Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 178 - Catching Up

It was naturally Chloe who held the Double-Bladed Staff.

"This really wasn't the welcome I was looking forward to." Saito's voice carried a mischievous intent as he stared at Chloe, who was holding the Double-Bladed Staff.

Chloe was standing with a dumbfounded expression as she couldn't believe that Saito had finally returned. She lowered her staff and tried to control the expression on her face.

Naturally, it was hard for her to achieve that.

She had looked forward to his return for these 2 months. And now that he was finally back, she was at a loss of words.

Lyra joined them while carrying a smile on her pretty face. Saito was somewhat dumbfounded as he looked at her.

He felt like all his fatigue vanished away into thin air. It was somewhat mysterious as he unconsciously raised his hand and touched Lyra's cheeks.

He asks with a gentle voice, "Were you alright?"

If anyone such as the Sea Dragon Clan head, the Eternal Knights, or Helena had seen him right now, they would have been dumbfounded at such a gentle voice from his mouth.

This switch within his personality wasn't something that was in Saito's complete control.

Lyra was also beyond happy as she heard Saito's question. She wanted to listen to this voice for 2 months.

She found herself unable to release her voice and just nodded to his question. While they were lovingly staring at each other.

Chloe threw away her staff in the living room and stomped vigorously, "Return to reality! You two! Ignoring me right after returning!"

As she stomped and threw a tantrum. She adorably pouted and turned her head to the side. Both Saito and Lyra let out a chuckle.

Saito extended one hand towards Lyra and the other towards Chloe. He pulled the two of them closer and hugged them tightly.

The two of them spread their arms and tightly hugged him as well. Saito then entered the dining hall and ate together with them.

After eating to his full. Saito had a grim expression as he asked them, "What did the two of you do in these 2 months?"

It was Lyra who started speaking, "After Axel left for the Palace. We were called by the Union and had to take a mission."

"A mission, huh? Was it with Renya?" Saito casually asks the two of them.

Chloe and Lyra were surprised to hear him. They nodded their heads, and Chloe said, "Yes, it was Renya. Though we were unwilling to go on a mission with him. The Vice-Master of the Union said that if we complete the mission, he would ask the Emperor to free Axel."

"The mission was to go to the state Damhal. It was right beside a demon territory, and our task was to assist them in repelling the demons who had entered the territory." Chloe finished speaking.

Saito asked her then, "That Renya didn't do anything to the two of you, right?"

Lyra shook her head. She started speaking, "No, he didn't do anything to us. In fact, he told us from the start that he was ordered to not touch us or make any moves against us."

This did surprise Saito. He didn't think that Renya was moving on someone's orders. But then he remembered his encounter with this guy. If what he guessed right, then this guy had come because of Crown Prince's orders.

He wasn't sure why this guy was working under the Crown Prince. However, he was sure that this guy wasn't going to be an ally.

The previous interactions proved it.

He then looked at Chloe and said, "Was there anyone else from the summoned ones?"

Chloe thought for some time before she nodded her head, "Yes, there were 4 of our classmates. A girl and 3 boys. They mostly accompanied Renya and sucked up for him. Most of the times when they talked to me was about getting in a relationship with Renya."

"I see…" His voice was neither warm nor cold. It was completely normal. He thought in his head 'So, even though Renya was ordered to not touch Chloe or Lyra. That was probably under the condition if they resisted it huh… Does that mean that Renya isn't completely obeying his head?'

"How long did it take for you to complete the mission?" He was curious about this.

"Around a week," Lyra informed him. She had a frown on her face as she added, "We returned back to the kingdom and asked the Vice-Head to ask the Emperor to release you. Though we couldn't meet up with the Emperor and could only meet the First Princess, Rita Vermillion. She told us that Axel wasn't trapped at all. You were just on detention, and it was unknown where you had gone.

Saito felt a chill down his spine when he heard that these two met up with Rita. He was thankful that Rita didn't attack them. Knowing her, she wouldn't feel guilty about attacking someone.

With a serious expression, Lyra asked him, "Husband, where did you go during that period? I couldn't find Joergen when I went to visit Emma and Joergen. Emma told me that you were fine, but where were you?"

Now, Saito didn't want to tell them about the Eternal Knights. He let out a sigh and said, "During that time, I was given a dangerous mission by the Emperor."

"Dangerous mission by the Emperor?" Both Lyra and Chloe repeated their words. Lyra's face held a great shock while Chloe was just a bit surprised.

For Lyra, if Saito received the mission directly from an Emperor, it's importance couldn't be judged. Its importance might have been even above the Beast Tide. As for Chloe, she was more curious about this mission which was described as dangerous even by Saito.

She was clear about his power. Nothing less than a Great Demon King could take him on.

Saito nodded his head and continued speaking, "Yes… The Emperor gave me a chance to avoid the detention by having me complete this dangerous mission. I had to go to the Southern Part of the continent for this mission."

Both Lyra and Chloe understood why they hadn't seen him for these 2 months. The Southern Part was very far away from their current position.

Though these two were curious about his mission. They didn't ask him anymore. Saito was internally thankful for that. He didn't want to lie any more than he had to.

Saito then says with a light smile, "You both have also gotten really strong. Looks like you didn't slack off, eh~ Lyra~?" After his question, he mischievously stared at Lyra.

"Beh!" Lyra stuck out her tongue with a mischievous expression as she proudly said, "Of course! I can form multiple types of trees at any time now! My skill in creating Poisonous Vines and Poisonous Flowers have improved!"

"Poisonous Flowers? What do they do?" Saito curiously asked Lyra. He didn't have such a skill so he was somewhat curious.

Lyra nonchalantly explains to him, "The Poisonous Flowers release a poisonous compound which is harmful for all living beings. Whether they be elves, humans, or even plants in the area. Though it takes some time for it to spread around in the area and for the opponent to start feeling its' effect. I can easily hold onto until then."

"And, what about you? If you are in the area? Would it affect you?" Saito was worried about this issue as the corners of his mouth dropped.

Lyra shook her head negatively, she further explained it to him, "No, the poison flowers are after all created by my magic. The poison will be effective on those whom I want to poison. And it will be ineffective to those whom I don't want."

Though the explanation was simple. Saito understood what she wanted to say. It was like the case with when he used his Hell Flame. It would be burn those whom he wanted to burn and would be ineffective on those whom he had no intention of harming.

With a smile on her face, Lyra raised her hand. She opened her palm and a beautiful ruby colored flower formed. Saito counted the number of petals and he was astonished that this flower had 30 petals.

The flower was incredibly beautiful. He noticed a faint red powder like substance being released by this flower.

It was hard to believe that such a beautiful rose was poisonous. He continued to stare at the red powder like substance and said to Lyra, "Do you have its antidote?"

"Naturally, I do." Lyra proudly tells Saito. She even puffed her chest as if expecting a praise from him. Her proud breasts were jiggling as they made the motion of up and down.

With a serious expression, he said, "Keep the antidote ready and use this poison against me. Let me see how powerful it is."

Lyra created another flower in her other hand. It was a yellowish flower. The number of petals were low compared to the red flower but there was a bud protruding from its centre.

Saito noticed a liquid like substance within that bud. Chloe spoke with a worried look, "Be careful Axel! This poison is really nasty."

"Okay, I am beginning." The red powder like substance was controlled by Lyra and fell upon Saito's body.

Saito was shocked to see the powder going inside his body without any resistance from his skin. As soon as it reached his blood vessels. His eyes went completely wide in shock.

The burning sensation within his veins started to grow stronger and he heard Iris' notification in his head [Master, you have been poisoned. Your life force is being depleted by the rate of 1 year in 1 hour.]

'What!? This poison targets the Life Force! Then what is this burning sensation in my veins!' He couldn't help but ask Iris in his head.

[This is more likely the additional effect of this poison. It goes through the skin and adds on a burning effect to the body.]

A question formed in Saito's mind as he asked 'What happens if someone treats it the same way as a poison which burns the blood vessels. Would it be cured?'

[Negative! The addition effect would be dealt but the poison will keep on depleting the Life Force.]

Saito had a cold sweat on his face as he heard Iris. He wasn't in any rush of treating the poison.. He first controlled his Heaven's Lightning and try to destroy the red powder like substance within his veins.

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