Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 181 - Informing The Emperor

"Eep!" Rita squealed in surprise when she felt Saito's arms underneath her legs and pick her up. He was giving her a princess carry in his arms.

As she looked at his face, she saw it nearing her own face. Soon enough, their lips touched and their tongues entangled with each other.

After their lips parted, he said, "Now… That's the reward for being my good woman. I will carry you all the way to the Emperor's chambers."

Rita blushed madly as she licked her lips. She didn't even realize when Ryusuke walked all the way to the Emperor's chambers.

It was surprising that they didn't encounter a single guard on their way. Or perhaps, she was too lost in thought to notice a guard. She didn't know about it. She didn't care.

As they were standing outside the Emperor's chambers, Saito gently placed her on the ground and said, "Alright, let's knock!"

They knocked on the door of the Emperor's chamber and waited some time for his response. Soon enough, they heard his voice, "Enter."

His voice was rough and deep, a little frightening for someone who heard it the first time.

Saito held Rita's hand and walked into the Emperor's chamber. He saw the Emperor sitting on the bed.

He had an expressionless look on his face as he glanced at Saito, "Since, you are here. I believe the mission has been completed."

"Hmm…Yes. That is indeed so." Nodding in agreement, Saito curiously stared at the interior of the room. It was his second time coming here and the entire room seemed to have transformed now.

Their short exchange was over.

Now, Rita strongly stomped on the ground and angrily glared at the Emperor, "Your old man! Next time if I hear you giving these missions to Axel. I will skin you!"

The warning from Rita strongly amused Saito that he wanted to laugh. He held it in his heart and enjoyed the horrified look appearing on the Emperor's face.

Judging by what they had previously talked, Rita was the only one who would dare to warn the Emperor in such a tone.

The Emperor could only laugh nervously as responded, "I won't give him any more missions. This was the only one. You can ask your beloved, right?"

He gave a look which suggested he was pleading for help. Not wishing to see the dignified Emperor in such a state, Saito decided to help him out.

"Don't worry Rita. The Emperor swore an oath that he won't be giving me any missions after this. I think I told you about this before." His voice was calm as he strongly gripped her hand.

In response, Rita replied with a loathing look, "Axel… You don't know but my father doesn't care about oaths. He wouldn't hesitate for a single second before breaking an oath. He needs to know his place!"

Before she continued any further, Saito calmed her down by caressing the back of her head.

"It's alright. Nothing can happen to me. The Emperor would protect me, wouldn't you?" He calmly told her while giving a mischievous look to the Emperor.

The Emperor understood the meaning behind his look, he sighed out and thought 'You really have some guts.'

The Emperor nodded his head as if giving him an agreement regarding something.

Saito seemed delighted with the response from the Emperor and took Rita along with him. He was sure the Emperor didn't want to be on the receiving end of Rita's curses.

They spent the rest of the morning talking about the events happening in the month he was gone.

It seemed that after Saito left for the mission. Rita took the time to roam around the palace. She was pissed off at the guards who seemed to be slacking off.

With no target of her frustration, she decided that he would train 100 Guards every single day. Naturally, her training involved fighting them all until all their bones had some fractures.

Fortunately, the Royal Medic was very skilled. He was able to heal all soldiers with little effort. Now, all that was left for the guards was to recover.

It was nearly evening now.

Saito decided it was time to return to Lyra and Chloe. He knew Rita wouldn't let him go now. So, he had no choice but to take her along.

While Saito was introducing Rita to Lyra and Chloe officially.

In another place, Alvaneth, the former Demon God had returned to his territory. He grew outraged at the disappearance of Helena from his grasps.

His anger only increased when he remembered the terrifying might possessed by that Prince from the Vermillion Kingdom. To think someone had inherited the power of that frightening War God.

Only the War God was one of the gods who could scare Alvaneth to such an extent. He had nearly met his demise by the War God's hands.

He was not comfortable with the idea of fighting against the inheritor of War God's Legacy.

He then remembered the strength of the other human he fought. He knew that the time between when he was unsealed was short.

In that short time, Alvaneth had gained vast power. So overwhelming that he could have squashed Saito of that time to death.

However… Alvaneth was shocked to see Saito's rate of growth had been at the same level as himself.

Was it because he took things for granted and was relaxing too much? As the question appeared in his mind, he gritted his teeth before making a decision.

It was time to train.

The first thing he did was disband his own harem. Allowing himself to lose in pleasure was the reason for his own demise.

He grew more resolute as he started to train in an empty field like a mad demon.

The management of the territory was given to 3 Demon Kings serving under him. These 3 Demon Kings were surprised to see their lord training so hard even after he was so strong.

This stirred their inner feelings as they also supported their new Lord and trained together with him while keeping a tight watch over his territory.

Alvaneth cared little about whether they wished to train or not. Their powers were inconsequential in front of those two freaks.

He alone had the required strength and talent to be up against those two.

This was the time when he threw Helena out of his mind. He didn't care less about his own threat to her. There was no point worrying about a woman when his own life was at considerable risk.


The Crown Prince, Dante Vermillion had a frown over his handsome face as he looked at the corpses of his soldier in front of his eyes.

Then the face of that grinning fool, the True Hero Renya irritated him further. He was of little help against the Sea Dragon Clan.

Even though the fierce fighting against them had reduced their number by another 40%, as he looked at the corpses around him, he felt it was not worth it.

He wondered in his head 'Why did we even bother sacrificing so many of our strong men in Kingdom to summon these idiots? I will never understand my father's thoughts on why these so-called Heroes were necessary.'

He then remembered the Emperor had decided to test this method because of a prophecy. Dante Vermillion clenched his fists while thinking 'The rambling of that old man is destroying the Vermillion Kingdom. If I ever to find that old man, I need to cut off that tongue and his hands, so he is unable to tell anyone of his idiotic prophesies.'

The Crown Prince, Dante Vermillion's rage was no joke. Yet, Renya in front of him didn't appear worried. Either it was his self-confidence in his own ability, or he was just that ignorant of Dante Vermillion's thoughts.

Dante spoke with a cold tone, "You are dismissed, Renya. Next time you commit any atrocities, I will end you."

Renya remained confident as he asked Dante, "Can you? Do you think you have ever seen my real strength?"

"Your real strength? Are you talking about being able to utilize those Five elements at the same time and boosting your fighting ability?" Dante stated with an unimpressive look.

However, Renya's facial expression changed entirely as he asked with a shocked expression, "You knew?! Then why did you not say anything when I was fighting against that Clan?"

"I was hoping your foolishness to not use your power will kill you. I am thoroughly disappointed, in you and those Sea Dragons Clan Members as well. Now, I tell you again, do not try anything, or I will end you. If you want, I can show you just where you stand. Though I doubt I will be able to stay my hand and not end you then." Dante stated before he turned around and walked towards the camp.

He was not worried about Renya making an irresponsible move on his back.

No, it was not that he was not worried. He was just that confident to deal with any attack Renya could throw at him.

Renya kept gazing at the Crown Prince's back, unsure if he should take a chance or not. After several seconds, he shook his head and flew away from the position.

Meanwhile, Dante just shook his head, unsure of what he should do with this guy. Things would have become a lot simpler if Renya had only attacked him.

He could use that reason to eradicate him, and all the other heroes, including Saito from existence.

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