Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 173 - Explaining The Plan

He sighed at how complicated life had become now. He had initially been rather carefree in this world. He didn't even plan to step into the darkness here, but fate moved in mysterious ways. Now, he couldn't stop.

If that day, the Crown Prince hadn't forced him to come to the court for that fake accusation against him. He would still be enjoying with Lyra and Chloe.

It took him some minutes to reach the Elf Kingdom. His power was concealed, so nobody sensed Saito entering the Elf Kingdom territory.

He descended onto the 5th Floor of the Elf Kingdom. The place where Elf Queen resided. As he landed on the floor. He turned his head towards the Great Tree.

It seemed like it had grown even more significant now. Even its thickness had increased. The aura within the Elf Kingdom had grown a lot even though he had been gone only for 2 weeks.

Saito entered the hall and saw Elf Queen sitting on her throne while all the elders were seated on their chairs. They seemed like they were all discussing something.

All of them noticed Saito entering the hall. The Elders stood up to give their respects to Saito but he waved his hands and told them to sit back.

Saito asked them with a curious tone, "So, why are the elders here? What's the issue?"

One of the elders stood up and started speaking, "Sir Axel, we were just persuading the Elf Queen to conquer more of the territory for the Elf Kingdom."

"Is that so?" Saito said with a hint of a smile on his handsome face. He casually says to them, "You all can leave then."

Another one of the elders who didn't have such a favorable impression of Saito spoke, "Sir Axel… We do not understand your meaning. I believe we should discuss the area which the Elves should capture next."

Saito indifferently says, "I do not deem this matter to be important. You all can leave now. I have something important which I want to talk with the Elf Queen."

The Elf Queen didn't speak anything. She continued to gaze at Saito with a smile. The Elder didn't move from their spot and asked him, "What can be more important than securing more land for our future generations?"

With a casual expression on his face, Saito speaks, "What good would that land do if there is no Elf Race in the future? This is the second time. Leave… There is no third time."

His casual and indifferent manner didn't please the Elf Race's elders but they knew when to push their luck or not.

They left the hall quickly. Saito didn't even glance at them as they left the hall. His eyes were on the Elf Queen.

After those elders left the hall, he comments, "Why does it seem like you have grown even more beautiful, Tiriana?"

Tiriana beautifully smiled towards him. She says to him, "You returned much quicker than I thought you would."

Normally, Saito would have chuckled at those words but right now, he had a serious look in his eyes.

"I had no other choice. Do you remember that Seven Tailed Fox who was sealed along with Nature's Vein? She has declared war against the Elf Kingdom. From her words, after 4-5 months. She will lead an army to attack the Elf Kingdom." Saito sounded rather serious.

When the Elf Queen heard about that Seven Tailed Fox. Her smile vanished from her pretty face. She raised her brows and said with a frown, "That Seven Tailed Fox? She has raised war against us?"

Saito nodded his head and continued, "Yes. You need to start the training of these Elves. I didn't mention it before because I was confident in dealing with her on my own. However, if she really rushes here along with her army, it would be impossible to protect everyone all by myself."

This truly worried Elf Queen now. To think those Elders were pressuring her to capture more territory. What use was the new territory going to be if this Seven Tailed Fox attacked them with her army?

It was practically going to be even harder for her to cover more area and protect the elves. She was thinking more about this when she saw a small smile on Saito's face, "Why are you smiling?"

"I was just wondering… Why do we have to wait for her to attack the elves? I will find out about her hideout and attack her." Saito says with a slight smile.

Hearing his idea did worry Tiriana but she didn't say anything. She looked into his eyes and said with a serious face, "Tell me if I can do anything to help you."

This was what she would prefer herself. To select a group to attack that Seven Tailed Fox's hideout. It wouldn't be easy but it wasn't impossible. At most, she would lose that group of elves but if they did damage to Seven Tailed Fox's forces that she was forced to not attack them was good enough.

Though she was worried about Saito. She knew full well about his power. The Aura radiating from his body was strong enough to be on match with herself even though her nature magic was significantly boosted by the Great Tree.

Saito nodded his head and said, "I do need your help. The elves control nature's magic. The Royal Blood seems to have the ability to control the Wood Magic. I wanted to ask you; can you find me 5 elves who are proficient in the 5 basic elements?"

With some pride on her face, the Elf Queen nodded her head and spoke out, "Of course, there is no limit of talent within the elves. There are indeed many elves who can use the 5 basic elemental natures. I am sure they would please you."

However, soon a confused expression forming on her face as she asked him, "But can't you use 3 of the magic natures yourself? What do you need them for?"

"Let's say, I need them to teach the elemental control to someone. I am not good at teaching stuff, after all. Don't choose the strongest elves. Choose the ones who are highly qualified in teaching." The Elf Queen was a bit puzzled by his request, but she nodded. Since this was what Saito wanted, she would personally select the ones who would go with Saito.

After that, they both looked into each other's eyes and seemed to be talking with each other. The Elf Queen placed her finger on her lips, and her enchanting actions took his undivided attention.

Saito resisted this feeling of being enchanted by her figure and actions. He mouthed to her 'Not now… We have the whole night.'

Obviously, those words caused her cheeks to redden, but she nodded. Her expression seemed to say that she was expecting it significantly.

Looking around, Saito spoke out, "So, where is Reus right now? Let me meet with him."

The Elf Queen mischievously smiled as she said, "He missed you rather greatly. He said that he wanted to fight against you."

Letting out a laugh at those words. Saito said, "I guess I will entertain him a little." Suddenly, he stumbled and started thinking with a stern look.

The sudden change from laughing to his serious expression did surprise the Elf Queen, but she didn't say anything.

She simply waited for him to speak. And Saito started talking, "Tell me, Tiriana, who do you want to inherit your throne? Lyra or Reus?"

The Elf Queen was puzzled by his question, but she spoke while looking into his eyes, "Honestly, before your appearance. My plan was to have Lyra inherit this Elf Kingdom and be the Elf Queen. However, now that Lyra is your wife. It will be rather inconvenient for her to manage the kingdom while accompanying you. My choice leans on Reus now. He is smart for his age and has such a great talent as well."

Saito nodded his head as he also agreed with her reasoning, "I agree with your reasoning. Then let me ask you, will he be a true Elf King while being holed up in this place and training to get stronger? Will he get the experience he needs to lead an army? Will he ever experience the setbacks needed to become stronger? Difficulties that he has never faced… Will he ever learn to overcome them?"

His words hit the spot which had greatly troubled the Elf Queen. She asked him with a rather serious face, "What do you plan to do?"

With an equally serious look, Saito says, "Let him accompany me. I will lead the way he needs to be the king. The king that the elves need."

The Elf Queen remained silent for some time as if considering his words. She asked with a rather serious face, "Will he be safe?"

Shaking his head, he replied, "There is no guarantee. The path of a king… How can it not be dangerous? However, if there is no danger, would there ever be any development? If he ever becomes as strong as you or me, would he be able to repel a danger like that of this Seven Tailed Fox?"

"I will after all die sometime in the future. The same is true for you, Lyra, and others. For how long can you or I help him? He needs to start growing now…!" Saito finished speaking with a calm expression.

The Elf Queen said with a serious face, "Will you promise me to protect him if he encounters any great danger?"

Saito negatively shook his head which made Elf Queen frown. He says with a calm look, "I won't help him. I won't need to. I will teach him to deal with those dangers by himself. If I must protected him every single time, he would never experience anything. But I can assure you, if there really is a time when the situation is beyond what he can handle, I will step in."

His last words assured her a lot. She knew that he was thinking about her and Reus but still, sending her son on the front lines wasn't exactly a pleasing thought for her.

She nodded after some hesitation visible in her eyes. Saito gave her a smile and started moving towards her.

He pecked her left cheek which made her blush a little while holding that cheek with her fair hand and watching him quietly leave the hall.

Saito was following Reus's magic signature. His magic has increased once again…

Right now, Reus seemed to be fighting against one of the three Shadow Lightning Wolves left here at the Elf Kingdom. They were sparring some distance away from the Great Tree.

It didn't take him long to arrive at the location.. He looked towards the ground and saw Reus using nature magic against the Shadow Lightning Wolf.

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