Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 39 - Chloe’s Feelings

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Chloe was shocked to hear how he lost his memory, she touched his head with her soft hand, she was seething with rage as she said murderously, "I will kill that Great Demon King and cut it into pieces! How could he do that to you!?"

Before she spoke any further, Saito also said, "I plan to do the same. And as for my marriage, I and Lyra liked each other, so we didn't have a qualm to marry each other."

Chloe looked into his eyes with a misty-eyed look, "Then what about me? What about the fact that we have liked each other for 12 years! Are you telling me that my feelings weren't able to reach you at that time? Am I not worthy to marry you?"

Saito quickly raised his hands and started speaking, "Wait! Hold up! I never said anything about your feelings. I know you feel immense sadness and loss but I truly don't remember anything. I love Lyra. I hope you accept that fact."

Chloe though didn't plan on giving up and said with her eyes showing a determined expression, "I don't plan on giving up at all. I do not have a problem with Lyra, she has been able to make you happy. It makes me truly glad. But can't you accept my love for you?"

Saito raised his hand and started to speak, "Chloe, to me, I truly do not have any feelings for you. I know that since you are saying this, your feelings for me must run deeper than what I imagined. Besides, accepting my love would mean I would cheat on Lyra… I definitely do not want to do that."

Chloe then remained silent before she started to speak, "I know that you do not feel anything for me right now but I will stay together with you. For long enough until the old feelings for me remerge or just make you fall in love with me all over again."

She said that with such a determined expression that Saito couldn't help but think 'Since I accepted the identity of Axel. I need to accept this too… even though it will make my life even more annoying.'

He was surprised by the next words uttered by Chloe, "Besides, what are you talking about cheating. Nobles who are weaker than us have multiple wives, why can't someone as exceptional as you have 2 women as your wives."

Saito internally frowned 'This again? I expected this to come from another local resident from this world but to come from the mouth of Chloe. Someone who has come from the same world as me. This is indeed surprising. The culture here is really different heh.'

He didn't spend too much time thinking about this and replied back to her, "Whatever. I won't stop you. You will probably give up after some time when you realize I am different from what you remember."

"Thank you, Axel." She stepped forwards to hug him, her soft body tightly hugged him, Saito blushed a bit as he touched her soft skin.

He thought inside his own head 'Lyra, Lyra's mother Tiriana and now Chloe. Dammit… This is getting really troublesome. Am I becoming a chick magnet in this world?'

He heard Iris replying to him [Is there any doubt? With the charm of the master, it would be rare if you wouldn't be referred to as a chick magnet.]

Saito was dumbfounded and thought 'Iris, what is the level of my charm?'

[Originally, this body had a medium-level charm but after the training. Master's charm was upgraded to a high level. Just a bit away from the perfect level. This skill is incredibly useful in making the opposite sex have a favorable impression of you on your first meeting.]

Saito thought with a headache 'Just wow… Just basically, this is one of the main reasons for my current situation. Iris, can you lower the charm?'

[Negative! Master would have to disfigure his own face for that.]

Now, this wasn't something that Saito was ever going to do. He stared at Chloe and decided to ask her a question, "Chloe, I remember a little about our previous world. Wasn't it common there to have a single wife? So how come you are so calm about the polygamy?"

Chloe though rubbed her cheeks against his chest before she parted with his body, "You have really trained hard for the time you weren't here~ Your body is so ripped now~ Did you unconsciously remember me telling you that I wanted you to have a ripped body~?"

She said this all the while she kept staring at Saito with an intoxicated look. Saito felt a little weird and voiced out, "If you keep on staring at me with those gazes then I also won't hold back."

Though he didn't mean what he said, he just wanted her to realize that the way she was looking at him wasn't that appropriate. He wouldn't mind if she stared for a short period of time but she didn't seem to move her eyes even after staring at him for a minute.

Chloe replied back with a blush, "You can look and touch me all that you want. I don't mind it." Saito flicked her forehead and says, "Alright, enough fooling around. Answer my question now."

Chloe had a cute pout as she puffed her cheeks, "I am so mad that you remember the so-called ethics of our old world but you still don't remember anything about us." She even started to playfully punch him repeatedly on his chest.

Finally, she decided to be a little serious, "It is because I have seen this world and got used to it. I have seen many nobles with their harem, slaves and it seemed to be a very natural thing. I was very troubled in the beginning but slowly, I have gotten used to all this."

She also had red cheeks as she continued to say, "And also because I know you wouldn't leave Lyra with the way I saw you spend time with her. Though I haven't observed you both for long, I can say that you are very attached to her. The only way for me to be together with you is through Polygamy. I am ready to accept this if that is what it will take to be with you."

"I-I am honestly surprised by your confession. However, I shall inform you that Lyra is someone I love. I will most probably not react to your love the way you want me to. It will hurt you." He decided to tell her the truth straight to her face.

Chloe was silent for a couple of seconds, "Are you planning to leave me soon?"

Saito shook his head and said, "No… I am planning to be here in the Human Kingdom for some time."

Chloe gave him a delightful smile, "Then there is no problem. I will just stick with you and make you love me. I will even make Lyra like me so that she wouldn't have a problem."

Saito let out a sigh before he said, "Alright, do whatever you want. Not like I can stop you. I guess I should return back to my room then."

Saito returned back to his room and decided to be open to Lyra about what he and Chloe talked about. Unlike with the case of her mother, he could actually talk about Chloe together with Lyra.

Lyra listened to his words and was honestly surprised to hear that Saito met her after he had lost his memory since Saito wanted to hide the real truth about Iris or himself, he felt the need to lie at that point.

Lyra stayed silent for a couple of minutes after she was done hearing him out. She was surprised to hear that according to Chloe, she loved him from the time they were 5 years old.. It was a long time for Lyra.

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