. She was a lot more frightening than a group of Demon Lords put together.

They returned and ordered everyone within the clan to prepare to evacuate back to the Sea God Race near the Dwarf Kingdom. Since, Naomi had assured them that the clan wouldn't die, they had no choice other than to trust her words.

They were against the two territories controlled by the Demon Lords. The thing was that these two didn't fear those two Demon Lords but the quantity and their mentality.

The Demons were instinctively crazier than humans or any other race. Only a rare number among them had intelligence to control their emotions like humans. The normal demons were somewhat dumb, if they believed they had any chance of victory then they wouldn't mind sacrificing all their forces just to attain that victory.

Besides, these demons were numbered around tens of thousands. No matter how outstanding the Sea Dragon Clan members were, they wouldn't be able to defeat so many of the demons who were being led by their respective Demon Lords.

"Time to throw this part of the continent in chaos." With a crazed look, Naomi whispered that before she disappeared as if she was never present there.


Saito was running forwards with his full speed. He didn't dare to stop and turn around because he feared that if he turned around, he would face Naomi.

After they covered up around 30 miles of distance. He stopped and put them down. They were confused by his actions and the Second Prince who had stayed silent for so long asked him, "Why did you stop… er…?

Saito replied back quickly, "You can call me Axel. I am the Hero Axel of Vermillion Empire. It's very nice to meet both the Second Prince and the Third Princess but I hope it would have been under better circumstances next time."

He then proceeded to untie them both. He touched their hands and closed his eyes to concentrate for a few moments.

A warm energy spread through their bodies as they felt their magic being unsealed by Saito. With what Saito had shown them earlier, they weren't too surprised by this.

Saito then spoke out with an indifferent expression, "With your strength and speed, go on that route towards the Dwarf Kingdom. You will meet up with Crown Prince who is fighting against the Sea God Race. I am sure that after meeting up with him, there will be no further problems. Besides, the distance from here to the Dwarf Kingdom is only 900 miles. With your speed, it should not take more than 4 days."

The Second Prince frowned a little before he asked, "Is this area safe? Even though our magic is unsealed, I feel some strange fluctuations within it. I do not believe that I can fight at my full strength right now."

"There should be no issue. I arrived here 2 days ago to scout the route. I didn't find anything which will threaten the lives of both of you." Saito explained while pointing the way to them.

"Where are you going? Are you not coming with us?" This was asked by the Third Princess She naturally wanted Saito to stay together with them since he had saved them from the Sea Dragon Clan. She wanted to stay with him until she meets up with her elder brother Dante.

Saito shook his head and replied back, "No… I cannot leave at such a time. With that Seven Tailed Fox's presence, the Sea Dragon Clan can survive this disaster. If I cannot destroy their entire clan then I need to deal a great amount of damage to it."

"Can't you just forget about destroying them? I believe making a tactical retreat is more important right now. You can have another chance of destroying them Sir Axel." It was naturally the Second Prince.

His words carried great weight in them. He understood that if Axel returned to the place which was going to be a battlefield soon enough, it could be rather harmful for him.

Saito though shook his head and started speaking, "You are certainly right, Second Prince. I originally had the same plan as you mentioned. To run away and survive. However, the situation has entirely changed now…"

"Situation has changed? How?" This was something that the second prince didn't understand. From his perspective, it was nearly the same. How was it changed?

"That addition of the Seven Tailed Fox… She has changed the situation entirely. In truth, my real plan was to fight against the Clan Head and the Deputy Clan Head to injure them heavily. After injuring them, I just had to run away while holding the two of you. However, the unexpected addition of the Seven Tailed Fox has forced me to change my plans." Saito's face was rather grave as he explained it to the Second Prince and the Third Princess.

"That fox? She certainly was powerful but I don't think Axel needs to be so worried about her. From my calculations, she should just be weaker than the Clan Head of the Sea Dragon Clan." The Third Princess expressed her opinion which was certainly right in her own regard.

"The reason I am fearful of her is not because of her strength. Right now, I have absolute confidence to win against her in a one-on-one match. However, she is someone who schemes well. Think about it for a minute, how can the head of the proud Sea Dragon Clan be willing to submit under her?" His words indeed shook the two of them for a minute.

If the things were to be thought from such a perspective then indeed, this fox was rather terrifying. The Second Prince couldn't help but ask Saito, "Axel, what do you think is her plan right now?"

Saito remained silent for a period and it could be seen that he was thinking hard. After some minutes, he muttered, "From my understanding of the situation. To make sure that the Sea Dragon Clan is safe from this upcoming battlefield…"

"She must have one of the two Demon Lords as her ally. With her strength and intelligence, if she promised the territory of the other Demon Lord to her ally then she could indeed change the tides of the battle. If one of the Demon Lords die, half the battle will be over. All they would have to do is suppress the rebels within the Demons left and they would not only have the new territory but also a greater army." Saito took a deep breath in after completing his explanations.

His own face was rather grave the more he thought about this matter. He knew that both the Demon Lords seemed to be preparing for the war. However, there was still the third party which he had met up near the Elf Forest.

They were still far away and would take a few more days to arrive. They would arrive during the most crucial time. The time when both sides would have their armies reduced by one-fourth or half.

The Second Prince still had one doubt and asked Saito, "Then how are you planning to involve yourself in the battle? How will you destroy the Sea Dragon Clan if these two Demon Lords will battle against each other?"

Saito had a smirk on his face as he heard him, "To evacuate around 500 people in such a short time. Obviously, they haven't planned out the routes so they are going to move through the route unfamiliar to them. I shall create some traps."

"Terrain? Are you saying that you know exactly where they are planning to go?" This surprised the Second Prince greatly. He didn't understand why but he experienced a feeling of suppression while he was talking to Saito.

It was not something that Saito was doing consciously but rather something which was felt by the Second Prince as he compared himself to Saito. He felt as though he was too lacking compared to Saito.

There was a small smirk on Saito's face, "That's easy to guess. Second Prince, what if you went to another continent with a great number of your clan members. You were asked to do an emergency evacuation, where will you go?"

Slightly widening his eyes, the Second prince replied, "Back to my continent! The direct way back to my continent."

Saito nodded his head and spoke out, "Bingo! And this is probably what the Sea Dragon Clan are going to do. The only direct way back to the continent is this route. They have no other choice after all…"

Third Princess who had been listening to their conversation for so long suddenly spoke, "But wouldn't you be at a disadvantage if you fought them? They not only have the strength but also greater numbers."

"Haha… I would be annihilated if I fight them head on. I will prepare to ambush them on their way, killing as many as I can and slowing them down on their way. I want to make sure that they experience great loss even if they manage to return back to their territory." He spoke with a great killing intent.

Saito then gave them half-bow while speaking, "Then, I shall take my leave now, second prince, third Princess. Do take care of yourself."

The Second Prince and the Third Princess saw a red flash before Saito disappeared.. They also proceeded to move towards the Dwarf Kingdom.

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