Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 9 - Training

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There were many things that she didn't know about the world but it was expected by Saito. He was already thankful to her for providing him the basic information about this world. He could atleast plan out next what he should do.

Though it surprised him that the Demon Lords were about tens of times stronger than the Great Demon Kings. In fact, those were the weakest demon lords. There were also demon lords who were nearly hundreds of times stronger than the Great Demon Kings.

They were called the True Demon Lords!

Saito internally sighed 'This Hero Axel was definitely one of the weakest heroes within the human kingdom. If the heroes are supposed to be strong enough to deal with Demon Lord, then it's pretty pathetic that he couldn't even kill a Great Demon King.'

[Master, the Great Demon King that you encountered, in the beginning, seemed to have its power saturated. I believe it was already on the verge of becoming a Demon Lord.]

Saito was surprised to hear that 'I see… So, it was nearly on the same level as that of Demon Lords, huh. After a few days, I should leave for the Dwarf kingdom. It would be a good idea to equip myself with a weapon.'

Lyra was pretty tired after talking for so long, she went to sleep while Saito left the room deep in thought 'Iris, which type of weapon would fit me the best?'

Iris took a moment to respond [Master, a Longsword would fit you perfectly. A Longsword which lets you use different elements along with it would just be perfect.]

Saito nodded his head because he thought the same 'Besides, the swords look cool!'

For someone who liked anime or manga, this point was something many people could relate to. The swords were indeed cool! Especially the Japanese Style Katana.

Saito had practiced Kendo during his school time in his previous life.

When he thought of his previous life, he remembered that heroes were indidividuals who had been summoned from another world.

'Iris, Lyra said that there are heroes who are summoned from other world through the use of magic. Did I come here through the same way?'

Iris swiftly replied to Saito's doubts.

[Negative! Only your soul arrived here through a huge stroke of luck and me. If you were summoned from the other world, it would have been together with your body.]

Saito nodded his head as he came to understand the circumstances in which he arrived here 'Well, I guess however way I arrived. It was still pretty good.'

After all, this fantasy world was rather interesting. The utilities of magic were impressive.

Saito thought for a moment and asked Iris 'Design a training regimen for me to increase my physical capabilities and my magic reserves at the same time.'

Iris did just that and considered infinite possibilities before speaking [Start with 1000 pushups, 1000 sit ups without a break. Then run in a circle of an area about 50 Mile in radius. Take about 200 rounds without a break…]

[After this task, meditate for 10 minutes and calm down both your body and mind before 100 rounds of a circle about 10 mile in radius while carrying a tree onto the back without using any magic.]

[Meditate for an hour and rest your body and spirit.]

[After this, move to an open area and control every magic of yours until your magic reserve is completely depleted. Continue this for about 2 weeks. I shall change the training regimen according to the improvements made during these two weeks.]

Saito heard the entire training plan and sweat-dropped 'You want to kill me, right? Are you mad at me about something? There is no way I can do all of this and remain alive.'

[Negative! I specifically chose this training regimen which would allow you to overcome your body's limits and also let you remain alive.]

Saito had a neutral face on 'Very well then. Tell me, how strong would I be after these 2 weeks?'

[You would gain enough strength to easily deal with a Great Demon King.]

Those were all the words he needed to hear before he got to start his hard training.


They didn't even realize when the two weeks went past them. Saito wasn't the only one who trained hard for these two weeks. He organized a training regimen for both Lyra and Reus as well as for his Wolves.

Joergen was given the hardest training and tasks among the wolves. Saito wanted it to be the strongest among the pets. In fact, Joergen himself wanted to be the strongest among the pets, so he trained extra hard.

Lyra had also began to teach Nature magic to Saito. She was slightly surprised at his learning speed.

He was using Nature Magic as naturally as an Elf. In fact, even she couldn't use Nature Magic so casually.

Her surprise was only natural since she didn't know of Iris's presence.

If Saito wanted to use a spell, he merely needed to think of an image of how he wanted to use it, and Iris would automatically activate it.

When Saito's body was used to it, he could begin to consciously activate that spell.

Saito could now control trees and leaves fallen on the ground and create new tress through his magic.

He could shape the trees into whatever he wanted. To improve his control over the Nature Element, he would make different beasts and try to control multiple beasts made of elements at the same time.

After he accomplished it, he thought 'Do I really need a weapon now if I can just do this. Damn… This is gonna be amazing if I use it in a fight. I will just chill around after leaving these beasts at him.'

He asked Iris 'So, what's my current power level, Iris.'

He was curious about it because he had trained hard in these weak, trained until every cell of his body was tired.

He wanted to know the result of this hard-ass training. Whether it was even helpful or not…

[Master, your physical strength is about 3 times stronger than before. I anticipated a huge rise in physical strength, but this is well beyond the expected data. Perhaps it's because you kept on pushing your body to your limit everyday.]

[Your speed is very fast now. At your full speed, while using the Purple Lightning to boost your speed, your speed can reach up to Joergen's speed which is rather impressive.]

[Your magic is about twice the amount of before and is 5 times denser as compared to before. It's a great change making you use more of your magic and making your attacks stronger. At your current level, you can easily beat a Demon King or a weak Great Demon King and hold your own against a Demon Lord.]

Saito thought for a few moments 'This seems pretty amazing, Iris. Thanks for the analysis.'

Suddenly, he felt a great tremor coming from the earth. He was startled by such strong power and instinctively used his Nature magic to cover all of them in a huge dome made out of wood.

'Iris, what is this great disturbance that I am feeling.' He quickly asked Iris who had to take a moment to analyze what was going on.

[Master, it seems that Tens of Thousands of Lizardmen are heading this way. You must leave this place quickly, at the speed at which they are running. They only need about 10 minutes before reaching this place.]

Saito though didn't have any intention of running away, he asked Iris in a calm and confident thought 'From which direction are they coming?'

[From the South. You must be ready, Master.]

'I was born ready!' Saito thought this before he opened up the dome from above and created a wood platform beneath their feet to raise the platform for Lyra, Reus, and all the five Wolves by using his Nature Magic.

Lyra questioned Saito with a worried face, "What is happening, master? I think we should get out of here! I feel that something bad is approaching."

Saito though chuckled at her worried expression and replied, "You both always wondered how strong I was, right? Very well then, today I shall show you a glimpse of my complete strength."

Today, he was in the mood to show off his power! He had trained hard to gain it and was itching to use it!

He went down on the ground and called out, "Joergen! Come down. Let's give them a show to enjoy!"

They waited for some time before the lizardmen were visible. Saito looked at Joergen and said, "I know you have trained both your Shadow and Lightning elements. Use everything you can."

Joergen nodded his head, he was also very excited because these days, he hadn't had a chance to use his complete strength other than fight against the fellow wolves.

He could finally let go of the constraint and his whole strength. Saito readied his body in a posture, Purple lightning crackling around one hand and the other had the Crimson Flames looking equally destructive.


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