Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 61 - Truth About The Union

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Meanwhile, in the Vermillion Kingdom, Dante Vermillion was sitting with a stern look as he received an important piece of information.

"Sir, from the guards of the West Gate, we have found that there were around 50 people who had passed over that gate from morning to evening." The man appeared without making a single sound.

He continued to speak, "We have investigated all of them except for one person. They all seem innocent since they do not have enough power to harm Prince Rai."

Dante said to him with a stern look, "Don't eliminate any possibility. In my travels, I have seen many things. There are artifacts which can only be used a single time and a common man would be able to kill one of the strongest demons."

The man couldn't believe what he was hearing however he decided to trust Dante. He added on, "We shall investigate them all in secret."

Giving an affirmative nod, Dante asked him, "Who is left now?" He wondered if that would be the clue.

"It is Chloe Morgan. It has been rumored that Prince Rai was intoxicated by her and wanted her to become his woman. She was one of the 50 people who had entered the west gate yet it is mysterious because there are no records of her leaving from that gate." The man dressed in black informed about this information to Prince Dante.

Prince Dante's complexion changed, "What do you mean? If there were no records of her leaving the city then how did she get out of the city gates? And then got in from the West Side where my little brother was possibly killed."

"I do not know master." The men clad in black shook his head. It seemed that he was thinking about it for very long himself.

"In fact, it doesn't matter how she got out. The main thing is that she got in from the West Gate. Go and investigate her." Dante gave the order with a ruthless look.

The man kneeling in front of him hesitated as he said, "Sir Dante, she has many connections within the Union. Do you think we should-?"

Prince Dante stomped his feet on the ground, "The Union can do nothing if she has some connection with the death of my Brother. There will be nothing they can do…" He trailed off after speaking this.

In his head, he was thinking 'They are nothing without the Royal Family. If Father wasn't supporting them in secret, there was no way it would have grown so powerful to an extend that they would be capable of suppressing the Radiant Church in city.'

It seemed as though there were many strange things about Union. It was supported by the Royal Family in secret to suppress the influence of the Radiant Church. It explained the reason how this organization could become so strong in such a short period of time.

It didn't have the long thousand-year-old history like the Radiant Church nor were they like the Phantom Brotherhood who had their own teachings to protect their members at all costs.

The Union had managed to surpass these two in just a period of 100 years. This showed how much the Royal Family had supported this organization.

Normally, no matter what organization, the Royal Family would be against the organization because if it is allowed to grow then it would become a separate entity which the King wouldn't be able to control.

This was not acceptable by the Royal Family. However, they also couldn't oppose them openly because the will of the people was also important. If they opposed the organization which seemed to be benefitting the humans in their territory then they may have to deal with a revolution.

To prevent such a scene to occur and to minimize losses even if such a situation occurs. He created a project, the project known as Union which shall become the strongest force within the Kingdom and which is directly controlled by the king.

No member of the Union had any idea that the King was the real Leader of the Union. The master of the guild was just currently managing the guild, normally, any decision he took would be fine.

However, in case of an important decision, the King would send him a message using his Long-Distance Communication Transmission.

To prevent any spies from leaking any information, there was only a single man in the entire Union who knew of the real identity of the Union's master. The Master…

He was picked by the king from when he was in an orphanage. He secretly trained him and brain washed him into becoming his perfect loyal subject. He could make his own decisions but the order by the king was absolute for him.

Even after the death of the Original King who implemented this project, it was passed down to the next king. The order given by the Original King to the Vice Master of Union was, "Your next master is the King of this Kingdom. Listen to all his words without fail."

And the previous king also ordered the king who was going to succeed him, "Pick a child and train him into becoming the Next Master of the Union. This farce must go on in front of the public."

Before becoming the King, even the succeeding king had no idea of how the Kingdom controlled the Union. It was unknown how Dante had come to know that the Kingdom controlled the Union because this was supposed to be a secret which should only be known by 2 living men and a dead man.

Dante stared at the man who was kneeling in front of him. It was a calm gaze with no malicious intent and he spoke out, "Monitor Chloe to see if she had any hand in the death of my brother…"

The man nodded his head and disappeared in a dark flash.

~After a few days~

The man in Black Robe knocked onto the gate of Prince Dante's room. Dante asked him from inside, "Is she here?"

The man denied by saying, "No master. It seems as though she took a mission together with Hero Axel and a new adventurer named Lyra about 2 days ago. It should take her around 2 weeks to get back."

"As soon as she enters the city, I want her to appear before me. Now scram!" Prince Dante harshly said and the man nodded without saying a single word in return.

After Dante was left alone in his room, he started to think 'Is it a coincidence that she left for the mission the same day my brother went missing? No, the timing is too convenient. If she really did kill my brother then there is a huge chance that she has run away from this city.'

There was a murderous look on his face 'Chloe, run all you want. Run all you want for these 2 weeks. However, if you don't return within 2 weeks, I will have you as a murderer in my mind even if you weren't the one who killed my brother. You will take on my full rage.'

And he also remembered the name of Axel and continued to think 'Axel huh. If this is Hero Axel that has killed a Great Demon King. There is a huge chance that he is involved as well. To kill my brother while he is wielding my Beast Slayer Sword… It shouldn't be possible for Chloe since she doesn't have so much fire power.'

Suddenly, the door to his room opened up and a young woman with long Light Blue hair entered the room. She had a sharp look in her eyes as she said, "Dante… How long are you going to take? We have to go and inspect this disturbance in the Bloodfall Pits Dungeon."

It was his sister named Rita Vermillion. She had turned 18 this year and was a year older than Dante. She was the First Princess of the Vermillion Kingdom. She was had a fairly simple personality unlike her brother.

She liked fighting strong opponents. She had the most strength and magic within the siblings. Even then, she hadn't been able to beat Dante ever. No matter the fight, no matter the game, he had won against her effortlessly.

Or so she had believed, in truth. Even Dante had to think extensively when he was up against his sister. He had long since mastered the art of using a poker face no matter the situation he was facing.

Dante replied back to her with a helpless tone, "Sorry sister… Looks like I won't be able to come with you. I have some work to do here in the city. You should leave without me…"

"I see…" Not giving any reaction to his words, Rita walked off from the room.. Dante stayed in the city, waiting for the 2 weeks to pass.

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