Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 41 - Information About The Demonic Beast

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They got out of the house and he carried her princess style, taking her towards the direction of the forest. He felt a strong aura from that direction but he ignored it and kept on flying towards the forest.

He didn't go in too deep within the forest. The reason he went within the forest was that the magic within the forest was more connected to nature as compared to the magic within the city.

He let out Joergen and Emma from their shadows, both of them walked around and stretched their legs. Saito gave a faint smile as he saw them spending time together.

He slowly started to explain to Lyra how she could use the Nature Magic to fly. It was a hard task for him alone but with the help of Iris, he was able to explain it to her.

She had some difficulties in flying and wasn't able to control her direction or her speed at all. Saito helped her out whenever she was in danger and slowly, her control started to improve for the better.

After 4 hours of practicing, Lyra finally learned to levitate on her own and slowly move her body around while she flew. This was an incredible achievement for her and Saito said, "Alright, that's enough for now. Let's return back to the house, Chloe would think that we ran away if she doesn't find us at her house."

Lyra gave him a nod. Saito neared her and carried her princess style once again. Even though Lyra was able to levitate now, they would have to cross the wall from the west side to enter back into the city undetected. With her current skill, Lyra wasn't able to achieve that.

Saito left Joergen and Emma at the forest, "I don't want to ask you to remain in the shadows since you may be uncomfortable with it. Just stay here in this forest, if you ever encounter trouble, make sure to Roar loudly. I will come with my quickest speed."

Joergen nodded his head and replied, "Alright master. We shall do that." Not long after, Saito started to fly up in the air, Lyra's arms went around his neck as she hugged him tightly.

She kept staring at his face with unconditional love while Saito flew back towards the house. After they returned back, their stomachs grumbled. Both of them started laughing since they totally forgot about eating while they were training.

Before they were about to go out to eat something, Chloe returned back with a pleased expression. She entered her house and noticed both of them standing in the living room.

Chloe asked both of them while furrowing her eyebrows, "Why are the two of you standing here?"

Lyra replied back to her with a gentle tone, "We were thinking about going out to eat something. Do you want to join us, Chloe?" She kindly extended the invitation for Chloe to join them.

Chloe was unsure for a moment, she stared at Saito in order to know about his answer and saw him nod. She gave a firm nod and said, "Yes! Let's go then… I know many great places to eat within the city."

She was happy to go out and eat together with Saito even though Lyra tagged along. They remained silent for the whole time, it was awkward for Chloe to speak up and Lyra was a little tired to start a conversation.

The three of them gave their own orders at the restaurant named Carnival. It was one of the best restaurants in the city. The steak, rice, and the other things they ordered were incredibly tasty.

While they were returning back home, Saito asked Chloe, "So… Chloe, now that we have had our meals. What did you find out about the fox?"

Hesitant to speak in front of Lyra. Saito informs her, "Lyra already knows about it, don't worry. You can speak up now."

Chloe was pleasantly surprised to know this. She asked him with a doubtful look, "Even about my reward?"

"Mhm~" Lyra spoke out with a faint smile on her face.

This did surprise her, Chloe asked Lyra after hesitating for some time, "Are you all right with it? Letting your husband go on a date with me?"

She emphasized the word date to let Lyra know how she saw that reward in case Saito had told her something different.

Lyra gave her a nod and said, "I heard from Axel that you are his childhood friend and you had feelings for him for 12 years. Axel must have also loved you before he lost his memory, I honestly don't mind your feelings if it would make him happy."

Chloe was unsure of Lyra's words, "Are you sure? What if he remembers everything and I steal him away from you? Would you still not be mad at me?"

Lyra replied very naturally, "Honestly speaking, I don't think you can steal him away from me at all. But even if you managed to do so, I will accept it as long as Axel is happy.."

Chloe was honestly dumbfounded at the love that Lyra held for Saito. This was what some might call unconditional love, limitless support for their love no matter their decision.

It made her understand something. She understood why Saito had fallen in such deep love with Lyra, with such an understanding and adorable wife, it was impossible to even think of hurting her or cheating on her.

Even though Lyra was supposed to be her rival for Saito's heart, she genuinely couldn't find any reason to have ill feelings about her. Just admirations for her feelings.

It was the same for Lyra, she also admired Chloe for her endurance. It wasn't easy to see the love of your life go on a mission and return back with another woman while he had completely forgotten about yourself.

Both these girls started to talk more and get familiar with each other. Hearing the girls' chatter, Saito's eyebrow twitched multiple times. Even though the girls were talking about him, he felt that he was being sidelined by them.

He finally raised his hand and said in a neutral voice, "Enough… Chloe, what did you find regarding that beast? It's very important information for me."

Both the girls let out an embarrassed laugh before Chloe started speaking, "Umm… Alright." Her face changed to a serious expression and she said, "It doesn't seem like many people in the Union know about this beast. I asked many people, the people who work under me about information but they said that they didn't hear anything about it."

"I found about the Red Fox from one of the elders. He told me that a week ago, a party headed towards the Bloodfall Pits Dungeon was ambushed. The leader of the party used the long-distance communication magic crystal to request support, he mentioned that they were attacked by a Red Fox who changed into a Dark Red-haired woman in the middle of the fight."

Saito placed his finger under his chin as he started to think 'It looks like she is still trying to heal herself and return back to her peak form. If she was in that dungeon a week ago, she must have surely changed shelters until now. But maybe I should still go there and look, with the help of Iris, I can find something to trace her or maybe even anticipate her next move.'

He had a question in his mind and asked Chloe, "The Union is planning to send any team to search the dungeon for any survivors?"

Chloe thought for a moment before she said, "I think yes. I did see a team training very hard in the training room, normally a team would train together before setting out on a dangerous mission."

"Any way we can join them?"

"I don't know… Although my rank within the union is high. I don't think they will let us join them." Chloe replies to him. Though her words didn't suggest anything directly, Saito understood the reason for her words.

'With her rank, they would let her join them but since I raised a ruckus in the council, they would not let me join them.. And even if I did join them, they would try to create trouble for me.'

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