Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 82 - King’s Decision

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Saito then decided that it was time to end it, "So, you mean to say that I, an innocent person caught in someone's schemes would need to sit in the prison restricting magic for 2 months? Isn't that a little too unfair?"

After taking a pause, he continued again, "And let me be blunt Elder Gaton. Even if I was willing to spend those 2 months within the prison. With your bullshit suggestion and investigation, I have trouble believing that you can catch any leads."

Elder Gaton along with the rest of the Elders were angered at how Saito was showing a blatant disregard for the council and speaking in such a manner. It seemed as though he wasn't planning to even put of the pretence of respecting them.

One of the elders who had remained silent until now spoke out, "You should choose your words more wisely boy! You are in the presence of the council of elders. You will only make things harder for yourself."

Saito snorted at his words and said, "Whatever. I wasn't finished talking with Elder Gaton, keep your old bones calm old man. I will soon switch to you."

The elder who had been talking to Saito was dumbfounded at how Saito replied to him. This boy actually didn't show any weakness even as he was told to restrain himself.

Saito though didn't care about these matters and continued to talk to Elder Gaton, "So, Elder Gaton, what is the guarantee that you would be able to catch the true perpetrator within two months? There is no guarantee that you wouldn't ask for more time or the fact that you would be able to catch them."

"You should just rest your old bones on that chair. Don't speak about investigating when you have no intention to do so." Saito finished speaking before he switched his target and looked at the elder who had interrupted him.

"Now, you said something about choosing my words more wisely. I am very curious. What can you do to me?" His words were laced with blatant threat that he dared to say because of the presence of Rita right beside him.

Rita slowly moved her hand closer to Saito's hand and held it gently. It was a clear show that she was standing with Saito in this matter. The Elder who had just been threatened was so dumbfounded that he couldn't say anything other than swallowing his anger.

The King who had stayed silent for so long finally spoke out, "Alright, calm down everyone. Do not engage in pointless arguments. Axel, even though your contributions towards the Kingdom have been endless, right now, there is no way to deny that you had a hand in the destruction of the southern part of the City of Zleka."

"This city is the most important city within this kingdom. The person responsible for the destruction within the city isn't supposed to go unpunished no matter the contributions he had to the Kingdom." As he finished saying that, the king paused for a second to see if Saito had any problems with him.

Saito stayed silent as well. Not because he was speechless and couldn't counter the king but because it would be a bad idea to counter him at this point. It was better to let him finish and make his decision before speaking ahead.

The King continued on as he heard no one speaking up against him, "However, it is also a fact that there is not enough evidence which states that Axel destroyed the southern part of the city of Zleka. He gains nothing from this which brings us to the issue that there was no motive for him to destroy that part of the city. Is there anyone who wishes to disagree with me?"

There was no one in the council who wished to disagree with the king. Of course, an elder felt like this was the time to gain the spotlight and spoke, "No, your majesty. Your wisdom is indeed as great as your title. Simply unfathomable."

Thinking nothing of the elder, all the other elders turned their gaze towards the King. They were curious to what the king will decide now that he has said this.

The king wasn't in a rush nor was he extremely slow. Every word he spoke seemed to be filled with a strange pressure that made the council give up their thoughts and just follow through his order.

"I have decided that Axel is to be monitored for the duration of a month by none other than my daughter, Rita Vermillion. She will be monitoring him and decide whether he is a threat to the kingdom or not." There was a slight smile on the aged face of the king as he saw his daughter smile smiling with glee.

She mouthed a thank you father before speaking in a serious tone, "I humbly accept this duty of monitoring my be- I mean Axel for the duration of a month."

She had a mischievous smile on her face as she nearly slipped up while saying it in a serious tone.

Many of the elders were dissatisfied with such a decision from the king. Elder Gaton stood up in shock and spoke out loud, "Your majesty. I most certainly respect your decision but it will be dangerous for the princess to accompany this beas… This guy. I suggest that we should ask a strong expert other than the princess to observe this guy."

It wasn't the king who answered him but Rita herself. She looked at him with a cold gaze that seemed to freeze his very bones, "Elder Gaton, the decision by my father has been made. And are you telling me that I am not an expert? Do you wish to challenge me with that statement? Other than a selected few individuals in this room, only I can have the strength and magic to take on Axel and kill him."

Saito wasn't worried when she mentioned killing him. She had just handed him another thing with which he could tease her.

The elders though grew fearful as they heard the princess. It seemed that in their arrogance, they had neglected one point. The strength of Saito. Even though they had experts stronger than princess Rita, it would be a waste to have them guarding a guy and remaining in the kingdom instead of going out and doing the missions.

Saito looked towards the Captain Akazawa and saw that he was really nervous. He seemed to be on the verge of collapsing. The council didn't go as he was told at all. He was asked almost nothing. It seemed as though his role was reduced to that of a mere escort.

All of that was due to the meddling by Saito. He heard a faint whisper within his ears, "Since you have not gone against me, I shall grant you the life which you are about to lose. However, do remember that after this incident, you can never appear in this city. You will live on as my servant for the rest of your life."

Akazawa wasn't taken aback even after he heard Saito. There was a sense of self ridicule on his face as he said slowly, "Do I have any choice left now? Very well, I will follow your words. If I am able to survive the assassination, I swear to be your servant for the rest of my life."

Saito had a smile on his face as he said, "Good. Looks like you are smart indeed. You are indeed worth the effort I placed in you."

He didn't say anything further on and started to return back together with Rita and Akazawa. After they were out of the council, Rita couldn't hold herself back and latched onto Saito's arm.

Akazawa remained tactful and behaved as if he didn't notice it at all.. If he would turn around to look at them, he would be met with the cold glare from Rita which seemed to drill a hole in his body.

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