Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 84 - Balancing His Desires And Future Plans

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After the experience during the night, Rita continued to sleep in the morning. It seemed like she wouldn't get up before the afternoon.

It was morning right now. Just 2 hours away from the afternoon. In the morning, his hand rested on Rita's buttocks as she snuggled together with him.

He didn't move his hand and he knew that Rita wouldn't care after the events of the last night. He though woke up with a serious look on his face. He had a vexed expression as he sighed 'I really need to go and move my plans forward. First, I guess I need to save that Akazawa.'

Since Akazawa was with general Willard. It would be impossible to have an assassin kill him while ignoring General Willard. General Willard would obviously be involved in the investigation and such a scene would catch the eyes of the king as well because it had occurred right after the yesterday events.

It would be easier to deal with Akazawa if he was alone. However, he knew that the Crown Prince wasn't going to do that. He moved towards the residence of General Willard in a hurry.

If he was right in his hypothesis then he needed to have a talk with Captain Akazawa quickly. As he thought of the Captain Akazawa, he unconsciously remembered his beautiful daughter and wife.

A dark thought emerged within his mind 'Why not let him die and enjoy those beauties? I am sure he would be happy to see his wife and daughter satisfied after his death. Kukukuku…'

As soon as the thought appeared in his mind. He steeled himself and thought 'NO… I will not be a slave to my desires! If he stays alive, it would be better for the plan. With his hell, I can move further without my direct involvement. Though leaving aside his wife, having his daughter wouldn't be so bad.'

Even though he had steeled his resolve to keep control over his desires. He knew that it was not going to be easy. If he kept control over his desires at all times without letting them loose then he was prone to losing concentration and his calm in any situation. There was a need to balance his desire and the plans about his future.

He couldn't fully lose himself within either of them. Just working on his plans while always keeping a control on himself would make him a tense man. He wouldn't be able to enjoy life. If he wasn't going to enjoy life then there was no point in planning ahead.

However, he also understood fully that there was no point in just immersing himself in sexual joys otherwise his future would be compromised. The balance was something which would let him enjoy life while moving towards his planned future.

He flew with his quickest speed towards the residence of the General Willard. His control over his magic was extremely precise, he didn't use any more magic than he was required so it would be hard to detect him using magic even more a hard sensor.

The first thing he did was move high up in altitude. He easily located Akazawa because he had left a left a trail of magic with him. It was extremely faint and if someone wasn't looking for it, it was completely impossible to find it.

He shot forwards with his full speed and entered the residence of General Willard very silently. Akazawa was already awake since he had dreamt about his own death for the whole night.

He was absolutely terrified that the first person who appeared after the door opens would be an assassin and kill him in cold blood.

Saito saw General Willard in his personal room. It seemed as though he was getting ready to leave for his post.

After some thought, Saito decided to call out for General Willard, "General Willard. It's me, Axel. Stay silent. I just wanted to inform you that I am taking Akazawa away. Do not act unnatural at all. Just continue to get ready as you were doing before."

Saito's voice reached the ears of General Willard. His voice was extremely familiar to the General so he was able to deduce that it was probably the truth. He didn't act unnaturally at all and continued to get ready.

Saito flew down towards the guest room where Akazawa was staying. He slowly spoke as his words appeared in the ears of Akazawa's ears, "Akazawa… stay silent and open the window. It's me, Axel!"

Hearing that it was Axel. Akazawa let out a breath of relief. He knew about the power of Axel, if he was here then there was no need to fear an assassin.

However, assassin was the least of his worries right now as he held over a piece of paper which had been delivered to this house of General Willard in the morning. It was addressed to Akazawa and the moment he opened the piece of paper to read it, he paled.

This was because what was written on it was a definite death. After Saito entered inside the guest room. He stared at the pale look on his face and studied him before asking, "What happened? Why are you so pale?"

Akazawa didn't speak anything and handed him the piece of paper. After reading it, Saito finally understood why Akazawa was so pale.

It was a mission for Akazawa to go to the Northern Wastelands past the forest and hunt a Storm Wolf. He would have to bring back the head of the Storm Wolf as proof. Even though it was a magical beast, Akazawa could still defeat it one on one. He was after all a captain within the Kingdom.

However, it was common knowledge that wolves were always in packs. If you were going to hunt a wolf, you would have to prepare enough resources and men to fight against a whole pack.

Even though the Akazawa held great abilities, he definitely wouldn't be able to deal with 3 or more wolves at once. However, it was clearly written on paper that he had to go alone.

Just from a glance, Saito could say that even if the order came from some elder or from council of elders. The last part was something which had been forcefully added, the proof was the last stroke for the word alone was a little different than the others.

However, it mattered little because even if Captain Akazawa brought it to light. The Elders would most probably deny anything to give face to the Crown Prince.

It was also possible that just when he enters the wasteland, he would be hunted by an assassin. There was just no need to even think of dealing the body since the wild animals would most likely eat it before it would rot.

It is also possible that he stationed a mercenary who would be there to verify whether Captain Akazawa really dies or not.

A cold smile made its way onto Saito's face as he thought 'A good scheme Crown Prince. A really good one.' Internally, he had a bit of appreciation for the crown prince because just a few words from him had caused Saito to think so deeply just to make sure he understood his scheme.

Saito looked at Captain Akazawa and said seriously, "You are certainly in quite a dangerous situation Captain Akazawa. The only way to get out of it would be death."

As soon as Saito finished speaking, Captain Akazawa left all hope to stay alive. He lowered his head and said, "I guess it can't be helped since I went against the Crown Prince. Even Sir Axel can't prevent my death."

Saito though grinned at that moment, "It's true that even I can't prevent your death but I can definitely give you a second chance at your life."

His words confused Captain Akazawa who blankly stared at him, "What do you mean Sir Axel?"

Saito's grin slowly vanished and there was an amused smile on his face, "Captain Akazawa… How interested are you in gambling? Gambling with your life on the line…"

Captain Akazawa grew a little fearful as he saw that amused smile.. The last time he had seen that smile on Saito's face, he was completely trapped in the short span of 2 hours.

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