Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 51 - Confusion

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Prince Rai though smirked at his words, "Heh… So that's your beast, huh. I didn't expect you to not only have beauties around you but such a great beast. I did give it a chance to surrender to me, but it refused me."

He showed a crazed look over his face as he shouted while stepping forwards, "Can you imagine!? A lowly beast like him dares to refuse to surrender to me! It rejected me for someone like you!"

To his shout, Saito gave a cold snort but chose not to say anything. Words were wasted on trash like him. But Prince Rai seemed to not have finished talking, "Prepare to be killed by my Beast Slayer-…"

Saito disappeared without a trace and reappeared in front of him, punching the right side of his face. "You talk too much."

The force of Saito's punch shattered a few bones in his face, but the Blue Aura was still around Prince Rai, it healed him very quickly.

He spat out some saliva from his mouth and said, "Pretty good for a trashy hero. But that's the thing. You can't beat me as long as I have this sword!"

After Prince Rai finished speaking, Saito appeared in front of him once again. Saito's body releasing some sparks of Black Lightning.

Grabbing the hand with which Prince Rai held his sword, Saito looked him into his eyes, a sharp and cold glint clear from his eyes and he said, "You said I can't beat you as long as you hold this sword? I had like to prove you wrong then… Let's see it… Will the ability of your sword be able to keep up with my ability to destroy or not!"

He showed a merciless look on his face as he released the full power of his Hell Flames and concentrated on destroyed Prince Rai's arm.

Prince Rai's loud screams seemed to pierce the heavens, the pain was so much that he very well wanted to die or just lose consciousness.

Unfortunately, the reality was cruel. There was no way he was able to lose consciousness in the middle of his flesh being destroyed and restored at the same time.

The results were stunning! The power of the regeneration granted from the swords was actually able to keep up with the part he destroyed.

No… In fact, the Hell Flames were losing strength. Prince Rai seemed to notice it, he spoke out with an enthusiastic look, "Haaaah! What happened to all that talk about proving me wrong? This is just what you are! This is just how powerless you are in front of this Divine Sword."

"I said it already, didn't I? You talk too much!" As he said that, Saito spoke out as a very concentrated Black Colored Lightning started to shine on his left hand.

The destructive power with which he was destroying his hand suddenly doubled in strength. Prince Rai's hand fell down along with the sword…

That was all Chloe and Lyra managed to see before it was finished within a blink of an eye. They had never seen anything like that, such a clean attack that was able to butcher someone.

The thing which surprised Chloe, even more, was the lack of remorse in the eyes of Saito. The lack of emotion while killing a human truly surprised her, the way he broke his arm before killing Prince Rai was another thing that surprised her.

She thought with worry laced onto her face 'If he could do it so easily and kill him in one strike so cleanly. Why did he have to burn the arm or even slice it completely for it to fall? Did he…?'

As she was caught up in his thoughts, Saito slowly emerged through the smoke. Lyra ran forwards without any hesitation, she held his hand and asked him, "Are you okay, Axel?"

[Master, since you were in a fight, I withheld the notifications. The sword's name is Beast Slayer Sword… From what I have analyzed, it has two abilities. The first one allows the user to directly break through any magic defense while the other is the endless regeneration property.]

The rest, Saito was able to deduce with his own thoughts 'With the speed of his regeneration… My Hell Flames' was destroying his bones, his muscles, but they were regenerating back as if it was nothing. Just what is the source of this sword's power.'

However, that wasn't all he was thinking. While he checked up on Lyra, he had noticed how Chloe seemed to have backed away a little. There was so much fear held within her eyes.

As he held Lyra within his arms, he spoke with a straight look, "Chloe… Are you scared of me now? Did you not like what you saw?"

Chloe raised her head. She was surprised at how easily he had been able to read her face. She started to raise her voice a little, "Axel… You killed so many of these people together with Prince Rai. Although I understand that you are raging because of the injuries inflicted on your precious partner."

Her voice got gradually softer, "You killed so many of them yet… you don't have a trace of emotion or remorse within your eyes. I… I am scared. You weren't like this before…"

She slowly lowered her head in confusion, she couldn't decide and was confused. She had seen different kinds of the situation since coming into this world, she had adapted to them all thinking when she would return back with Saito, they would be able to return back to their own happy world.

However, today, the ruthlessness, the brutal manner in which he killed a human made her realize how wrong she was.

Just when she was about to lose all hope, lose all reason, she heard Saito's resolute voice, "Chloe… I am every bit of a monster as you have just seen! But tell me… can you assure me that this Prince Rai wasn't going to return back and make sure to kill me along with the two of you just to seal our mouth?"

Chloe asked him back with equal resolve in her voice, "And how can you be sure that he wouldn't have changed himself. Maybe he could have turned himself to be a better person if you approached this differently."

"There is no maybe. Either it would happen or it wouldn't. You think I should risk my life, Lyra's life, Joergen's life… and your life on a maybe! Don't kid me! I won't take that sort of gamble!" He shouted back with an unwavering belief.

His voice was gradually softer as he continued speaking, "Even with my power, I can only protect a selected few, those most important to me."

"There was a strong possibility that he would have used the forces of the kingdom to mobilize against us the very next day. If that happened, even if I am strong enough to protect you all… Do you know how many causalities will be there? Can you imagine Chloe?" His questions added more confusion to her.

She couldn't understand anything now. What was right, what was wrong? What should she do?

Everything was so confusing that it was hurting her head. Whom should she trust now?

Saito stared at her as Chloe was caught up in her confusion and thought 'I didn't want you to see that until later, but it couldn't be prevented. Eventually, I would have had to get my hands dirty anyway. I hope it makes you grow up Chloe or else…'

Lyra stood beside Saito and suddenly shouted out, "Chloe… Are you trying to understand if what we did was right or wrong? Are you confused about that?"

"This is the harsh reality of this world, Chloe. Will you get up? Stand up? Or will you just fall down? Just trust people like him and get hurt all over again until you are dead?"

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