Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 95 - Reunion

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Saito pointed his wrist at the other guy who had hit his head. Dark web shot out from his wrist as it stuck with his body. Saito strongly pulled the web string and made him drag towards himself.

The guy was dragged as his bare face and arms rubbed against the rough ground. The skin on his face and arms tore apart as he was dragged by Saito.

He was being extremely brutal towards this guy. There was nothing the other guy could do other than glare at Saito with extreme hatred.

Saito thought didn't give a fuck about him. He started speaking to Kailyn and Gloria, "Alright, hold me tightly. We are going to fly over the wall. We are going to be flying pretty high so if you don't want to die then hold me as if your life depends on it."

He used his other hand to let out a web string which stuck to the body of the other guy. The dark web string seemed especially strong.

He signalled them to do it quickly. Gloria was hesitant to do that since she was still a pretty maiden. However, Kailyn didn't hesitate to move forward and tightly held his arm.

Noticing that Gloria wasn't moving, Kailyn said in a compelling voice, "There is no need time to hesitate Gloria. Let it be a lesson. You must do anything for your family and survival."

Since her mother had spoken. Gloria moved forwards and tightly held his arm. Saito spoke before taking off, "Well, here we go!"

He shot in the air at an incredibly speed. As usual, Saito masked himself with the illusion. The web strings were stretched at their maximum before they were pulled in the air along with Saito.

Saito's speed suddenly slowed because of the extra weight but he managed to carry forward by consuming more of his magic. As Saito passed over the wall easily, the two guys who were hanging on the thin dark web strings hit the large wall. Saito felt the obstruction but he applied even more force and let them be dragged along the wall before they crossed it.

Someone would probably notice the two small red lines formed on the wall with blood. Saito looked around and finally saw Joergen along with Emma sleeping right now.

They looked incredibly peaceful right now. Saito sent a mental message to both Joergen and Emma 'Wake up, both of you! I have a task for you both. You have to come along with me.'

Joergen and Emma were instantly awake. This was one of the attributes of the beasts, no matter the place, no matter the situation, they could instantly get out from their sleep and act with complete efficiency.

Till the time Saito descended. Joergen and Emma were both awake and looking in their direction.

As Saito descended, he dragged the two men along the ground showing no mercy to the two of them. At this time, Gloria opened her eyes and looked down.

The great altitude startled her as her hold over his arm suddenly weakened. His arm slipped out of her hands as she started to fall towards the ground.

Saito and Kailyn's eyes widened in horror and both of them spoke out simultaneously, "Idiot/ Noooooooo."

But all was not lost, Saito quickly instructed Joergen through their mental link 'Joergen, save her quickly. My hands are occupied right now.'

He received a quick response from his partner, "As you wish master!"

At the speed at which Gloria was falling, it would hurt her badly if Joergen suddenly appeared underneath her. Joergen seemed aware of that and his eyes flashed with a blue light, "Water Bed! Magic Walls!"

Under Gloria's position, a large amount of water was created which was placed within the great magic walls of Joergen. She fell down in the water bed. Bubbles formed as some water entered her lungs through her mouth and nose.

As her speed slowly down, Joergen appeared underneath her and dispersed the Water Bed. The Water Bed quickly dispersed away without the Magic Walls holding it in one place.

Gloria started to cough out the water from her lungs. Saito slowly landed on the ground at the same time as Joergen.

Kailyn quickly released her hold over Saito's arm and went over to check up on her daughter who was coughing water.

Saito turned towards Joergen and Emma with a gentle gaze. It had been some time before he had met up with the two of them.

The two beasts were the same. Joergen didn't open his mouth in front of these strangers and asked through the mental link 'Who are these humans, master? I have never seen them.'

Saito replied to him through the mental link 'The women are our new allies. While these two men are the people of the Crown Prince. Don't worry, I have great plans for the two of them. Kukukuku…'

The Saito went forward and pulled out the Dark Web which covered the mouth of both of them. It seemed their endurance was rather high. They were still conscious after all that.

Saito was really happy with the fact that they were conscious. Now he wouldn't have to heal them and then wake them up.

The first voice that came out from their mouths were painful groans. Despite their painful groans, there was no trace of mercy on Saito's face.

Though there was a trace of pity on his face because of what he had planned for the two of them in the future.

He looked towards Kailyn, "Alright, get on Joergen. We are taking off at this instant."

Gloria looked at Saito and pointed at the two men, "What about them?"

Saito calmly answered her, "You don't need to worry about them." He turned towards Kailyn, "Be quick."

Gloria though remained stubborn and said, "Aren't you being a bit too cruel to them? I think they have learnt their lesson by now."

Saito stared at her with somewhat surprised expression, "Are you really taking pity on their condition? You think this is being cruel to them? Wait until we take off…"

Gloria had an aura of righteousness as she said, "Aren't you Hero Axel? You should have mercy when it is due. These two have lost so much of the blood and are so injured. If you are thinking of taking them along to interrogate them then I am sure that they would cooperate."

The two men who were painfully groaning were obviously concentrated on the conversation. They found the moment in which they could speak. The guy named Lane let out a painful groan as he spoke, "Ahhhhhh… It is so painful… Please make the pain stop… I will tell you everything… I will tell you everything about Crown Prince's plan."

The other guy also found his opportunity, "Ahhhhh…. You bastard Lane. How can you do this? You are betraying the crown prince? AHhhh… No matter the pain… Just endure it… Die rather than betray the Crown Prince."

Now at this moment, Lane was going to speak again but Saito interrupted them with his claps. He looked at Gloria and said, "See… That's what real loyalty is. Death rather than betrayal. If he betrays his lord right now, then he would be able to live but it would be a living the life with an ashamed feeling. He would never be able to look at himself again. I am just saving him from that feeling and giving him eternal peace."

Saito had actually blabbered all that with a righteous expression. Both Kailyn and Gloria were actually thinking deeply about his words.

Before they could start considering his words, Lane suddenly let out a painful shout, "AHHH… IT'S TOO PAINFUL! Please… just please… heal me… I will tell you everything… I am just a coward… I do not want to die here…"

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