Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 168 - The End Of War

Even though Saito was 100's of miles away from this location, even he heard this screech from the Divine Bird and frowned. He knew that this was coming from the direction of the Demon Territories and thought 'What is going on? This aura… Even though I can feel it is so far away, how can it still reach me?'

He wasn't the only one who was surprised. The Sea Dragon Clan Head also frowned when he heard that loud screech and immediately shouted, "Move quickly! This is the screech of the Divine Bird Golden Crow. I have no idea why it appeared here but we must rush back to our territory. We aren't it's match at all!"

In the direction he was moving, Demon God Alvaneth and the True Hero Renya were fighting against each other. The Crown Prince remained seated as he carefully observed their fight. He seemed very calm even though True Hero Renya was completely on the defensive while the Demon God Alvaneth hadn't even revealed his true strength.

On Crown Prince's side were the Second Prince and the Third Princess. The loud screech reached their ears and finally, the Crown Prince's face flickered.

He jumped down from his Golden colored Chariot and ordered Renya with a loud and clear tone, "Stand back, Renya. Let me end this quickly."

Renya was somewhat confused as he asked the Crown prince while dodging an incoming sword qi, "What is the reason, Crown Prince? Do you think I will be defeated by this Demon? I have barely warmed up."

Dante Vermillion glared at him and ordered, "Stand back!" Renya looked at Crown Prince and understood that he was completely serious.

The True Hero Renya jumped back and let the Crown Prince fight against Alvaneth.

It wasn't just Crown Prince, even Alvaneth had heard that screech which immediately made his blood boil with excitement because he knew what it was. He stared at Crown Prince Dante Vermillion and said, "Looks like you also know about what is going on. Hahaha…"

"To think that the Three-Legged Golden Crow's power has appeared at such a time." Crown Prince Dante muttered with a grim look. He understood what it signified…

After the one who inherited the Golden Crow's Bloodline dies. Its inheritance will appear at the location where its inheritor last took his breath.

Even though he himself couldn't absorb that Golden Crow's Bloodline, he could grab that drop of blood and prevent a demon from getting hold of it. If a Demon Lord ingested that Golden Crow's Blood then either he will explode from the sudden influx of power or he will undergo a rebirth of his body and he will be much stronger than any ordinary Demon Lord.

He wasn't the only one who knew about this fact. He initially wouldn't have been worried if even a Demon Lord ingested that drop of Golden Blood and inherited the power of the Golden Crow.

What caused him to step forward was because as soon as he heard the screech, he had noticed this strange Demon also look in that direction with an exciting look.

Even though Crown prince Dante didn't fear the current Alvaneth. The situation would change completely once Alvaneth grabs hold of that drop of Golden Blood.

Dante's whole body radiated a huge amount of power as a Vermillion colored Colossal figure formed above his head.

As soon as Alvaneth glanced at that colossal figure. His excited demeanor vanished into thin air as he thought 'Fuck! Not this!'  He looked as if he had forgotten all about the Golden Crow already.

He tried to calm down and spoke each word while grinding his teeth in great shock and anger, "WAR… GOD… LEGACY…!"

Alvaneth put on a troubled smile on his face right now as he got ready to fight. This fight changed its difficulty from easy to hell too fast.

The Golden colored flames which were being released from Azaroth's body truly shocked the demons.

Nobody had any idea that Azaroth possessed such a great secret. To hold the flames of the Three-Legged Golden Crow of the legend.

If the Phoenix was the Divine Bird which was the natural enemy of all demons, then the Golden Crow was the Divine Bird of Destruction. The Demonic Divine Bird of destruction.

Bakaul remained stood there as he gazed at the Three-Legged Golden Crow's Body. Its enormous body was made entirely of golden fire.

Just its presence was enough to intimidate the army behind Tarodoch. The army unconsciously took a step back in fear of this Divine Bird.

Meanwhile, the morale of the forces behind Azaroth was further raised. They all stepped forward as if they couldn't hold back anymore and wanted to charge over. They excitedly waited for the final order from Azaroth.

If a bystander saw this situation, they would never be able to imagine that the demons within this exciting-looking force were wounded so heavily that some of them even felt numb in different places of their bodies.

In response, Tarodoch stepped forward and loudly said, "COME! DEMON LORD AZAAAAAROOOTTHHH!!!"

"Charge!" Azaroth finally gave his order with a calm voice. He rushed towards Tarodoch and charged.

Hundreds of Thousands of Demons charged at the forces of Tarodoch who maintained their position and waited for these demons to enter their range.

Finally, the fierce war between them started!

Bakaul tried to restore his energy as much as possible. He wanted to recover just 10% more of his power before charging towards the Great Demon Kings. This was perhaps the best way with which he could contribute to this war.


At the same time, Helena was running with all her magic. She was quickly moving towards the North since the South was the territory of the Demon God Alvaneth.

She feared that if she stayed in the south, no matter the location. Alvaneth would find her before capturing her again.

The only place Alvaneth still didn't dare to go was the Human Kingdom! Even though Alvaneth's power had a deep impression on her mind. She knew that the current Emperor of the Vermillion Kingdom was not someone even Alvaneth could defeat.

His power could very well even rival the Gods!

The legends about his high power were already spread in the Demon Territories decades ago. He had after all destroyed one of the strongest demon Regions with only 10 men, including himself. The Moonlight Demon Fox Region!

Even Alvaneth would have to consider 10's of times before even thinking of entering the Human Territory. Also, if he came, he wouldn't be able to use his vast demonic energy within the Human Territory. That would be inviting death!

Even though the Current Vermillion Kingdom's Emperor hadn't made any move out of the Human Kingdom in the past five years. There was little doubt about his power in the mind of the demons as well as humans alike.


A day passed. The fight between Crown Prince Dante and Alvaneth ended in massive injuries to both sides. Alvaneth had to use a risky move to get past the great defense raised by the Crown prince.

Before long, he ran away to his own kingdom to save his life. He understood well enough that if he continued fighting, he would very well lose his life here.

Before he left, he was in a sour mood while thinking 'Just what is up with this generation of humans!? One has such great control over the elements and managed to cleverly injure me while the other is the inheritor of the fucking War God Legacy… How the fuck am I so unlucky to meet them so soon when I haven't even recovered half of my power!?'

The Crown Prince Dante Vermillion was also surprised at the severe blow dealt with him. To think that this man's sword could pierce his own chest… It was not entirely out of his expectations, but it did surprise him.

He was more surprised at how this Demon used that chance to run away. To think he was running away after dealing such a severe blow. He also firmly remembered this demon who had given him a fatal blow.

He looked around and closed his eyes for a moment before he immediately ordered the forces, "Turn around! Return back to the Dwarf Kingdom!"

He sensed the Sea Dragon Clan approaching them. Initially, he was planning on laying down some traps, but the Demon God Alvaneth restricted him for a whole day.

They had lost a whole day's worth of time. It was not wise to continue to hold onto one plan. He immediately changed it and ordered the forces to fall back.

Obviously, he wasn't going to move without giving a blow to the Sea Dragon Clan. They had, after all, made a move against his brothers and sisters. And even against his dead younger brother's family. To let them go without making them pay the price was impossible!

He looked at Renya and said, "Go and scout the area. Tell me the exact position of the Sea Dragon Clan, their walking speed, and the direction. I will give you 10 minutes."

"5 Minutes are all I need." Said Renya with a smirk before he disappeared into thin air. Even though the hole in his chest was gradually covering up. The Crown Prince didn't look satisfied at all.

He pulled out a pill from his pocket and swallowed it. The wound in his chest immediately covered up, and a strong aura seeped into his body, which also returned him the magical energy he had used during the fight. 

"Move faster!" Shouted Dante while he stared at the force is a little slow in turning back. He turned his head towards the direction from where the Sea Dragon Clan was coming.

Dante thought with a grim expression 'To think that the Sea Dragon Clan members are moving so slowly. Is it because of Axel as Second Brother said? Just what did he do that these people are moving so slowly, even in such a situation.'

How could Dante know that what Saito had done to the Sea Dragon Clan had somewhat traumatized the Clan Head? The Clan head was even ready to have the Sea Dragon Clan fight against any force than to have these Sea Dragon Clan members being killed without even the chance to fight back. To do that, he was spreading his energy everywhere to check up everything within his range, so their walking speed was naturally slow.


The war between the Azaroth, Bakaul, and Tarodoch was finally ending. Bakaul was the only one of the three Demon Lords who survived this great war. Other than 2 Great Demon Kings remaining on his side, every single Great Demon Kings had died.

It was clear that Bakaul was the victor of the war. But even as he won, there wasn't a trace of happiness on his face.

He looked on the horizon while thinking about the ending moments of Azaroth. He crushed a piece of rock in frustration as he remembered the look of Azaroth and thought 'You bastard-! I can't believe it. Your death should have been music to my ears. Why is it giving me such grief?'

'Who the fuck said that demons don't feel anything!? I will beat the shit out of him until he can't walk straight for the rest of his life.'

'If demons can't feel anything, then what is this pain in my chest that just won't go away!' He didn't even realize it, but a teardrop flowed down his face and dropped onto the ground.

Almost all the demons of both sides have been killed. Hundreds of Thousands of demons were now corpses. Only 1000 demons survived this war. 800 Demons were from the Tarodoch's forces, but they quickly surrendered when they saw that the Demon Lord and two Great Demon Kings were still living.

Even though the Demon Lord's condition was pale. They still remembered the scene of Azaroth destroying Demon Lord Tarodoch in combat even when he was on his last legs.

None dared to step forward and incur the wrath of a Demon Lord. They quickly surrendered.

The 200 demons from Bakaul's side blinked a few times before they understood that they had won. They immediately started shouting loudly, "AZAROTH! AZAROTH! AZAROTH! AZAROTH! LEGENDARY DEMON LORD AZAROTH!"

Most of these 200 demons were originally from Bakaul's army. To be cheering for a Demon Lord other than the one whom they have pledged themselves. It was a great taboo.

Demon Lord Bakaul didn't mind that nor did he stop them. He chuckled in a low voice and mutters, "And I just thought you were dead…"

He held a golden drop of blood within the palm of his hand. He tightly held it before he turned around and shouted loudly to the surviving Demons, "LISTEN UP! MY ORDER TO YOU ALL NOW! GATHER ALL THE DEMONS WITHIN THESE AREAS, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE METHOD! JUST GET THEM IN FRONT OF ME!"

He paused for a moment before he once again loudly shouted, "KEEP WATCH OF A SEVEN TAILED FOX OR WOMAN! REPORT ME IMMEDIATELY IF YOU FIND HER!"

Killing intent violently rushed out of his body as he coldly said, "I will personally kill her! Get that?"

The Killing Intent radiated by every one of these demons was also impressive as they shouted, "UNDERSTOOD, LORD BAKAUL!"

The army started to move and left the area quickly. Bakaul was left alone in the area as he kept gazing at the Golden Blood in his hands, "Perhaps this will be the last thing with which I can help you… I swear I shall take revenge for you."

He swallowed the Golden Blood at that moment. A Golden Fire lit up within his body as it destroyed his body. However, he didn't let out a single cry of pain.. He silently endured it, and soon enough, his body started to radiate Golden Rays.

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