Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 72 - Leader Of The Guards

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They had lost their loved ones. Someone who had done no wrong. They felt that it was wrong for someone to take their loved ones when they had not done anything wrong.

It was unfair to them!

Saito obviously understood those feelings and tried to speak out for himself, "It wasn't me! I was fighting against the guy who did this." Even though he said this, he knew that these people wouldn't believe him.

Some of them seemed to be paid to speak against him. The other people saw the logic in their words and supported them. He knew that this was an attempt to spread rumours about him.

Saito let out a chuckle. He just couldn't help it since he understood what the Crown Prince was trying to do. The people beneath him actually took his laugh as villainous and started to bash him.

"You bastard! You destroyed my house and my family, and you have the gal to laugh now!"

"I will kill you! Kill you!"

"You think you all can kill me? Alright… Give it a try! I promise I won't hurt you…. Too much." Saito said while opening his eyes and staring at them with a grave expression. He was earnest as he said that.

At this moment, Saito had two paths. One of them was to try and tell them about the truth. Request them to hear him out and take this matter to the public court where the Crown prince already controlled everything.

The other path was to flare up the crowd even more. Buy enough time for Saito's counter plan to start. He would still be summoned to the court where they will judge him. But the difference right now was that he wouldn't need to hold himself back within the court.

If he went along with the first option, he would have to obey the court. But with the second option, even after being seized by the court, he was pretty much free. He knew that being timid in such a situation was just being ruthless to oneself.

It was better to be forceful and just destroy them as they come at him. It may make the public hate him even more, but at the very least, he would be in control of the restrictions placed onto him.

The guards stared at him with a look of righteousness and shouted out, "Hey, you! Get down here and follow us to the Headquarters. You shall be judged according to the public court."

The people once again started to whisper, "He should be sentenced death."

"Right. Look at how many people he has killed. If not the death sentence then life imprisonment along with torture is also good enough."

As Saito heard their words, he had a tick mark on his face. He stared at them and spoke out loud, "I will say this once, I didn't destroy anything here. But since you all are so sure to accuse me of something I didn't do. Let me prove you right and actually destroy something."

He suddenly released a massive amount of power. He stared at the guards and said with a sneer, "Stop me if you can!"

The guards gritted their teeth. One of them whispered in the ear of the guy who seemed like their head, "Let him destroy… He will gain the hate of the public. Isn't that what Prince Dante wanted anyways?"

The head of these guards turned towards him and hit him on his head with a fierce look, "You idiot! Don't you understand what this guy wants to do? He is challenging us while destroying another part of the city. If he manages to do this, then the people would lose their trust in the Royal Family since the soldiers weren't able to stop him even after being present on the site."

"Previously, when the part of the city was destroyed, it was in our absence. Now that we are here, every single house destroyed would be due to our incapableness. Certainly, Axel would receive hatred from the public, but they won't let us off the hook as well." The guy explained in a low voice. He seemed to have deduced most of what Saito was planning to do.

However, even though he had deduced what Saito was planning to do. It was a different matter of being able to do anything about it. Saito was in a position where he could indeed do what he had set out to do.

The leader of these guards gritted his teeth as he stared at Saito, "Stop! What do you want us to do to make sure that you don't destroy any more houses?"

Saito gave him a feral grin, "Aww… You don't know? You should know better than that." After saying that, he stopped releasing the magic power and flew off.

The guards remained on the ground while one of them punched the wall in frustration. This was the perfect opportunity to catch him, but it was out of their hands now.

Even in the court, they wouldn't be able to do anything. Everything that was going to happen now would depend upon the next phase of Crown Prince's plan.

Saito managed to get away from his pursuers who were adamant on beating Saito and obtaining justice for their losses.


As Saito returned back home where Lyra and Chloe were waiting for him. As he stepped inside, he frowned as he noticed an unknown pair of shoes in the entrance.

He entered the house while holding a smile on his face. As he entered the living room, he noticed Lyra and Chloe standing in the middle of the room along with the appearance of an unknown man.

The man was exuding righteousness just by standing in the room. He was staring at Chloe with a disappointed look as he spoke out, "Chloe, why did you not appear at the dungeon where I was at? You should know that you would have saved a lot of lives there. Due to your absence, our causalities were around 200 people, and 400 of them are still injured."

The guy questioned her while speaking in a pleasant tone. He was indeed right if Chloe had been present there, then the rate of causalities would not be so many.

She had a frown on her face because she wasn't able to think of anything to say back. However, the man didn't stop at her and turned towards Lyra, "It is nice to meet a lovely lady miss…"

He expressed his desire for learning her name. Saito stepped forward at this moment, "Who are you?"

The guy in question turns towards Saito. Saito notices a trace of hatred within his eyes before it quickly disappeared, "Ah… I understand now. Axel has returned. Now I understand why you didn't appear to help us out. You wanted to be selfish and spend time with Axel, right?"

Chloe turns her head since this was the truth. This was one of the main reasons why she didn't leave for the dungeon to help them out.

Saito furrowed his eyebrow as he turns towards Chloe and curiously asks her, "Hey Chloe? Is this guy deaf? Can't he hear what I asked him? Is that why you aren't talking with him? Because it's useless to speak in front of a deaf person?"

The face of that guy changed to that of absolute fury for a split second. Chloe and Lyra didn't see it, but Saito did. He clicked his tongue and 'tsked' in his mind 'That was enough to rile you up. Looks like you are just a small fry.'

Letting out a light giggle, Chloe turned towards Saito and shook her head.

Giving an apparent disregard to what Saito had said, the guy once again turns towards Chloe and asks her, "What happened Chloe? Answer me… Is it because of him that you did not appear?"

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