Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 63 - Going Against The Crown Prince

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Saito ignored him and turned around to enter the house. The man was stunned by this, he thought that Saito would be getting ready to come to the palace together with him.

He called out for Saito, "Hey you. Don't you understand your situation right now? It is the crown prince who is calling out for you. You have no choice but to come with me."

Saito let out a sigh and spoke out, "Listen… unlike you people, I don't work for the crown prince. If he wants to meet me, then he needs to come to me."

"Who do you think you are? You are saying that the crown prince needs to come to you? Are you an idiot? Do you not understand what will happen if you anger the crown prince?" He started to speak while staring at Saito as if he was some sort of an idiot.

Saito though replied to him, "If your Crown Prince will be angered by this, then he doesn't deserve to be the crown prince. Now scram before I break your bones and throw you away."

The man named Hugh Hurst couldn't believe just how lightly Saito was taking him. He was, after all, the top servant under the crown prince. Even though he wasn't as strong as the crown prince, there was no question about his ability.

He couldn't believe this weak hero was actually taking him so lightly. He takes a step forward and suddenly; he saw a blue flash in front of him and felt a strong punch on his chest.

He was forced on his knees by that punch. There was also a crackling sound of rupture of his ribs.

Saito spoke to him while holding his head tightly, "Listen well… I am kind enough to only break three of your rib bones. Go away before I crush them. I guarantee you wouldn't die, but you wouldn't be in a state of enjoying life either."

This time, the threat did work on Hugh Hurst, he took a deep breath and applied his magic on the wounded area to numb that part so that he could take on the pain.

He ran away from the place. He wanted to inform the crown prince about the brazenness that this hero Axel had shown him. It was unacceptable.

While Saito, Lyra, and Chloe entered the house. Saito suddenly turned towards them, "Looks like this is out of the way. We can relax for a couple of days without any issue now."

Chloe was curious and asked him, "What do you mean, Axel? Are you sure that the Crown Prince won't come?"

A smile on his face, "Yes, I am sure he won't come." There were strange confidence and excitement behind his smile.

After saying that, he went towards the room which was usually used by him and Lyra. Chloe and Lyra stood there in confusion. Lyra shrugged and decided not to think about it too deeply.


Meanwhile, within the Royal Palace. Hugh Hurst returned to the room of Prince Dante and informed him, "Your highness, that man had refused to come to the palace even when I informed him that your highness was the one calling out for him."

He was kneeling in front of the prince and raised his head to look at his face. He was astonished to see a faint smile present on the face of Crown Prince.

"What did he say in return, Hugh? Surely that's not all he said? If that's all he said then I admit, I am disappointed." He looked a little hopeful as he stared at Hugh.

Hugh thought for a moment before he replied, "He said that you will have to come to him if you want to ask him something."

"hahaha… how interesting." Suddenly starting to laugh as he heard Hugh. Hugh remained dumbfounded at the reason why Prince Dante seemed to be smiling.

"I am wondering Master Dante, why are you laughing? This man disrespected you." He asked, with his expression turning a little ugly. He could still feel the pain of his broken ribs.

"Hugh… Tell me, if he is the murderer of my brother, should he come here if I order him?" Dante asked a simple question.

"What do you mean master? If you think he murdered Prince Rai, then he should be killed the moment he entered the palace." He said without hesitation.

"There you have your answer. And what happens if Axel hasn't killed my brother? He shouldn't have a reason to deny me. Perhaps I was only looking for him to do a mission for me. Yet when you told him that I am calling out for him, he still denied and even asks me to come to him. Do you understand what this means?" Dante asks Hugh as his light expression slowly turned cold.

"He wanted to tell me that he is the one who killed my brother. Also, by calling me to him means he is confident enough to deal with me if I come to him even with numerous guards of the same power level as you."

Hugh had a headache as he couldn't understand how Prince Dante was able to deduce so much with just a few of his words. He asked Prince Dante, "Why did he want to tell you that he killed Prince Rai?"

"I don't know for sure, but I can guess that it must be so that I do not target Chloe. It seems like he is also knowledgeable and understood how we came to suspect them in the first place. He wants to tell me that the other two had nothing to do with it, and he alone was responsible for my brother's death." Dante said with a cold look in his eyes.

"You are dismissed, Hugh. I will deal with this matter myself." After saying that, he got up from his seat and moved towards his own room.


Meanwhile, Saito was practising with his sword right now in an empty field. It was hard to train alone with a sword, but he was just exercising his stances by going through them over 1000 times without magic.

After a stance had been used 1000 times, he would take a few breaths before switching onto the next posture. This was his way of building up his muscle memory. It was fortunate that when Axel used this body, he would use his sword a lot.

It helped Saito a lot since Iris had created precisely the same body. He had that developed muscle memory which helped him a lot.

After 3-4 hours, he stopped training and returned back to the house. The progress wasn't evident with just a day of training, he needed at least 2 weeks to get these stances down.

However, this worried him even more now. As he thought 'Should I wait for so long? The longer I wait, the stronger Naomi will become. I need to deal with her faster…'

He remembered the dungeon where she was last spotted and thought 'Looks like I need to push my plans forward. It won't work if I just keep running to gain strength and avoiding her. It's time to get a decisive clue of her location.'

Saito understood what he had to do now. He made his way back home and asked Chloe, "Chloe, can you ask for a mission near the Bloodfall Pits Dungeon. I urgently need to go there. The sooner, the better."

Giving him a nod, she replied back, "Alright… It's said that there are many Blood Crystals found near that area. I can take that mission. Wait here, I will come back in an hour."

She said before leaving the house. Lyra was left alone with Saito, and she asked him, "Why are we going there, Axel?"

Saito replied to her, "It's because that Demon Fox was last found at the Bloodfall Pits Dungeon.. We need to deal with her fast or else she will attack the Elf Kingdom before we even know about it."

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