Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 45 - Convincing Saito

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Planning for his next course of action wasn't going as smoothly as he imagined. Saito was confused about what should he do. Should he just pursue Naomi and kill her before thinking upon the matter related to Axel's classmates here in this world?

Or should he find the person who caused Axel's death and then pursue Naomi? It was unknown how strong she would become if she was left alone for long.

He was so confused that he even asked Iris. Though he received a typical reply from Iris.

[I cannot answer that question.]

After taking a moment to think again 'Maybe I should deal with my classmates first. According to Iris' calculations, Joergen and I can only battle to a standstill. If I don't have any real chance to win, then I would be endangering Lyra and Chloe in that battle.'

The reason he decided to take them was simple. He wouldn't be relieved if he left them alone in the kingdom 'The reason nobody made any big moves on Chloe was because I was termed as dead and even when they found me alive, they thought I would be punished and wouldn't be able to talk to Chloe again.'

'Besides with Lyra here, I am basically giving them another target, and it would be difficult for the two of them to protect themselves even with their strength since I would have to take Joergen along with me to fight the Demonic Fox, Naomi.'

Lyra had returned back to their room now. Saito smiled at this and followed behind her before he closed their room.

The couple snuggled together as Saito holds Lyra's large breasts very gently. He kisses her neck slowly before slowly going up.

He kissed both her cheeks and finally sealed the moment with a kiss on her lips. After the kiss ended, Lyra suddenly applied a bit of force and pushed him, in an instant, Lyra was on top of him while Saito was pinned against the bed.

Lyra slowly opened the buttons of his shirt and flushed red when she saw his bare and perfect body in front of her eyes. She slowly stroked her hand over his hard-abdominal muscles.

Saito was very pleased by her touch, the way her fingers were caressing his muscles. It was a great feeling. Lyra slowly pressed her body against his own.

Saito felt two soft hills pressed against his chest as they squished wondrously, Lyra lowered her mouth and kiss him on both his cheeks before kissing him on top of his lips.

After tasting his lips, she asked him with a look of tenderness, "Darling~ did you have fun on your date~?"

Saito was unsure of what to reply, so he went with, "Not as much fun as I had with our date, sweetheart~."

Lyra gave him a passionate look and says, "Darling, I heard about both of your dates ~ Why didn't you do anything romantic on the date~? Even though Chloe tried to not make it sound like that, I know you had a straight face on your face for the whole date."

Saito gave her a smile, "You know me the best sweetheart~" His hands reached out for her back and started to slowly stroke it.

Making a small fist, Lyra said with a tightened expression, "Don't do that to her darling~ She really loves you~ You didn't even compliment on her dress that she bought just for the date, you know?"

Giving him a pout, she puffed her cheeks and then says, "Go to her and spend some romantic time with her or else… No more snuggles for you for the night."

After she finished saying that. Lyra got up from the bed. Saito had a straight look over his face as he didn't stand up at all.

Lyra started to tap her feet on the ground quickly, after some time, she asked him, "Why are you not getting up and going in her room?"

Smirking at Lyra, Saito lightly replies, "You said no more snuggles for the night. This means that I will get snuggles tomorrow. I will snuggle you more tomorrow in compensation for today as well."

Lyra's eyes started glistering as if what Saito said has hurt her, she says, "My husband won't even listen to me now that we have gotten married~? I am so unfortunate, ~."

Saito was speechless over this, he couldn't say no to that face, "And what I don't understand is why does my wife want me to spend romantic time with another woman?"

Lyra though wholly ignored him and says, "I see that my husband doesn't care for me now. Not listening to my request at all."

He was unsure if it was his illusion or not, but her glistering eyes got bigger, he got up from his bed and let out a sigh, "Alright… Don't cry, though. A hug will be okay right?"

Lyra touched her chin and seemed to be in deep thought, "Nopes, you will have to kiss her on the lips."

Saito's body fell back onto the bed, "Sorry, no can do. Good night." Lyra quickly speaks, "Alright-alright, a kiss on the cheeks is the minimum, though."

Saito peeked out from one of his eyes and slowly got up, "Alright, but remember, I am only doing this since you asked me to."

"Mhm~ My hubby is the best~" Seems like Lyra wasn't able to endure any longer and embraced him, she was really madly in love with him.

Their embrace soon ended, and Lyra's eyes seem to be asking him to go into Chloe's room. While he was leaving the room, he was thinking of the reasons why Lyra seemed to spoil Chloe so much. It was like she saw Chloe as her sister…

He knocked on the door to Chloe's room. It took a few seconds before the door slowly opened, making the creaking sounds.

Chloe was still in the same dress in which she had gone on a date with Saito. She was surprised to see that it was Saito who knocked on the door and exclaimed, "Axel!"

Saito gave her a light smile and politely asked her, "Can I come in?" Chloe got out of her shock and brightly smiled, "You don't need to ask. Come inside!"

Saito entered her room and noticed that it was not too different from the room which was assigned to him and Lyra. Just that it was a mirror image to their room.

However, in this room, Chloe's scent was overpowering. He didn't even need to try, and he could smell her strong scent which was spread in the whole room.

Being very nervous in his presence, Chloe asked him, "Not that I mind it, but why did you come into my room right now? Aren't you going to sleep with sister Lyra?"

Before she overthought things any further, Saito turned towards her, one hand going around her waist, pulling her closer to his body and the other hand rest upon her back. He gave her a beautiful smile, "The end of our date didn't go well because of the appearance of Prince Rai, so I thought it would be a good idea to end it here."

He was lying… He didn't have any plan to end the date other than walking a little more and returning back home. But he didn't want Chloe to know that it was Lyra who requested this. She would surely talk about this with Lyra, and it would make Lyra sad.

To prevent that situation from happening, he lied here. He squeezed Chloe's navel with his right hand and said, "I am sorry I didn't say it before, but you look gorgeous in these clothes."

Her heartbeat seemed to have increased above 100 beats per second. Her heart was racing so much, and she was unable to calm down at all.. She replied back with her eyes fixed at Saito's eyes, "If you like it, I will wear it for you every day."

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